Chapter 25

Bernard's Mom's expression softened. "No words can ease the pain of losing both parents, I'm sorry Zoe." 

"Thank you ma'am."

Bernard's eyes filled with empathy, as he realized he had never asked about Zoe's parents, and now, learning she had none, his heart went out to her.

Bernard took Zoe's hands and whispered. "I'm sorry you had to go through the loss of your parents. You deserve all the love and support and I'm here for you always."

"Umm, we are deeply sorry for your loss, please accept our heartfelt condolences." Michael, Bernard's brother, extended his sympathy to Zoe.

"I thank you all for your condolences." Zoe responded.

Discussing her parents death again uncovered raw emotions Zoe thought she'd long buried, and she felt the familiar ache of longing for their presence.

The wound of Stanley and Jenna's deception still lingered, yet Zoe discovered a newfound sense of security and love among Bernard's family.

'I think I feel a genuine sense of home and connection from Bernard and his family, I hope it stays this peaceful.' Zoe thought.

"Enjoy your meal dear, and have a lovely night's rest, Zoe." Sarah said as she smiled warmly.

"Thank you ma'am." Zoe responded with a smile.

"Zoe, dear, I'm glad you're here and I want you to feel like family, so call me Mom, enough of that ma'am." Bernard's Mom's voice filled with affection as she requested.

"Okay, Mom, thank you for accepting me as one of your family." Zoe said with a warm smile.

 "You are welcome, I will be in my room." She stood up and left.

'Finally, no more questions, from Bernard's Mom… I was bracing myself for the inevitable; like, have you been married before?' Inquiries.' Zoe breathed a silent sigh of relief.

Zoe glanced at Bernard, "Your Mom has such a warm heart, I love how welcoming she is." 

Bernard smiled, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, my Mom's the best. I'm glad you felt at home." 

With a playful grin, Michael turned to Zoe, "Now, is my turn to ask questions…I've got some inquiries of my own."

With a flicker of curiosity, Zoe's mind skipped a beat, pondering what personal or provocative question Michael was eager to ask.

Bernard chimed in with a brotherly warning. "Micheal, hold off on the questions for now, Zoe is not your future partner, so save them for someone special to you."

Bernard and Michael simultaneously broke into warm, brotherly grins.

Though Michael laughed it off with his brother, but his gaze continued to steal glances at Zoe, her attraction to him is undeniable.

A shiver ran down Zoe's spine as she caught Michael's intense stare, his admiring looks crossed a boundary. To escape Michael's intense stare, Zoe diverted her eyes towards Bernard alone.

They savored their meal and got satisfied, Michael stood up, stretched, and bid Bernard and Zoe a good night, retiring to his room.

Bernard sighed. "You've had a long day, he said softly. "Let me take you to our room to rest.

"You are right, I feel utterly exhausted, I think I'm going to collapse." 

Hearing Zoe's words, his brow furrowed, "Whoa, you're really exhausted."

"I'm joking, I'm not collapsing." Zoe said as she grinned seeing Bernard's reaction.

Bernard chuckled, shaking his head. "Zoe you caught me on that, I didn't think you'd actually say you felt like collapsing."

They both grinned at each other. Zoe felt an uncommon level of comfort with Bernard, as if she'd known him for years, but they had only known each other for a mere two months.


Zoe paused, then spoke up, "Umm, I've been wondering about something." 

With Zoe on the verge of speaking, Lucy suddenly appeared, interrupting the moment.

Bernard snorted, "You wanted to say something." Bernard's eyes remained fixed on Zoe not bothering about Lucy's appearance.

"Yeah." Zoe said. Seeing Lucy's attentive gaze, Zoe bit back her words. "But not now."

Seeing that dinner was over, Lucy took initiative and started gathering plates to clear the table.

Bernard rose from his seat, his eyes locked on Zoe's, and guided her up. "Let's go to the room so you can get some rest."

As Zoe stood, Bernard lifted Zoe off her feet, and carried her up the stairs as he laughed. 

she wrapped her arms around Bernard's neck, feeling blushed and cherished.

'I've never felt this way before, it's perfect, but is it too soon to feel so deeply?' Zoe's mind quietly wondered.

As Lucy watched Bernard tenderly carry Zoe upstairs, a lump formed in her throat, she realized she had irreparably lost her chance with him.

Lucy's eyes remained fixed on the stairs until Bernard and Zoe disappeared from view.

Bernard dropped Zoe onto her feet and firmly guided her into the room, slamming the door shut behind him, the sound echoed through the space.

"You must be tired," Bernard said softly, guiding Zoe to the bed."

"Yes, I am tired, but perfectly capable of walking," Zoe chuckled. "You shouldn't have carried me up those stairs."

"Your well-being is all that matters. Zoe, my only thought was to make things easier for you, I didn't want climbing the stairs to add to your stress."

Zoe sniffs, saying. "Thank you for everything, Bernard." she said with a smile as her eyes locked into Bernard's.

"You are welcome and I will always be there for you."

"I wanted to ask you something back then at the dinning."

Bernard's face broke into a warm smile. "Okay, spill it out—I'm listening." 

"Why did you introduce me as your soon to be wife without discussing it with me first?"

Bernard's eyes locked into Zoe's. "I'm sorry if I overstepped, but being married to you is what I've always envisioned."

Zoe's expression turned serious, "but you don't know if I wanted marriage with you, Bernard, you assumed my feelings without asking."

"I sincerely apologize for overstepping and for putting you in an uncomfortable position." Bernard's voice was laced with remorse.

Zoe was flattered by Bernard's introduction but she couldn't help thinking that involving her in the decision would have made her feel more seen and being asked would have meant more to her.

"Is alright, Bernard, I just want us to be on the same page." Zoe responded with a gentle smile.

Bernard acknowledged a misstep, wishing he had taken the time to plan a special proposal, asking Zoe to be his wife with love, respect and sincerity instead of assuming.