Chapter 8

Zoe's eyes were drifting away, lost in thoughts. Imagine a grand, expensive home.

Zoe and Stanley lived in a smaller space. A two-bedroom apartment.

Zoe always longed for a spacious, luxurious abode where she can live her life to the fullest. She had always dreamed that Stanley would offer her such a luxurious life. But that dream has been on hold for three years.

She blinked, focusing on the present.

"Hey, you seemed lost in thoughts. Would you like to sleep in the guestroom or my master bedroom?" Bernard's voice echoed into Zoe's ear.

"In your master bedroom?! Who wouldn't want to sleep over there? I'm sure it will be like heaven." Zoe mumbled, pretending she didn't hear Bernard the first time.

But this time, Bernard moved very close to Zoe and repeated the same question.

"No please, I would prefer the guest bedroom."

"Why? do you think I want to fuck you?" Bernard asked.

Zoe darted an angry look at Bernard. "Do you want to take advantage of me because I'm at your house?" 

"No, I want you to feel more relaxed and comfortable," Bernard replied.

'What if he wants to have sex with me? Perhaps, he might just be pretending to be good. I wouldn't mind, if this is the way I pay Stanley back, so be it.' Zoe thought to herself.

"All right, let's go to your master bedroom," Zoe finally agreed.

Bernard opened the door and they entered.

"Geez, I knew that his bedroom would be like heaven," Zoe mumbled.

Bernard's master bedroom was painted emerald green and navy blue and had luxury bedding with intricate patterns, large windows with natural lights, a spacious closet, a nice alluring fragrance, shower and tubs, and so many more.

Zoe froze in surprise, she was left speechless. 'How come this man is this rich and he's single? His handsomeness and riches are every girl's dream. He must be lying to me.' Zoe thought.

"Feel comfortable, my mansion is also your mansion. If you are in need of something, just press the bell, and my caregiver will attend to you. I want to quickly take a warm bath."

Zoe gazed at him in astonishment, as he took off his suits, Bernard looked so cute that she couldn't look away while he took off his clothes.

Zoe snorted. "Can you please do that somewhere else?"

Bernard grinned. "Sorry if I made you wet with my looks."

He rushed into the bathroom without waiting to see Zoe's reaction.

'He's cute… if I end up having sex with him tonight, I won't blame myself, he's fun to be with. I'm almost forgetting about that useless husband of mine.' 

She sat on the couch beside the bed. Zoe's mind was full of different thoughts. She glanced around speechlessly.

Bernard was out of the bathroom, putting on a classic, knee-length design bathrobe, the hairs on his legs were thick and healthy. His bright, piercing eyes were attractive.

Zoe stared at Bernard repeatedly; she couldn't hold it anymore; she stood up, moved closer to him, and whispered.

"You are handsome."

Bernard grinned uncontrollably as if he was hearing it for the first time. He has so many admirable qualities. He often hears that from both female and male admirers.

Zoe frowned and went back to sit. She felt miserable for saying that.

Bernard sighed."Common… I didn't mean it that way, I was only joking. I hear that from people daily, but I was patiently waiting for you to say the same thing."

Zoe didn't say a word.

Bernard continued, "Don't make that face. I'm sorry for the laughter."

"It's all right; you waited for me to say that, so you got it," Zoe said.

"Yeah, he chuckled showing his white teeth.

Zoe also took a warm bath, she craved relaxation after a demanding day. 

Bernard offered her one of his t-shirts, reaching out to accept it, there was a soft, warm focus on each other. Gentle smile hinting at the attraction, holding gaze, and unexpected connection.

Zoe's wet, silky hair, her elegant, refined features, and her full, luscious lips captivated Bernard's heart. He was immersed in her beauty.

"You are beautiful, why did you allow yourself to be used by a man who doesn't deserve you?" Bernard asked with his eyes shining in desire.

Warmth spread through Zoe's body; her heart rate increased, and she yearned for intimacy. Stanley stopped having sex with Zoe for long; he felt it was a waste of time because it wouldn't produce anything.

Before Zoe could say a word, Bernard gave her a passionate kiss on her lips. Her eyes were closed, she was lost in the moment.

"I'm sorry for kissing you." 

"Don't stop, continue," Zoe said without opening her eyes.

"Are you sure? Bernard asked.

"Continue and stop asking." Zoe enjoyed the kiss. She has not been kissed so passionately for long. Even though she has a husband, he chooses to ignore her needs.

Bernard's lips exude warmth and allure. They were wrapped in each other's arms. Warmth spreads through their body. Zoe's minds were consumed with the imagination of a future together.

A soft comforting embrace lowering them onto the bed. The softness of his bed made Zoe lie down comfortably. Bernard's arms were at her side; she felt a sense of safety and security in his arms.

This moment is peaceful and has a quiet, intimate atmosphere.

"You have captured my heart," Bernard said, looking straight into Zeo's charming eyes and kissing her deeply.

He took off Zoe's towel, squeezed her breasts, and sucked them deeply.

Bernard was a man who knows what he does and does it with confidence, he's also good in bed.

Zoe enjoyed every bit of the touch he made on her body. It was a calming and reassuring touch.

Zoe was living in the moment, no worries no care. 

"I'm loving this! This man is sweet and cute." Zoe muttered to herself.

She took off Bernard's bathrobe and threw it on the floor.

'Okay, let's do this.' Zoe thought to herself.