The two CITs are still caught up in fighting. Mari's clothes are a bit rippled, while Renard's remain quite the opposite. They both pause for a moment, and Mari begins to breathe heavily.
Mari: Why are you doing this? What's this really about?
Renard: You still don't know? Well, that's very unfortunate.
Mari then gets an idea, prompting him to begin talking to himself.
Mari: You want a fight, right? I'll feed your ego just this once.
Renard: Caught in a trance, Mari? Unfortunately for you, I'm not gonna give you room to finish daydreaming!
Renard creates a hurricane and sends it toward Mari. Mari smiles beneath his mask and patiently waits for the hurricane to hit him, intending to fake a fall. A few seconds before the potential impact, the raging hurricane suddenly disappears. Mari is dumbfounded as Renard begins to laugh once more.
Renard: You didn't actually think I'd be stupid enough to fall for that trick, did you? Trying to feint a fall just so this fight can end. I'd advise you to get serious and fight me like lives depend on it... because they pretty much do.
Meanwhile, Mario is still caught up in the dilemma of rescuing the others. Mundo stares at him keenly, awaiting his decision.
Mario: What's my guarantee that you'll keep your word?
Mundo: You don't have one. However, in good faith, I must let you know that to get out of this maze, you must let the pine trees guide you. Each and every awkwardly bent pine tree is a pointer to the way out. That said, don't tell me you're too weak to make the choice.
Mario: Of course I'm not!
Mario begins to think hard.
Mario: This should be easy. I'll just choose the Mari fanboy. He does have a sister to return to, after all. That's the right cho—
A memory flashes into Mario's mind: "I'm Humberto, aged 19, junior hunter. I'd rather not share my attribute and I'm super scared of dying." This memory sparks an internal battle as his pondering continues.
Mario: Why? Why did I remember that now? Who knows how many friends and loved ones are waiting for his return?... Do I really have the right to choose their fate?
Mundo soon begins to lose his patience.
Mundo: I thought so. Apparently, you don't have the guts to do it. However, I'm ready to compromise and give you a third option. I mean, I am benevolent after all.
Mundo smiles as Mario's face displays his interest.
Mundo: Option three: Fight me and defeat me within the span of thirty minutes, or they both die. Plus, you'll follow shortly after—or even before—they die. It all depends on you.
Mario: I see. What's option two then?
Mundo: Isn't that obvious? Option two: Walk away and save yourself from all of this.
Mario: That so?
Mundo: Don't try to play hero. You only have one arm. I can already see from where I stand that you're neither strong nor quick, and I doubt that you're extremely smart.
Mario: You're right. I am one thing, however.
Mundo: And what might that be?
Mario: I'm extremely stupid.
Mario points his sword at Mundo.
Mundo: I had high hopes for you, but oh well.
The ropes drag Humberto and Yash off the ground, suspending them in the air and causing Mario to become concerned.
Mundo: Don't worry. They won't start choking until the time limit for this fight elapses. However, when that time expires, it will be almost instantaneous.
Mundo gives a malicious smile.
Mundo: Told ya it was a special rope. Let's dance, one-armed hunter.
Mario begins to run, following the direction pointed by the pine tree. A surprised and dumbfounded Mundo grows frustrated and begins to yell.
Mundo: Oh, come on! You won't even make this fun? What happened to dying with honour? I miss Czic. He fought and screamed until his last breath. Oh well, I guess I have to chase you. Nah, I'll just jog.
In a few minutes, Mundo overtakes Mario and stands in front of him.
Mundo: Surprise, surprise! Did you miss me?
Mario immediately turns in the opposite direction and begins to run back to his previous location.
Mundo's face shifts to show awe, frustration, and disappointment.
Mundo: Eh? Forget about dishonour. Now, this is just utterly shameful.
Mundo follows Mario and soon finds him back where he started running, catching his breath.
Mundo: Are you ready to face me like a true hunter?
Mario: I think I am.
Mundo: You better be. Only twenty-five minutes remain before your friends face execution.
Mario: You talk too much.
Mundo begins to boil over, sweating and stuttering.
Mundo: Wha— you... what did you just say to me?
Mundo charges at Mario, who repels the attack but is pushed back by the force. Mundo continues pounding on a defensively poised Mario. While Mario defends himself and waits for a chance to counter, it becomes clear as the clock ticks that the opportunity isn't coming. Sustaining several "minor" injuries from the force and weight of Mundo's fierce attacks, Mario opts for a risky full-swing attack. On execution, it proves effective as Mundo is forced into a temporary retreat. This gives Mario some time to reassess the situation. Once again, Mario begins to talk to himself.
Mario: This guy is no joke. He pours everything into his attacks and still doesn't leave himself open defensively. From that short sprint, I can tell he was telling the truth about the route leading out of the forest. Twenty-four hours ago, I didn't even know demons had special abilities. I wonder what Mari is doing right now. He probably has his own issues. What do I do? What do I do? Think, Mario. Think! He's gonna start his attack in the next twenty seconds or less. Not to mention that I have less than five minutes before those two are killed.
In the heat of battle, Mario recalls what Mari told him about doing something special with Dark Nemesis. A surge of confidence builds within him.
Mario: Just one special slash could end this. Can I do it, though?
Mario stares at Dark Nemesis and then fixes his gaze on Mundo. As faith and confidence fill him, he plants Dark Nemesis in the ground and removes his now shredded mask, revealing a determined expression. Once more, Mundo simply stands there, staring in awe.
Mario: One final slash. I feel it. Something is definitely forming inside me. Could it be... Kado?
Mario picks up Dark Nemesis and unleashes a war cry with every ounce of energy he can muster, charging at Mundo. Mundo charges at Mario as well. Gaining high momentum, Mario maneuvers past Mundo's first punch, then a second, and then a third. Now, he's beside a helpless Mundo, who can only gape and hope that Mario misses as he braces for the imminent impact of Dark Nemesis. Mario lands his attack—a strike so massive that it pushes Mundo out of sight and creates a fog of dust covering the area. Mario drops to his knees as he once again plants Dark Nemesis in the soil, leaning on it. He breathes heavily, occasionally coughing because of the dust and the energy he has exerted.
Mario: Two minutes left. The ropes should be loosening now.
Mario drags himself to the tree where his teammates were tied, only to be shocked to see them in the same state. He begins to shiver and stutter in fright and disbelief.
Mario: What is... the... the meaning of this?
Like a bad wish, Mundo appears in front of Mario, unscathed. Mundo smiles as he tilts his neck slightly, his hands producing the sound of a massaged joint.
Mundo: Ouch! That really hurt... a lot! A minute and thirty seconds left though. Tick, tock, tock!