The Drought Is Over

Amy was pissed by the time they got home. He had shut down after the initial shock of that woman coming back was over. That woman messed up their perfectly good night and Toby was quiet through the rest of the meal. Amy exited the truck as soon as he stopped and left him to take care of Travis, who was asleep already. He hadn't spoken in the last twenty minutes he was brooding over someone he had no relationship with at all. So much for a nice evening out, she thought, as she made her way across his room heading to hers. His dirty clothes lay on the floor in the bathroom, and it looked like he had a hard time deciding what to wear. He had clothes thrown across his bed. That brought a smile to her face as she soundlessly closed his door. 

Toby stood in the doorway from the garage as his door closed. "I guess I pissed another one-off," Toby whispered into Travis' hair as he carried him in. He changed him into a warm sleeper and fed him a bottle and he was out again. 

Toby roamed around the downstairs hoping Amy would still be up and around. The sad thing was he had no idea which one of the rooms was hers. Months of this woman taking care of his son he has no idea where she came from to do that. 

He went to the bar for a beer and went back to his room. Popping the top of some designer beer he drank half before he could decide if he liked it or not. Checking the label, it was some designer label out of Fort Worth. Toby thought it was not too bad and finished it. 

His problem was it was nine o'clock and he was not sleepy, he had nothing to do, and apparently, Amy is pissed at him. So, he can't spend the evening pestering her, which is fun for him. He can fluster her so easily. Plus, he thinks he had her almost willing to come to his room. He knows that look on a woman. He probably blew it with his reaction to Juliet invading their dinner. He had been rude but damn that I want you, I don't want you, is bull shit. If she is that damaged from her divorce, then she needs more time to think. "And it's not about me," Toby told his walls. 

Plopping on his bed he was thinking about ordering cable or DirectTV or something he could attach to that big screen so he could watch something on these long, lonely nights. He was thinking that when his phone rang. Quickly fishing it out of his pocket he looked at the name. 'C Masters' showing on his screen. "What the hell?" he listened, four rings down and it went to the mailbox. Giving it a few seconds, he checked the voicemail. He dropped the phone on the bed and went to change for the night, apparently it was over. "For a man with no women, they sure are bothering me," Toby grumped as he walked into his bathroom.

He washed his face, brushed his teeth and collected his dirty clothes and put up his other stuff. He feels guilty when he leaves a mess for Blanca the maid, she has enough with this whole house. He turned off the lights and climbed in bed and his phone chimed to tell him he had a message. He switched on his bedside lamp. 

"What did she call to do, read a book to me?" He complained. Now the dilemma is, does he listen or just delete it, he wondered looking at the display getting madder by the second. Where did she find his phone number to be calling him in the first place? 

A light tap at his door drew his attention away from the phone; he immediately turned to see if he had the monitor for Travis and found it was off. 

"Yeah come in," he called out, moving the covers to get out of bed. The door opened and Amy stuck her head in seeing him shirtless and sitting on the side of his bed her heartbeat soared and her cheeks turned red. 

What was she doing here? Oh yes horny and bored wasn't that the offer. Gingerly she approached and she may change her mind if his attitude was still bad. 

"Is there something wrong with Travis," he asked but knew he would have heard him cry, the walls were thin so what did she need? He hoped it was him. Maybe he hadn't pissed her off that badly. He smiled and asked. "Do you want something?"

"Nothing is wrong with Travis. I wanted to see if you wanted me to have his monitor tonight so you can sleep in tomorrow," Amy asked. That was a good enough excuse to come barging into his room at this hour dressed as she was.

"Sure, you want to come and get it," he suggested, turning and looking to where the monitor sat. 

She walked in wearing something skimpy and as she passed close by, he could smell she was freshly bathed. He took in a deep breath, loud enough for her to hear. "My you smell good enough to eat my dear," Toby said, trying to sound like the big bad wolf. 

"Well thanks I was getting ready for bed and realized we made no plans. I'm sorry your dinner was ruined by that woman."

"No, I'm sorry, and I have spent enough time thinking about her. But I did enjoy the meal with you, and I am ashamed of how I handled the whole thing. You're right, I need to get to know the person before I set my sights on them being more in my life. Kind of like you. I know you now and find I can't stop thinking about you," Toby said thinking why not try. He knew how to flirt so why not put the moves on her? Skinny or not she looks good.

"You only want my body," she said, looking sexy but sweet and willing as she countered his remark. He almost felt guilty for pursuing her. She wasn't some bar girl to use and dump. Skinny or not she was tempting and all the long blond hair and those pale blue eyes and her lips were just right for kissing.

"And you don't want what I can do with mine," Toby teased and reached out to touch the lace on her sleeve. She took one step closer and that was all it took. He scooped his hand behind her neck and brought her easily to him. He lightly kissed her neck to test her reaction. She moved closer and he let go of her neck. In one smooth stroke, he put his arm behind her back and the other under her legs lifting her with a slight twist and he was laying her on his bed. If she tensed, he would let her go, but she didn't. He straddled her, lowering his mouth to hers, he lightly brushed his lips to hers tasting the cherry lip gloss. 

A flick of his tongue along her lower lip and she reached up to deepen the kiss and get this night going. She has dreamt of this so many nights and hopes he will be as good as her dreams. If she loses her job, oh well, she has lots in savings. 

The kiss was good but way too short for her. He moved on to her neck and chest and her breasts. His hands and mouth worked as her clothes disappeared. She was lost in his magic. He was feasting on her body moving down kissing and licking his way down her body. 

Without thought her legs spread, or maybe it was with hope. She hoped that was where he was going, and she was giving him access. He stopped his downward movement and went back to her mouth quickly to let her know he appreciated her being with him. He found a very passionate kiss waiting for him and feasted for a while, but those spread legs called to him as her hips arched and feet dug into the bed. 

Running his hand down her body he quickly dipped and swirled as she raised her hips in anticipation of what he would do next. Leaving her mouth, he quickly found the spot and pulled that button into his mouth. It grew harder as he toyed with it and Amy shuttered around him. Oh, hell yes, she was a good one. That inspired him to keep going. He loved her reaction. She caressed his head and cupped his cheeks as his face was buried deep between her legs. She was trying to be quiet but found she could not, and he loved hearing her cries of pleasure. It made his pride soar. He knew how to do this so why did he have so much trouble with women? He had not lost his touch in the last two years of drought.

She started pulling away; he hadn't been paying attention to her reaction. He had been lost in his own little world and she was past needing him. Quickly losing his boxers, he centered her hips and with a well-placed push he slid into her well-lubricated valley. He felt her body welcome him. His body perched over her as he worked in and out and felt her body peaking again. Going as deep as he could she shuttered and quaked under him, her desire again was displayed by the urgency in her kisses. He came quicker than he expected as she held his mouth to her passionate kiss. This was not a kiss from someone who just wanted one night of sex.

He has had sex with many women, and she wanted more than just sex. Toby realized and it shocked him that it made him happy. She too was looking for a connection and he felt it in her reaction. As the last shutter of his climax subsided, he rolled to her side pulling her with him, and held her tightly. He found the feeling of her ribs didn't bother him at all. In actuality, he was enjoying the feel of her body and his hands hadn't stopped moving over this wonderful, amazing physique as she snuggled against him. 

 Being woken from a deep sleep, he felt her moving around then saw the light in the bathroom turn on and he heard he thinks her peeing and water running in the sink. Rolling away from the light he realized he hadn't put on a condom and thought that it would be an expensive trip to the drug store tomorrow. Moments later he heard the monitor being turned on and movement on the bed as she crawled back in. Quickly he rolled over and devoured her again. He might as well get his money's worth out of that pill.


The next time he woke up the sun was out Travis was just waking up. Amy was sleeping on her stomach sprawled out on his bed. Her hair was a ratted mess, and her body was soft and sexy with sleep. The desire to take her from behind was strong but Travis was calling. She had been a wonder. Her body responded to him so well, oh hell yes, he could do that over and over. He just hopes she wants him again. Tossing a cover over her he slipped on his boxers and went to tend to the king. 

Amy woke to the sound of Travis laughing; it sounded like someone was taking a shower. Pulling the top sheet from the bed she wrapped it around her and stumbled into the bathroom. Toby was in the shower with Travis crawling at his feet chasing bubbles down the drain. She watched Toby move as he washed, he was magnificent as she expected he would be. She was just glad she was two days past her period because they weren't thinking last night. Lord have mercy he was good she thought to herself. He turned her inside out a dozen times, Amy was thinking as she watched them. 

"Hey sweetie come join us," Toby called out smiling after seeing her by the door.

"Are you sure?" Amy asked if this was too friendly for a one-night stand. 

"Yeah, I was hoping you wanted to keep me. I know I want to keep you," he said and she smiled back.

"Keep me, and how do you plan on keeping me?" she asked, moving towards him and liking what he said.

"By holding you in my arms as often as possible and doing what we did last night as often as you want. Come on I'll let you use my fancy soap," he teased, shaking the bottle at her. 

Dropping her sheet, she stepped into the shower and Toby immediately soaped up his hands as Travis pulled up on Amy's leg to be held. Lifting him she held him, her breasts got his attention and Toby laughed as Travis grabbed her nipple. "Ah see that is my boy he knows a pretty girl when he sees one." He ran his hands over her back and Travis' back and leaned in for a kiss as he soaped them up. Garnering a deep moan as the kiss deepened, Travis smacked Toby on his cheek breaking the kiss. Tucking his arms against her chest Travis leaned in claiming Amy as his. She smiled up at Toby as Travis settled in and let the water flow over them. 

"He will fall asleep, and you will be mine again," Toby told her as he rinsed off and got out and watched her bathe this time. "Oh yeah, do you need me to go to the drugstore and buy one of those morning-after pills?"

"No, we are safe. Let's just not forget again."

"So, there will be again," Toby asked with a grin.

"I hope so," Amy said, holding his naked child as the many shower heads came down on them. 

Toby's heart soared as he leaned in to kiss her again. "I hope soon," he said leaving the room.

Amy stepped out of the bathroom a few minutes later both wrapped in towels. Toby sat by the bed in a fresh pair of boxers. She wondered if this was his new uniform. She smiled at the thought of him parading around all day like that. He turned and looked at her and she could see he had his phone to his ear. 

"His 'mother' left a message for me last night. I was trying to decide if I wanted to listen to it last night when you knocked on my door. By the way, I'm glad you did," pulling the phone away from his ear he asked, "It's blah, blah, blah, you want to listen," he held the phone out to her.

Hell, yes, she wants to hear. They traded the baby for the phone. She may get a little more insight into him. Toby took Travis and left her to listen to her claims. He wanted her input. "What exactly was this woman asking for? Absolution for being a bitch, forgiveness for how she dumped her child, she can rot in hell," Toby told Travis with a smile as he put a diaper on him. 

Amy pressed the buttons to replay the message, 

"Hey Toby, I hope you don't mind, my friend helped me find your phone number on the internet. I want to say I'm sorry for the way I handled this whole thing. I'm glad you have our son and that you two are doing well. I'm sure the ladies at your old job told you I stopped by twice. As I told that woman, I want to apologize to you and if you can find it in your heart to allow me to see him, I would be grateful. I'm plagued with nightmares about both of you and just want to assure myself you are both Ok. So, if you would call me if nothing else just to talk. I would appreciate it. Thanks, Toby again I'm sorry for my behavior. Bye, Toby, this is Candace." 

She pulled the phone away from her ear and looked at it thinking what gall. He knows she called it out a few times that night, but she couldn't remember it. 

Dressed in comfortable I'm staying home clothes Toby placed Travis on the floor. "So, what did you think?"

"That she has a lot of gall."

"Yeah, that was my opinion too. You notice how she kept saying my name as if she was trying to remember it now. So, do I ignore it or what," Toby asked, walking towards her. He added a little swagger to his walk trying to look sexy and she smiled at his approach. She passed him his phone and he sat it down. He ran his hands under her armpits and lifted her as if she weighed nothing because to him she did. Moving her further back on the bed he climbed on and covered her in kisses. Travis stood at the side of the bed fussing and slapping the mattress. Breaking the kiss Toby chuckled and rolled off Amy. "We have a case of jealousy going on here."

"Yes, you do, and I do believe he is hungry," Amy suggested, trying to pull the towel back around her. The sound of the vacuum told them Blanca was there and Amy hoped she didn't see them since the door was wide open. If she did Amy knows she wishes it was her in that bed. They have talked about him often in the kitchen and they all would take him on.


Making a mad dash down the hall she disappeared before Toby could see where she went. She had to be in one of the rooms in his hallway. He had the pick of four doors, and one was Travis's. He got dressed quickly and took Travis to the kitchen. Bobbie stood leaning against the counter waiting for requests. 

"Well hello you two and don't you two smell good," she teased. Moments later Amy stepped in smelling the same and Bobbie smiled at her. She was wondering how long it would take before those two hooked up. Being home all day everyday had to spur something on with two good looking youngsters. 

"So, what is for breakfast, and we need to discuss this Thanksgiving meal you want me to make. I need to know what all you need from me?" 

"How about I give you Louise's number and you two can talk about what is needed, she knows what I like," Toby told her. 

"So, what is for breakfast?"

"Pancakes and bacon," Toby said, and Travis smiled brightly at the request.

"Fruit and coffee," Amy suggested.

"Ok ten minutes, you go relax and here is some Cheerios for Travis to snack on meanwhile," Bobbie told them, passing a small bowl to Toby as she escorted them from the kitchen. Normally Amy would make her own breakfast, but they looked like they needed to talk so Bobby sent her on her way. Amy had a shell shocked look on her.

Toby said and dropped five Cheerios on Travis' tray. "I enjoyed last night, and I think you did too."

"I did, you do know what you're doing," Amy said, turning red as she spoke.

"I never had any complaints," Toby smugly told her.

"So why is it that you never had a long-term girlfriend since you are so good? It seems one of them would want to hold on to you," she wanted to know.

"Honestly, some did try, but at the time I was not ready to settle down. I have trust issues; I have been told. My father was abusive and my mother drank. I was an only child, and everything was heaped on me," Toby told her and then explained about the sixteen-year-old girlfriend drama. "So, I steered clear of relationships and worked jobs where I worked alone until the home theater store came along. But working with the people at the store taught me to trust, care, and how to work with women." 

"They became my family. None of them wanted sex from me or at least they didn't pursue me. Then Travis came along, and I found out what love was and how to express it beyond having sex. I do enjoy sex, but caring is more than that act alone and I know that now. That is why I pursued Juliet, but that woman has trust issues of her own. I liked you but I was fixated on the preferred weight issue and pushed you from my thoughts," he told her, and she smiled. "For almost two years I shied away from anybody because Candace pissed me off so badly. I wanted nothing to do with women and then Travis came along, and I have been busy with him and then the movie." 

"So, what did Candace do to piss you off so badly?" Amy asked right as Bobbie brought out the food. All their attention went to feeding Travis and themselves. 

"Ok to answer your question we had a great night. I was on point, I think I did everything right and wanted to keep seeing her. She was funny, sexy, and thick the way I liked. She had brains but didn't make me feel dumb. When she had enough of me, she sent me on my way. She didn't ask for my number or my whole name," he said and gave her a disgusted look. "I mean didn't you at least ask for the guy's number."

"I didn't have one-night stands. I knew the few guys I had had sex with well before we had sex. Now I did drop a couple who were bad after we had sex, but I did know how to contact them. So yes, that is bad," she gave him back the same disgusted face. "So, what was last night to you?"

"Well it started out, wow Amy is having sex with me, then it turned into oh my God I'm having sex with Amy, and I am really enjoying her. Then it went to "I hope she lets me do this again, so I really want to keep doing this with her, so what do you think," Toby asked with his sexy smile. 

"You cheat,"

"I have never cheated in my life."

"I meant your smile. But it is good to know I haven't done that either. I haven't had anyone in my life in well over a year. Not quite as long as you but close."

"I have never had a relationship with anyone, so you are going to have to teach me if you want this to last because I have no clue. Except I do like you and would like to see where this may lead," Toby dropped the smile looking serious. 

During this whole conversation they both pile food on Travis's tray trying to keep him quiet. Problem was now he needed another bath. He has syrup covering most of his hair and body, but he was happy digging into his meal, shoving hands full of pancakes in his mouth. 

"You go clean him up and I'll clean up the mess," Amy suggested Travis looked easier than the table, floor, and the highchair. Amy entered the kitchen with a pile of plates looking for a wet cloth to start the cleanup. Bobbie smiled as she entered. "So, how was he?"

"What," Amy twisted and looked at her "What do you mean,"

"I'm not dumb you all smelled the same. I know you had sex with Toby, how was he?"

Turning red Amy knew she couldn't lie to her. She knew how she had been crushing on him. They spent too many hours talking about him as she cooked for her to deny her involvement. 

"He is definitely more concerned that you get something out of the sex than he does."

"That is a good kind of man," Bobbie told her, smiling for her. "So now what." 

"He says he wants to see where this goes. I guess I will enjoy him and see what happens. But Bobbie, he is so good. I mean never experienced good."

"Good for you sweetie, he seems to be a good man, enjoy." 

"I plan to," Amy said as she went out to clean up the mess Travis made.


Amy found Toby sitting on the floor of Travis' bathroom. He was playing in the tub with his toys. His lips were turning blue from the cold water. Toby was talking on the phone. "No, I had no idea this is a big house, and I haven't been upstairs to look around. Yes, let's do that. Sure, Wednesday is fine, yes anytime. Ok thanks," Toby said and looked up at Amy. She would have to climb over Toby to get to Travis. He took over the room. He took over every room he was in because of his size and looks alone. 

"Hey sweetie, I was calling to see if I could have Direct TV installed here and I was told they already have it here somewhere."

"I think Rob and Missy had TV's in their rooms. Could I get him out of the tub he is freezing," Amy offered, pointing out the obvious as Travis cried reaching for her. 

"Oh, shoot yeah," he said, drawing his knees up to make room he tossed her the towel he had for him. "Sorry, I got distracted."

"No problem, he has played in that tub many times until it got cold. You're a tough guy," she said, cuddling him close and leaving the room. Amy was amazed every time she picked Travis up at how thick he was. The boy was like his daddy with all his muscles. She should know Toby was all muscles she felt most of them. Just thinking about him and how good he made her feel last night she had surges running between her legs as she sat Travis on his changing table. She put warm jammies on him to warm him up.

A cold front came in and the house was cold. When she picked him up again, he laid his head on her shoulder telling her he was tired. She realized he had had an eventful morning and being cold can wear you out. When she put him in his bed, he didn't throw a fit, so she made him a bottle then covered him well and he was out. Now she must decide what she is going to do while he sleeps. Should she go to Toby and have a repeat of last night? That is what she wants to do, or should she wait for him to approach her? Finding him in his room he smiled as she entered.

"He is sleeping already, he had a busy morning," Amy approached because he looked happy to see her. 

"Are you bored too, we have to find something to do around here or I'm going to go crazy," Amy complained.

"I know without the movie to deal with there isn't much to do here. We kind of blew off going to the play day church thing this morning." Toby reached out his hand and drew her to him. He could crawl all over her and make his own play date until Travis woke. That sounds good to him. Maybe she will crawl all over him this time.

They had a competition to see who could drive the other one crazy the quickest. Toby was enjoying her playfulness and her boldness. He had never had playful sex nor in the daylight that was different too. But he was enjoying her eagerness. 

As Amy sat across his hips she rode as he marveled over her body enjoying her expression as she hit each orgasm. He had always heard you only needed a handful, and they were right. He enjoyed the feel; they didn't jiggle a lot, but they were just right for his mouth. He was enjoying his afternoon delight when Travis called out and put an end to Amy's ride. She smiled as she moved to get the King. 

Toby watched as she dressed, watching her every move wondering how long this will last. "Bring him to me please and we can enjoy a little more time in bed," Toby suggested as she sprinted from the room. He looked out his window and the sky was dark, and the wind was whipping the neighbor's trees. 

He could hear the tick, tick of sleet, or hail hitting his window and bouncing off the ground now that he was not lost in Amy's body. Toby figured out after living there for four months that there were only nine houses in this little enclave. The house right behind them is an older ranch-style built in the fifties. 

He had looked over the wall, the one the stalker girls couldn't climb, a few days after the police officers took them away. The dogs on the other side are pit bulls, three massive ones that probably would have eaten those girls whole. The reason he thought about that was the dogs were barking their heads off, the wind was whipping the trees, and it looked spooky outside. He wished Amy would come back. "See now is the time when you need to have the weather channel," He grumped and got out of bed and slipped on his jeans as Amy returned with Travis. "Hey, which room is Missy's? I want to go see if I can find out about this weather," he told her and took Travis. Turning her attention to the outside she thought "Yes that may be a good idea". Amy followed as Toby climbed the stairs. 

"The second on the left," she told him as he reached the top of the stairs, he tried the door, but it was locked. "Rob's is next," Amy suggested but it was locked too. "Well I guess I'll go sit in my truck and listen to the radio." With a quick kiss he passed Travis to her and headed out. 

Bobbie was in the kitchen getting ready to go home when Amy entered. "The weatherman said snow so I'm going home before this weather goes too crazy," Bobbie told her. 

"Yeah, we noticed it has turned bad."

"Lunch is in the oven, you two have a good time and if the snow isn't bad, I'll be back tomorrow," She offered, buttoning her coat. 

"AMY," echoed across the house as she smiled as Bobbie went out the side exit. The wind was still blowing, and the sleet had changed to small flakes of snow. The wind rushed in, and Amy turned them away from the chill closing and locking the door. 

Toby was standing in the entry getting ready to call out her name again. Blanca was gone and the place smelled of polish and Windex. He stood looking at the beautiful living room that was decorated like a showroom. He had been roaming trying to find her but gave up. He did find Amy's room there were dirty clothes draped across her bed that is when he gave up and started yelling. 

"I'm here it is snowing," she said, sounding excited. Her voice came out of the kitchen area.


Most homes nowadays are built with the kitchen open to the rest of the house. This one the kitchen was closed off making sure everyone knew the lady of this house didn't cook. Servants did. Toby shook his head wondering what he was doing here. This place was so out of his comfort zone, he thought, as Amy stepped into his view. 

Aah, that is why he is here, he thought and smiled. "Yeah it is supposed to snow a couple of inches," Toby said pointing out the front window as flurries filled the sky.

"Yeah Bobbie just went home so we have this place to ourselves," Amy said, and the house phone rang. Setting Travis down she ran to answer the phone. "Yes Rob, are you planning on coming back before the holidays," she asked walking towards Toby, he had asked for him.

"No, I'm hoping to spend it with my kids."

"Oh, that is wonderful. 

"Are you two doing Ok?"

"Sure we are fine, and it is snowing here," Amy told him excitedly. 

"So early, it is not even snowing in the mountains around here," Rob said, sounding like a complaint. 

"I know it's early even for Dallas, that a polar vortex hit us swinging down from Canada."

"Is Toby still around?"

"Yeah he is here," she said, handing the phone to Toby. 

He was standing in the entry and watching the snowfall. 

"Yeah, Rob what is up."

"We finished with the movie," he announced.

"Good so what do you think," Toby asked.

"I think it is very good and I sent a copy to you overnight. It should be there in the morning."

"OK, thanks, so we may get it maybe tomorrow. Well I'm excited. Are you coming back for Thanksgiving?"

"No, I'm trying to spend it with my kids," Rob told him, sounding excited. 

"Oh, I'm so happy for you," Toby told him, and he really was. He could tell he missed his kids when he talked about them the other day. 

"So, are you and Travis doing well?"

"Yes, we are fine." 

"So, did you call that woman from the bar?" Rob asked. 

"Yeah I did, and it didn't work out," Toby told him, sounding disgusted.

"Aah man what happened," Rob asked with a whine. He had high hopes for that woman. She was so pretty he could see her making a difference in the size of women in this country. He was thinking if they ate more maybe they wouldn't be so bitchy.

"I think fear of fame scared her away."

"She didn't even take you on?"

"No, I just charmed Amy into my bed," Toby said and grinned as she turned red, and her eyes rounded in shock. He wondered what her problem was. 

"So, her being so skinny wasn't a problem?" Rob teased.

"No, I got over that real quick," Toby said and started to laugh because the way he asked was humorous. 

"Ah good for you she is a sweetie."

 Amy shot him a dirty look and ran to her room as she heard him laughing. "I think she is pissed now I need to go," he said as he heard her door slam.

"Ah man you're in trouble," Rob warned.

"Nah, I can smooth it over. I wanted to tell you I invited the ladies from the store over so we will have an old-fashioned holiday."

"Oh, how fun,"

"I know it does sound good. Bobbie and Louise have been conspiring so it should be delicious." 

"Well you enjoy, and I'll see you soon."

"Ok, I will call you and let you know what I think, and thanks for sending it. Bye," Toby said while collecting Travis he called out "Amy I'm sorry it just came out because I'm so happy with you," Toby said walking down the hall towards her room. Seeing his sex life going out the door. 

"He is going to fire me," she screamed from the confines of her room.

"No, he is not and if he does, I'll hire you."

"No, then I would be nothing more than a prostitute," Amy yelled. 

"He isn't going to fire you. He was teasing me at how fast I got over my chubby girl thing."

"I was told when I was hired no sex with the cast."

"The movie is over so I'm not the cast," Toby growled back at her. She was being ridiculous crying on her bed. "I'm sorry I told him. He was feeling bad for me about Juliet."

"So, don't feel bad for me I got a hold of Amy, she was easy,"

"I didn't say that, and you know that is not true. See I told you I didn't know how to do this," Toby said, snatching up Travis and stomping down the hall. "Well that figures I blew that already," Toby whispered into Travis' hair. Standing in the window looking out to the street. The snow was sticking on the trees and cars but melting on the streets. "If it gets really cold tonight the streets will be slick in the morning," he told Travis. It was easier to think about the weather than that he made Amy cry. 

"So, he wasn't mad," came quietly from the hallway.

Toby turned and said, "No he was teasing me and sounded happy for us. He said, good she is a sweetie. I'm sorry I upset you. I had no idea you had an issue with people knowing about us." 

"I didn't, he just told me no sex with the actors, and I need this job."

"You won't lose this job I promise whether you sleep with me or not Travis loves you," Toby told her and turned his attention back to the snow. "It is really coming down," he said, motioning his head towards the window hoping to change the subject. 

"I'm sorry. I just saw him jerking me out of here and I wouldn't see you or Travis again," Amy said looking miserable.

Reaching out to her he raised Travis higher so he could pull her closer to him. She was so tiny when she stood next to him, she and Travis could share the same side, cupping her head against his chest he told her, "I didn't mean to upset you, I said it just to let Rob know I was happy. He was concerned I was going stir crazy and I wanted to assure him I was not. 

"The movie is finished, and he is sending me a copy. The opening is the nineteenth of January, and I will be going out after Christmas to do the talk shows circuit." He held her tightly and said, "I expect you and my son to be with me. Because Amy, this is so far outside my comfort zone, I will need you with me to keep my head on straight." 

"You will be fine. Like every actor, you will fake it until you make it," she assured him with a smile.