One way afterburner

The arrival of Barghest's additional forces aggravated the situation. Two

cars, each with two to four people, plus you have to add the remnants from the minivan where Bennett is sitting,

and he himself costs at least three, or even four fighters. And there are only five people on

my side, and even then in two cars. Qualitatively, Barghest's fighters

were surpassed only by me with my penguins, and Falco and Rebecca, although not

the worst solos, still do not

reach the level of Colonel Hansen's fighters.But there is no particular way out. Under no circumstances should they be given

a chance to leave."Manfredi, give me the cartridges. I'm empty." He stretched out his hand

with the empty magazines back."Hold the skipper. There's only one loaded magazine. There's a

couple of packs of ammunition." Manfredi handed me the magazine.-Shit. Then let's load them, but before that, hand me

one of your cannons.Manfredi gave me a submachine gun and three magazines. And

this was done just in time, as Barghest's reinforcements had approached

enough to open fire.The bullets began to hit our car and Falco, this forced us

to slow down a little so as not to expose the vulnerable areas of the car to

enemy bullets. Barghest's drivers took advantage of this and began to wrap themselves around us from

both sides as if with pincers. And then they tried to ram us so that we,

our car, and Falco's car crashed into each other.-Private! Falco! At my command, you

sharply slow down!" I gave the command, and I grabbed the assault

rifle as tightly as possible.The first blow. The second blow. When the Baregsts tried to

hit us for the third time, I screamed loudly, completely forgetting that I had not cut off

the intercom and my scream was like an explosion in a closed room.-Right away! A loud screech of tires, and then an unpleasant grinding of

metal, indicated that my stunt worked, and the Barghest drivers did not have time

to react and crashed into each other.Without wasting a second, I jerked out of the car window and

opened fire on enemy vehicles, aiming at the wheels and the driver's seat. The bullets that

hit the wheels did their job, turning the sturdy tires on the wheels into

pathetic scraps of rubber. But the shots at the drivers were not so

effective, the experienced drivers immediately bent down when they heard the shots behind

their backs.I abruptly released my assault rifle and took a submachine gun,

only now my targets were the shooters, who quickly came to their senses

and began to climb out of the car windows. I didn't have much time to aim and

sort targets by priority, so I just fired the entire magazine with

smart bullets in the hope that at least a couple of enemy shooters could be

neutralized.While I was busy with the gunners, Falco jerked

up to the side of one of the enemy cars. Rolling down the window, he fired a whole magazine from

his pistol. This was enough for the enemy shooter in the

front seat to fall half out of the window. But with his dead carcass, he

shielded the driver and thereby prevented Falco from taking him out of the pistol. And then

the other passengers began to shoot at Falco, and everything could have ended very

shitty if the shotgun in Rebecca's hands had not said its word.She abruptly opened the side door and, without much aiming, began firing

a freak Carnage shotgun from Budget Arms. After each shot, the

barrel of the shotgun threw higher and higher, until after the fourth, it simply flew

out of Rebecca's hands, weakened by horse recoil.

The cheap shotgun shattered to pieces like Lego when it fell under the wheels of Falco's minivan.- Nope! My shotgun!!! - Rebecca shouted loudly,

who completely forgot about the buzzing hands after shooting and took out two pistols

from which she began to fire a hurricane. - Die,! Die! Bitch!This was the last straw for Barghest's car. At first

, a huge amount of shot, and then a slightly smaller, but still deadly stream

of bullets did its job. The driver, screaming, fell on the steering wheel, and the passengers inside were

injured or trying to hide from the wrath of the enraged dream of a pedophile. So a few seconds later


the car that lost control crashed into the trailer of the truck that was driving in front of them."Good job, evil Pokémon!" Laughing loudly, he climbed

out of the car window and began to finish off the last Barghest car.Smart bullets could not easily penetrate the strong armor of enemies,

but if there are a lot of them and there is an opportunity to mark vulnerable points, then everything

becomes much easier. One almost magazine later and no one shoots from the windows of the

enemy car, and when the Private, accelerating, caught up with the driver, I

finished him off."Private, Falco. Now it's our turn to take the enemy in pincers.

We're overtaking on the side..." - but the appearance of new enemy forces did not allow me to finish.From the side entrances, two Bratsk trucks

appeared with cargo containers in which a bunch of Barghest militants were sitting. Opening the side hatches, they

began to pour fire on us. And then a few more freaks on

bikes were added to them, which circled around us like sharks, giving us no room for maneuver.- Damn it! Where did so many of them come from! What are we going to do, Skipper? -

cursed the Private, who had to wobble the vehicles that the enemy could not calmly

take aim.- Damn it's praying. - With a mixture of sadness and anger, I expressed

the only thought that was in my head and began to shoot back without much

hope of success.No matter how hard Falco and Private tried, the Barghest

fighters eventually managed to squeeze our vehicles in a fire bag.I had already mentally prepared myself for the fact that the attempt to save

Yerinobu was doomed to failure when the cavalry arrived.A police drone emerged from somewhere to the side and opened fire with

its machine gun, silencing the enemy riflemen. Then it flew over

our heads and, dropping its cargo, returned to suppress the Barghests with fire.I had to climb under the bullets for the dropped cargo. Several

bullets hit him unpleasantly on the back when I finished dragging him inside.- Equip! - Ignoring the pain in my back, I

begin to gut one of the containers.Inside there was the most common armor made by Militech, an

Ajax assault rifle with magazines and several grenades. It seems that the Blue-Eyed One either

robbed the Militech warehouse or bought ready-made kits in the first online

store he came across.-Ready! Manfredi patted him on the shoulder, announcing that he was ready

for battle.- We are working on the count of three. Time... Two... Three! He climbs out of

the side window, and I climb out of the upper hatch, and we start shooting at the Barghests.The drone did a good job and was able to knock out a large

number of enemies, but the most important thing was that it was able to prevent the minivan from

Yerinobu from leaving. I was already hoping that now we could just sweep everyone away, but a shell was fired at the

drone from an underbarrel grenade launcher. The drone survived and did not fall apart, even though it lost the

machine gun.-Deuce. Manfredi, don't let them raise their heads. Private, close the distance with the

truck. I'm going to jump. When I'm done with the truck, you and

Manfredi should break through to the minivan and stop it. Falco's support on you

. It makes sense? – began to stuff additional

magazines and a couple of grenades into the outer pockets of his bulletproof vest.-I got it.-Took.-Ok.Having received confirmation from everyone of the plan,

I began to wait for the moment when the distance between the truck and our jeep was reduced enough to

jump."I hope it's not one-way." Phew. He muttered aloud, and then

opened the door and used it as a shield to prepare to jump.When there are only a few meters left between the cars and a little more

, the truck driver can jerk the truck to the side and smash

me into a thin bloody paste with his body, I jumped.I was almost able to catch on to one of the recesses on the roof of the truck,

but a sharp jerk did not allow me to grip tighter, and I almost fell under the wheels of the

car. It was lucky that the hatch from which Barghest wanted to open fire opened.

Grabbing it with one hand, and with the other pointing the barrel directly inside, the Ajax began

to shoot indiscriminately until the magazine was empty.I let the Ajax out of my hands, let it hang on the belt, and

then climbed onto the roof of the truck. I take a grenade out of my pouch and, balancing on the

roof of the truck rushing at high speed, go to a small ventilation hole.

I kneel down and with a couple of blows of the butt drive it inside, and a grenade without a pin flies almost

behind it. The people inside did not pay attention or simply did not

have time, so after a few seconds I hear a loud bang and screams of the dying.Having finished with the passengers, I went to the driver, who, noticing

me, tried to throw me off, but the distance between us was not so great. I had already

reached him and wanted to force him to ram another truck, he braked.

Only a strong grip on one of the side handles saved me.The driver took out a gun and wanted to shoot me, but my

body, which received a huge dose of adrenaline after I was almost

smeared on the asphalt, reacted instantly. A short burst and the driver's head

breaks like an overripe watermelon.- Damn it! - I cursed, realizing that I was not only lagging behind the others

, but also lost a driver, who could not only be forced to drive a car,

but also knocked out information.-Private! Falco! Continue the pursuit. I'll try to join

you as soon as possible." He switched the communication channel, "Blue-Eyed.

I need wheels. Fast and with a mad driver."He's on his way. I hope you like it. By the way, he

can see you already!" Blue Eyes replied with a chuckle, and I turned my head and saw

a sports car rushing in my direction and shining its headlights.The sports car stopped

next to me, screeching and almost sparkling, and when the door opened, I saw Riko.-You will?! Rico, just don't fucking tell me that you stole a car from

some major and now we are waiting for a showdown not only with Barghest, but also with

the security of the owner of the car. - I asked and climbed inside.-No. It's Eye's car. When my car turned into

a pile of junk, he gave up the access codes to his nearest car. Now buckle up.

The car is a beast! Roaring the engine so that I thought the engineers had crammed

the engine from Riko's jet inside, I drove the car in pursuit.It was the shittest driving experience of my life. Rico drove at

top speed and only his lame and reaction speed saved him from

a collision. The car was thrown from side to side, but the speed did not get used to it. I

clenched my teeth tighter and sometimes closed my eyes and fiddled with my seat belts. And Rico

only had fun and received a killer dose of the hormone of happiness.-Skipper! I can see them!" Rico pointed his finger forward, where Private

and Falco tried to fight their way to the minivan, but the remaining truck did not give them a chance, significantly increasing the

gap from the target.But the worst thing was that they were approaching one of

the smuggling routes. If the minivan managed to get to it, the security system would be

activated and a series of explosions would seal the entrance, cutting off the pursuers.-Rico! Ram the minivan! Don't let him get to the

entrance!-Eat! Hold on, skipper!- Fuck, fuck, fuck!Our sports car slipped between ours and

the enemy truck like a snake and there were only a few meters left to the minivan.-Stay!-!With a loud shout and obscenities, our car crashed into the minivan

and threw it into the wall. Both cars turned over after the impact, the minivan fell

on its side, and we were overturned several more times until it stopped

on wheels not only due to a miracle."Skipper, how are you?" Rico cleared his throat.-Sucks. You will? I shake my head in a vain attempt to soothe the pain.

-That's all right. The straps here are good. And the body is made wisely.

-Aha. If not for that, the number of connoisseurs of fast and

expensive driving would have been swept away in a couple of years. Okay, let's get out. We need to

get Yerinobu and deal with the kidnappers.Grunting as if old grandfathers, we got out of the car. Despite

the dizziness and tremor of our hands, we walked in combat formation in the direction of the minivan.When there were a few meters between us, the door

on the driver's side opened and Chester Bennet himself fell out of it.He vomited and began to shake his head at the same time, looking for something

on his belt. But the blow of the assault rifle butt made him fall face down to

the ground first. And another blow sent him into a deep sleep.- Rico, you are insuring. - He took out a stun grenade and, tearing

out the pin, threw it inside the minivan.It may seem like it's unnecessary, but there are two dangerous

netrunners inside, and taking risks in the hope that they're both passed out is a stupidity that could

cost me my life.After waiting for a loud bang and flash, I opened the back door.

The first thing I saw was Kiwi, who was lying unconscious, and her side was bandaged with a bandage

that was already soaked in blood. Lucy was sitting next to her on top of Yerinobu, shaking

her blood-stained head, trying to come to her senses.A kick to the head throws Lucy aside, and then another

blow sends her into a deep knockout. I go up to Yerinobu and check on his

condition. Feeling my pulse and seeing how my chest rises measuredly, I exhale, as if a whole mountain has fallen from

my shoulders."Our skipper is almost here, I think they knocked out Barghest's truck

." Rico shouted outside. "How is it?"- Everything is fine. Two and one sleeping prince. Let's call

our guys and at the same time Arasaka's aerodyne. - I pulled Yerinobu out of the car and lit a cigarette,

I no longer had the strength to drag two more.-Phew. What a wonderful day." He muttered, looking at the cars of various levels of crumple gathering dust

in our direction. "Mad Max and the Fast and the Furious. Two in

one is your mother.The shittest is over. Now the fun begins.
