Mari: No way! Renard is a part of the squad? This is bad...
Mario: I don't mean to be the "smart guy'', but are you telling me you weren't sent a list of the members of your squad?
Mari: He wasn't in the list when I checked!
Jolie: A last-minute addition, sir?
Mari: I think so, and can we please stop the "sir" stuff? I really don't like it.
Jolie: Okay, Mari.
Yash yells out in anger.
Yash: Don't just say it casually! Call it like a legend's name!
Mari: We're gonna have to go earlier than planned. How about tonight?
Humberto: I'd prefer if we went earlier, but okay.
Mario: This Renard guy sounds like trouble.
Mari: He's a CIT, O. Address him with respect.
Mario: Yeah, yeah.
Mari: Now that that's settled, let's introduce ourselves. I'll start. I'm Mari, CIT, age: 16, been a hunter for a year and six months. My attribute is lightning. Who wants to go next?
Yash: Me!
Yash begins to talk super fast.
Yash: It's an honour to be in the same room with a legend. My name is Yash, but you can call me Mari junior. I'm a junior hunter. Age: 20. My favorite book is "Cute Lightning: Story of a Legend." I like what legend Mari likes, and I hate what he hates. My attribute is lightning.
Mario: No two individuals can have the same attribute.
Yash: Prove it.
Humberto: That book you mentioned... It's a "biography" of Mari written by class 1 hunter, Jim Jim.
Yash: So?
Humberto: Jim Jim has never seen Mari! I can't believe that's even in a hunter library.
Yash: You don't have to see greatness to know all about it.
Mari: Next, please.
Humberto: I'm Humberto. Junior hunter, aged 19, rather not share my attribute, and I'm super scared of dying.
Yash: Haha. Very funny.
Humberto: I mean it, but never mind.
Mari: That leaves you two.
Mari points at Jolie and Mario.
Jolie: I'm Jolie. A junior hunter and the sister of "Mari junior." That's it.
Mari: Your turn, O.
Mario: (in a cold tone) I'll pass.
Mario walks out the door.
Yash: What's up with him?
Mari: Let's just say he doesn't do too well with people.
Mario goes out to the balcony and stares at the high-rise buildings in the city, as thoughts begin to cloud his mind.
Mario: Wow, Mario. Wow. I thought being the hunter without kado wouldn't bother you. Turns out, even the junior hunters have an attribute. The others have probably slain at least a dozen rarities Rarities? Mari must have influenced me more than I thought. My greatest achievement is cutting off the limb of a demon who let his guard down. I'm sure my heart is burdened by all this, but why do I feel like crying? I just feel really sad.
Tears begin to flow down his cheeks.
Mario: I see... This gathering here... it's the closest thing to family I've had since Kelly... That's why I'm sad. The most tragic death in history... what a goal to achieve. In the real sense, the death of any of the others might be deemed more tragic than that of someone who has little or nothing to lose. They have families who are probably waiting for them to return home without knowledge of how dangerous the actual work they do is. I'll just have to contribute my best for the team... the team? I've been a loner for the most part of my short life and now I'm suddenly trying to be a team player. I've changed, haven't I? It's him. Mari is changing me. Everything is suddenly beginning to get better for me.
Mario wipes his tears and smiles.
Mario: A stroke of luck? Well, it's about time.
Mario looks at the sky.
Mario: The sun will set soon. I should get back inside.
Mario finds his way back into the team's room. Yash, Humberto, and Jolie are sleeping in their bedrooms, and Mari is making preparations for the mission in the living room. Mario walks up to him.
Mari: Finally decided to join us?
Mario: I'm sorry for leaving like that.
Mari's eyes widen in surprise as he begins to laugh uncontrollably.
Mario: What's the big idea?
Mari: You actually just apologized.
Mario: Tch. Forget it.
Mari: You wish.
Mario: I thought this mission was supposed to be easy.
Mari: It is.
Mario: The amount of preparation you're putting in... we're not supposed to engage.
Mari: I know. However, the difference between an easy mission and a fierce one could be as thin as one more presence.
Mario: Presence?
Mari: Yeah. A rarity as strong as a captain.
Mario's facial expression changes to depict anxiety, but then Mari chuckles.
Mari: Don't worry. It's highly unlikely. Besides, with the kind of hunters we have in the team, we'll be out of there before anyone notices.
Mario: I'm sure you've thought this through, but how are we supposed to sneak in unnoticed? I doubt there's a secret tunnel like at Iceberg. You're a CIT and all, but no matter how good we are, we're still a team mainly comprised of junior hunters. Truthfully, I don't think I can avoid being spotted.
Mari: It's Ruhe day. We just have to avoid the traps and we'll be fine.
Mario: Ruhe day? What's that? Some kind of holiday? Never heard of it.
Mari: It's an event celebrated amongst the group. It's a day of peace. They all resolve to abstain from violence. It's sacred to them, and so they observe it no matter what. I didn't just pick today coincidentally. I thought hard about it.
Mario: If that's true, then... the military could take advantage of this. It's not ideally noble, but still. It's almost guaranteed that they'll all be in one place.
Mari: The military doesn't know about this, O.
Mario: Why not? DDI knows. We should tell them.
Mari: No, we shouldn't. It's against our code. We don't meddle with stuff like this. We deal solely with the abnormal—what some would call "supernatural." Sure, you can help an old lady get back her purse from a purse snatcher on the street, but we do not eliminate terror groups. That's the royal house's problem. Besides, if the political will was there, wiping out a couple of armed men on an island with the red crossing law shouldn't and wouldn't be a problem. That said, Renard is probably wrapping up the mission right about now. Any other questions?
Mario: It's unacceptable!
Mario tightens his fist as Mari stares at him.
Mario: With policies like this, lives which could have been saved would be lost.
Mari: True, but rules are rules. There are reasons for such policies. DDI does not and will not involve itself in politics. Got a problem with that? Feel free to talk to the Captains' council.
Mario: Renard... You seemed really shocked earlier.
Mari: You're awfully inquisitive today. Renard and I have history. That's all I can tell you for now. How about I ask you my own question?
Mario: You can ask me anything.
Mari: Is that right?...
Mari squints his eyes.
Mario: What?
Mari: I'm trying to figure you out. I had concluded that you're prone to constant mood swings, but apparently that's not entirely it.
Mario: What do you mean?
Mari: It's only a hunch. Although, it doesn't make sense just yet. Oh, could it be that you change character like a chameleon changes colours?
Mario: You must be out of your mind!
Mari: I'm your superior.
Mario: My bad. You must be out of your mind, sir!
Mari: I suppose it does sound stupid...
Mario: It doesn't "sound" stupid. It is stupid!
Yash, Humberto, and Jolie all walk to the living room and stand at attention. Mario is visibly confused.
Mario: What does this mean?
Mari: It's time.
Mario: Time?
Mari: Just get in line. I hope you're a quick learner, because you have a lot to learn.
Mario attempts to emulate the others.
Mari: We really need a hunter academy. Don't worry, O. You'll get there. Toro's products always find this part difficult. Alright, team. Operation north sweep is a go.
Jolie, Yash, and Humberto: Roger!