Chapter 18

"Could it be that hormonal changes associated with pregnancy contributed to Thomas's wife's arrogance or that is her demeanor?" Zoe asked herself, shaking her head, "At least I got Bernard's number from them." Zoe smiled as she made her way to her apartment.

As soon as Zoe got into her apartment, her heart was filled with joy, about being pregnant.

She had her face glued on the phone screen, searching for the food she shouldn't eat during pregnancy. She didn't want to mess things up, she wanted to do the best for her child even before he or she will be born.

Zoe was also eager to give Bernard a call. Ruth's words echoed in her mind. Thomas's wife had said that Bernard does not like to be distributed by Strangers.

Bernard was known for his no-nonsense approach, making it clear that he didn't joke around when it came to business. He has always maintained a professional demeanor.

Zoe snuggle, "I'm still going to give him a call, I don't care whatever he thinks about me right now." 

Zoe gazed at her phone, wondering how to initiate the conversation with Bernard that had been weighing on her mind.

Zoe sighed and dialed his number, it rang but he didn't pick. "He might be busy with work." Zoe wondered.

She waited for ten minutes before dialing Bernard's number again.

"Hello, is that Bernard Dax on the phone?" Zoe asked after he picked up the phone call the second time she dialed. "This is Zoe, the lady you had met at THE PUB bar and later took her down to your mansion that night, it was like a month and a week ago, remember her?" Zoe asked.

Bernard vividly recalled meeting Zoe that unforgettable night, every detail etched in his memory.

The moment Bernard spoke, Zoe was swept back to their first meeting, with his voice remaining unchanged, since the day Zoe had heard it.

Since their last encounter, Bernard had spent weeks scouring every possible channel to contact Zoe, refusing to give up. 

Bernard couldn't deny that his feelings for Zoe were profoundly different, a genuine and intense connection that left him eager to meet her and explore his depths.

Zoe informs him that they needed to meet urgently in her apartment, and she told him her home address. Bernard agreed to meet up with Zoe at 8pm that evening because he had some unfinished work.

Bernard didn't see the need to inquire about how Zoe got his phone number, since Thomas had already told him.

Zoe glanced at her wrist watch, it was already 4pm, so Zoe agreed with the time Bernard had given.

"Okay, See you at 8pm then, bye." She hung up.

"He still spoke nicely and professionally," Zoe complimented. "I hope he won't react after I tell him I'm pregnant with his child?"

Zoe deliberately refrained from mentioning the pregnancy to Bernard, scared he might flee away.

Zoe swiftly rearranged her room, since moving into her new apartment, Zoe had received no visitors, her home remaining a quiet, untouched sanctuary. She turned it into a beautiful, inviting space, providing size didn't matter when it came to making a lasting impression.

Zoe checked her fridge and she had a cherished bottle of rich full-bodied red wine, waiting for a day a visitor would come by.

She sprayed her room and the sitting room her favorite jasmine air freshener, enveloping her apartment in a soothing, Floral embrace. 

Zoe quickly slipped into a warm shower, its comforting warmth, easing her tension. She softly towered her body and stood in front of the mirror and gently rubbed a moisturizer on her skin, hydrating every inch of her body.

Zoe glided into her room, she slipped into a stunning, silk gown, transforming herself into a vision of elegance.

This time, Zoe chose a stunning outfit, determined to make a better impression than their previous encounter.

Her initial meeting with Bernard at the bar, found Zoe at her lowest, her heart was shattered by her ex-husband, and her usual radiance dulled by tears and sorrow.

Zoe snorted, "I believe I'm not over dressing, I just needed to look good at least." 

As Zoe dressed for the evening, she hummed a soft, soothing tune, her gentle voice blending with the rustle of silk and the click heels.

With a gentle spray, Zoe released the alluring fragrance of her beloved perfume, wrapping herself in its soothing essence.

With a swift glance at the clock hanging on her wall, Zoe confirmed she was right on time.

Zoe stepped into her sitting room, and clicked the remote, the TV springing to life, while Zoe sat on one of her couches, her ears tuned for the unexpected knock on the door from Bernard.

As she waited, she suddenly heard a knock on her door, Zoe tiptoed to the door and peered through the peephole, her curiosity piqued. 

Through the peephole, Zoe saw Bernard standing patiently, his expectant gaze fixed on the door and Zoe's heart skipped a beat.

"Huh, he's here?" Zoe's eyes widened in surprise as Bernard arrived exactly at 8pm.

Zoe's smile broadened as she gently swung open the door, welcoming Bernard into her cozy home as she closed the door behind her.

Bernard was someone who took pride in his punctuality, always arriving precisely on time for every appointment.

Zoe and Bernard exchanged lovely pleasantries, their warm smile and gentle laughter filling the room.

"I am finally meeting you again, Zoe, you look so beautiful." Bernard complimented.

"Thank you, have a seat," with a smiling face, Zoe ushered him a seat, "you are welcome to my little apartment, I know it is not as big as your mansion." 

"Ahh" Bernard's eyes scanned around Zoe's home, "don't say that, Zoe, at least I feel comfortable and I like simplicity."

"Do you live alone now?" Bernard asked.

Zoe nodded in response 

"What would you like to drink, I have redwine." Zoe throws the question to avoid more questions from Bernard because she needed to prepare herself before telling him all that he needed to know.

"Yeah, I don't mind." Bernard responded.

Zoe graciously offered Bernard a glass of rich, full-bodied silver oak wine, it contains a little alcohol and Zoe couldn't drink along because of her pregnancy.