Chapter 23

Bernard snorted, interrupting Zoe's thought as she flinched.

"So, are you going to spend your two days off with me?" Bernard asked, his eyes sparkling with excitement and affection.

Zoe smiled warmly. "l haven't even applied for the leave yet." She quickly grabbed her phone and composed an email to their HR department, requesting for a temporary two-day leave.

After Zoe and Bernard sat in the hospital waiting room for a while, they left and headed to Bernard's car.

Zoe's phone beeped, signaling an email reply from the HR, and Zoe's heart skipped a beat as she eagerly opened the message.

She received a prompt reply email from the HR, approving her request for a two-day leave from work.

"Huh, he replied to my email so quickly and approved my leave!" Zoe exclaimed, surprised and relieved.

Zoe is undoubtedly one of the most remarkable employees at her work place, consistently demonstrating exceptional dedication and work ethic.

Zoe's diligent work ensured seamless leave approval.

"Your leave is approved, so now you can finally relax and enjoy your well-deserved leave at my house." Bernard said, smiling at Zoe.

Zoe rolled her eyes. "Alright, I'm in! I'll spend my leave at your place."

Bernard, sensing Zoe's deep affection, secretly devised a heartfelt plan to surprise Zoe by introducing her to his loving mother and brother; eager to deepen their connection.

They left the hospital and Bernard drove Zoe to her apartment, where she picked up some essentials for her temporary stay at his mansion, ensuring a comfortable transition.

It only took fifteen minutes to arrive at Zoe's place from the hospital. Bernard waited at Zoe's sitting room while she headed to her room to grab some clothes

Zoe slipped out her blazer, she wrapped herself in a serene gown, nurturing her well-being.

Zoe swiftly collected her must-have, including prenatal vitamins, toothbrush, and comfortable gowns. She tucked them into a small, convenient bag.

Zoe stared at the mirror, despite her day at work, Zoe's makeover remained impeccably neat.

With her bag in hand, Zoe entered the sitting room, locking her bedroom door behind her.

She turned to Bernard who was already on his feet ready to take her to his house. "Shall we." Zoe asked.

"Yes, my lady." Bernard responded by collecting Zoe's bag from her. "You look good."

"Thank you." Zoe responded with a smile.

From Zoe's house to Bernard's is a forty-five minute drive.

As Bernard approached, his security officer promptly opened the gate, greeting him with a courteous smile.

Bernard drove into his compound, paused for a fleeting moment and then turned to Zoe who was seated at the front seat staring at him.

Bernard took Zoe's right hand, his gentle grasp enveloping her palm.

"I have a surprise for you. Is in the house."

Bernard subtly dropped a hint about his surprise, to prevent an overwhelming response.

"Okay." Zoe responded. 'Who knows what he's up to right now.' Zoe lamented to herself.

Bernard gallantly stepped out of the car, swiftly rounding to Zoe's side to open the door, treating her to a chivalrous gesture.

Bernard instructed one of his housekeepers to retrieve Zoe's bag from the car as he walked Zoe into his mansion.

Zoe arrives at Bernard's house, expecting a quiet evening, but was pleasantly surprised to find his lovely and welcoming mom and brother waiting.

Zoe's eyes widened in surprise. Bernard had eagerly shared stories about Zoe with his mother and brother, hoping they would warmly receive her and approve of his special someone, Zoe.

"Awe, there she is." Bernard's Mom exclaimed, her face lightening up with a warm smile as Bernard walked in with Zoe.

Bernard's brother was stunned—the woman who once refused to give him her number was now involved with Bernard.

'Wait… isn't that the same girl from the bar? No way, it's actually her!' Bernard's brother thought.

Zoe looked more beautiful even as she had become pregnant

Zoe's skin glowed with a warm, golden light.

Zoe's ex-husband had failed to appreciate her captivating beauty when they were married. But Bernard was drawn to it like a magnet, seeing beyond the surface to the warmth and kindness that truly made her beautiful.

'Oh my gosh,' Zoe's voice trembled. 'could this be the surprise he has for me?' Zoe wondered. "I wasn't prepared for this!" Zoe muttered to herself, as she took in the warm, welcoming scene before her.

"Mom." Bernard holds Zoe's arm and continues. "I'd like you to meet my soon to be wife, Zoe" Bernard said, beaming with joy as he introduced the love of his life to his mother. His eyes were shining with excitement.

Micheal, Bernard's brother's heart raced even faster, his chest tightened as Bernard casually referred Zoe as his soon to be wife.

'What?' Michael thought. 'Guess I'll just play along and know how these two even met.'

Bernard's enthusiasm got the better of him, and he inadvertently bypassed the first step of seeking her formal consent or proposal acceptance, instead of announcing her as his spouse to his family.

"Huh, did he just introduce me as his soon to be wife?" Zoe wondered.

Zoe was delighted yet surprised when Bernard introduced her to his Mom as his future wife, catching her off guard with the sudden declaration.

Bernard continued as he extended his arm, pointing to his mother and brother. "Zoe, this is my lovely Mom, Sarah Dax, and my junior brother, Michael Dax."

Michael stood before Zoe, yet she showed no flicker of recognition

Sarah welcomed Zoe with an open arm as she hugged her.

"How are you doing?" Bernard's Mom asked Zoe.

Zoe smiled respectfully. "I'm fine, ma'am, thank you for asking."

At first glance, Sarah's heart went out to Zoe, liking her at first sight and warmly embracing her as a future daughter in-law.

Bernard's brother shook Zoe's hands, exchanging a pleasant smile, but deliberately omitting any mention of their previous encounter at the bar.

Michael, gazed into Zoe's eyes with an unmistakable sparkle, his lingering glance conveying a sense of familiarity and affection.

It took Michael a fleeting moment to release Zoe's soft hands after their warm handshake.

Immediately, Zoe sensed an unease as Bernard's brother's gaze lingered on her.

"You're welcome to our family." yet his lingering stare hinted at untold emotions.

"Thanks," Zoe said with a smile, not remembering or recognizing Michael.