The Little Man Turns One

Once they exited the tollway the smile came back as he listened to Amy and Travis interact. She was teaching him to say Daddy, not Da. He knew what she was doing and played the 'I don't know' game, with him laughing at her. He would say Da and she would say Dy, and he would laugh then she said Da and he said Dy, and he thought that was hysterical. Toby knew he was just so glad to see her again. By the time they reached their street, Amy was teasing him that Toby was my Daddy and Travis understood the concept and laughed out, "My daddy," shocking Amy with his intellect. 

Toby deposited her suitcase in her room when she was home. The only thing that took his smile from his face since he picked her up was the traffic. The place smelled like heaven when they walked in. Bobbie had set the table with the fancy dishes and candles. It looked so romantic. She also had a roast cooking in the oven and a salad in the refrigerator. Expecting to eat leftovers Amy was thrilled at the prospect of a Bobbie meal that was not a casserole. 

All her ideas of home cooked meals flew out the window once she arrived at her parents. They were all too busy cooking for home cooking; they barely had time for her. As she helped a very happy Toby take the food to the table, she felt like she had come home. Her heart clenched at the thought of this all being over. As they ate their meal Travis was back to using his fork and mocking Amy with Daddy saying it clearly. 

Amy was pointing out how advanced he was, the climbing out of the crib, his sliding on the stairs and the mocking were all something a much older child would do. She was making him signal, touching his fingers to his palm for more, and would say more to him each time she showed him the move to receive more food. He said what sounded very much like more to them, shocking them both. He laughed and continued to say it until it was coming out clearly, MORE.

That started her teaching him what everything was, and they all had names. Every day Toby came home he knew a few more new words. Toby could say 'Go bring me your truck' and Travis could do it. It was like something clicked in his mind and he understood that things had names and he could say them. Toby was impressed but it also meant he could be more demanding. When he refused to eat his eggs and wanted pancakes everyone was shocked at his demand because Amy hadn't taught him the name yet. 

Later that night after they got him settled Amy showed Toby several YouTube sites of babies who were a little older and they could name the presidents and one who could read, to prove he was special for his age. She was so excited to show how smart he was. Toby had other plans, he devoured her after taking the laptop away. 

He loved having her in his bed. Who knew how great this was? If he reaches over and grabs a boob or something else and receives any form of encouragement from her, he dives in. If she rolls over which she has done, he just goes back to sleep. But he knows she doesn't do that often. The days have passed, and Travis' birthday looms large. Christmas decorations were a struggle. He has pulled the small tree over twice; those brightly colored packages had all his attention and the tree is surrounded by his colorful fencing. It made sure that someone could get to him before he could pull the whole thing down.


Missy came 'home' on the 18th after apparently receiving the same response Amy got from her family at Thanksgiving. Except for a major difference, Missy's family expected lavish gifts or money when she arrived, so she left. She had the same fight last year being the only wealthy member of the family. In actuality, the only working member of her family. They came out of the woodwork with hands out. She has already purchased her parents a home and they all have nice cars. She also has three siblings who expect handouts. Her attitude is 'HELL NO' get a job.

But her coming home puts a catch in the romance and they aren't sure how she is going to react to the sleeping arrangements. Amy called Toby at work when she showed up at the house unannounced. That night over dinner Missy told them about her new movie after inviting Amy to sit with them. After all, she is the help. 

In her movie, the Marines played the roles of dangerous-looking mountain men, complete with wild wigs and fake scraggly beards. They turned out to be the perfect intimidating characters that the director needed and was thrilled with her suggestion after she praised them. None of the Marines ended up killing her character, it ended up being a well-known actor who played the bad guy that ended up killing her character. The Marines ended up in many scenes once the director discovered they could act. Toby was excited for them and wanted to hear all about their experiences as dinner was served.

Bobbie was back to cooking the evening meal with Missy's return. Amy could tell she was not happy, but this was the job she has. Keeping hands and eyes to themselves they played it cool. They were servants after all. They have had it good with just Toby in the house and have gotten lazy. Bobbie knows it but still life has been easy. Amy has had it even better; she is sleeping with the hunk and seems to be very happy with the situation. 

"So, you two aren't together anymore?" Missy asked, sounding concerned, "That must be difficult living in the same house."

"Rob told you?" Toby asked, kind of shocked.

"Yeah, he was happy for you two."

"No, we just didn't want to upset you. We are still together very happily," Amy told her, staking her claim. 

"Oh, that was nice, but I have no problem with you two together. Contrary to public opinion I'm not that shallow. That is why I'm here and not in Hollywood. It is good to hear you're still together. I was hoping for a happy holiday. Is the store crew coming for Christmas too?" Missy asked and Toby realized someone was keeping her informed of what was going on with them.

"No, we are having a birthday party for Travis tomorrow night after the store closes. It is not that busy, most people have bought their Christmas presents already, so we are back to normal hours. Bob is the only one who is working his ass off, but he says he will try and make it before it's too late," Toby told her and flashed a smile at Amy. 

"So, will it be just us for Christmas or do you plan to go as a family?" Missy asked.

"No, Louise has asked us to her place. You can come with us. She would be glad to have you. You know she likes you and loves to have company for the holidays," Toby offered.

"Yeah come with us Bobbie is making some side dishes. We gave her the day off because we are going to Louise's. So, if you want a good Christmas dinner you are invited," Amy told her and continued to fulfill Travis' demands for food. He can say carrot and taters and has sucked the juice out of the meat and spits out the dried-out mess. Amy started telling Missy about how amazing Travis is and how smart he is."


Toby sat back enjoying her enthusiasm he wished someone had spoken so highly of him as a kid he may have been able to make something of himself. 

Amy got Travis to repeat the names of the carrots and the spoon he had. She rushed away from the table and brought back his truck he dropped when he realized they were eating. "Travis what is this," Amy asked, showing it to him.

"Truck," he called out and laughed.

"Good boy, yes truck. You may not be too impressed, but a child of eighteen months may not be able to do that, and he is just about to turn one. That is very smart for his age. He is already talking in two and three-word sentences. I want pancakes and a dozen other things. That is two-year-old stuff, especially with boys. They aren't cerebral like girls, so he is very smart," Amy told her. "Oh yes, and he has amazing manual dexterity. His ability to work out how to do things is amazing. A three-year-old boy would have trouble with the things he can do," Amy explained to her.

"Impressive Toby, smart and handsome, good work."

"That is what I said when he was born, but I have Amy to thank. She is the one who worked with him. He is smart but he hasn't figured out that some of the stuff he does could injure himself. Every time he makes a noise in his room at night, I need to check his monitor to make sure he isn't doing something dangerous. He knows he can pull out a drawer and climb up on his dresser; he knows someone will get him. So far he has never fallen."

"You need to go to a place like Bed Bath and Beyond and buy some safety latches. My sister had a kid that had latches on everything," Missy told them. "Except he was three." 

"I'll go tomorrow," Amy said. 

"I'll go with you. We need to do some shopping for his birthday. Right, Travis you want a present," Missy asked a grinning Travis. She laughed, "You two act like an old married couple so proud of their kid."

"Well we are proud of him," Toby shot back.


Toby was ready to go to work as Amy bathed Travis, he had a bad 'surprise' for them this morning. So, they discussed potty training him early and she added that to her list of party needs. If he was smart enough to climb to the top of his dresser at ten and a half months because he was born six weeks early, he should be able to understand how to use the potty chair. They dropped Toby off at the store and went to see what kind of damage they could do to his credit card. 


As he stepped in the store the crew was excited about the party tonight and had gifts lining the customer service counter. They were all wrapped in birthday paper, very different from the Christmas decoration in the store.

"Ok someone got carried away here," Toby complained knowing Christmas was just around the corner. 

"Oh no, it is my grandson's first birthday," Louise said defiantly, "he will have only the best." 

"Plus, we know his birthday will be combined with Christmas from now on so let us enjoy this first one," Alli complained.

"Yeah, you're right I was just thinking the same thing. I need to watch out for that and make sure he has a special day just for him."

"So, Toby, we have known you for over two years. Why haven't we celebrated your birthday yet," Alli asked, acting like a detective. 

"Mine was a few months ago and I have never celebrated my birthday."

"Why is it against your religion?" Liz asked.

"I don't have a religion. No, it is just not something I grew up doing. It is just another day or a reason to go to the DMV is all," Toby said dismissing the whole thing. 

Louise went into her office and came back out with his application in hand. "We missed it by two months. His birthday is October 24 he is now thirty-two," Louise informed them, "We won't miss it again." 

"Oh yeah Missy is back in town, and I asked her to come to your place for Christmas," Toby told them to get them off his case.

"Is she going to be at Travis' party tonight," Liz asked.

"I assume she lives there, and Amy will be there. She will be more than a voice on the phone to you," Toby told them. He hasn't told them she is thin and he wants to see their expression when they meet. 


The day passed quickly, and Toby saw his truck pull up in the parking lot. He yelled goodbye and walked out. With a quick kiss, Amy drove them home. They expected the girls to arrive shortly, it was funny to him that he could spend the day with someone and then be excited to see them later. The place smelled wonderful as he entered following his nose. Bobbie had made finger foods instead of a dinner, champagne was chilling, and the place had a birthday and Christmas flair to it. Travis was napping. He had a long day and should wake up soon, Amy assured him. He noted the women had been busy all day. Missy was right in the middle of the celebration smiling at his reaction to all their hard work. 

Toby hadn't finished his shower when the doorbell rang. Amy had been telling him about their day and all the gadgets she found to protect Travis from himself. Missy was helping Bobbie set everything up and rushed to answer the door. Louise was all smiles as Missy answered. 

With warm hugs, she walked in passing the gifts to Bobbie's waiting hands pleased to finally meet the voice on the phone. She thanked her for the wonderful meal as other cars made the turn sweeping the front entry with lights. They waited at the door for the others. Toby came out of his room still pulling his shirt down Amy right behind him. They heard 'Daddy' called out with his new and improved speaking as they passed Travis' room. Amy sent Toby to the door as she collected him. A quick diaper change and they were ready to greet Toby's family. 


Amy walked to the entry with Travis in her arms. She had heard Louise couldn't carry him anymore and she was getting close, this boy was heavy. She said "HI!" As everyone turned their attention to her. She wondered about the shocked looks but then remembered he liked them heavily, and she wasn't. Travis chirped out "HI," with the same inflection as she had delivered her greeting grinning happily at all the people. 

Alli charged towards her as Travis reached for her. "Hi, I'm Alli."

"I'm Amy nice to meet you," she said, handing Travis to her gladly. 

Toby announced, "Everyone I want you to meet Amy my girlfriend," it was official now he has told them.

"Hello, everyone thanks for coming to Travis' birthday party, please come in and eat, drink, and celebrate. He made it through the first year," Amy said, chauffeuring the group into the living dining area. Toby walked over, looped his arm around her shoulder and kissed her cheek, he was pleased she was such a good hostess. 

He received way too many toys and a number were to educate him after Toby carried on about how smart he was. One of the gifts was too noisy. It was a tooting chugging train with screeching flashing lights as it plowed into everything and changed directions. Alli smiled as Travis fawned over her gift. The noisy thing would go on its own, flashing lights and making noise, it had all Travis's attention as he chased it around the room. Bumping into furniture and scurrying off in a different direction. Travis chased after it, seeming to be afraid to touch it as it bumped again heading towards him, he scrambled away giggling. He was the entertainment for the night just watching him with that toy.

Before long Travis was worn out and went to Amy patting his chest and said, "Up Amo," he sat in her lap and settled in as she talked with Liz and Alli about their Christmas plans. Missy told them how hers started and why she was there. They all have had that problem with siblings to some degree. Bob and Toby sat at the bar drinking beer and looking out at the women. Bob teased him for a while about his skinny girlfriend and wondered how having sex with someone so small felt. But he did think she was a pretty little thing. Toby agreed. 

Guests with plates of fancy snacks stood around as they sang happy birthday to Travis. Amy placed a small cake decorated with brightly colored icing in front of him. Grinning from ear to ear and looking so much like his father as he dug in and shoved a big bite in his mouth and happily munched away. 

Bobbie brought out a tray with slices of cake for each person. She had made a nice sheet cake for guests. Travis made a big mess with his little cake and seems to be relishing in smearing it all over the tray. He announced, "Bath" and held up his messy hands and laughed. 

"Good suggestion," Amy said reaching for napkins to do a cursory clean-up, 

Toby saw what she was doing and left Bob to his beer to go help. 

"Me no, I don't own a house. I bought my parents one, but I don't stay in one place long enough to justify the expense of buying one," Missy said, tipping her glass just enough to spill some of her wine. "Oops," she whispered and looked down at the wooden floor. Liz dropped her napkin on top.

"I just talked the directors into buying one for the shoot and stayed there. But I didn't want to stay in Georgia. It was not the place for me. Backward people big time. But then again, we were looking for a crappy little town to film in and they found a doozy. Your buddies fit right in with most of them," She told Toby as he cleaned the mess up. "They had a few real bar fights. They helped the make-up artist with authentic-looking bruises. Apparently, the locals didn't appreciate them coming on to their women," Missy teased, "but I know they plan to come back to Dallas. They didn't want to stay in Georgia either. I like it here in Dallas y'all are good people," she said, making fun of the accent." 

"Well, y'all keep on visiting while we bathe this messy lil' critter," Toby said, sounding very country. Holding Travis out in front of him Amy started stripping him as they stood over the mess he made. Leaving him in just his diaper she took him to his bathroom. Toby started the clean-up with Alli and Liz helping. A whole roll of paper towels down and the mess is gone floor and all. He had enjoyed his cake, that was what was important. 

Louise was talking to Missy about her future and what she is going to do. She had taken a big chance putting as much money on Toby's movie as she did, but she is sure she will reap the rewards when it comes out. They still have all the advertising to pay for and a thousand other things you must do before a movie hits the big screen and they all cost money. 

"Toby and I are going to be trading off the different talk shows for about two weeks before the movie opens. Once the industry gets a look at Toby and his acting ability, he will be fielding offers from everyone. 

He will be the new Tatum or Helmsworth boy. Tatum is getting old and can't play the young man roles anymore. That last one I saw he was in was ridiculous with him still trying to be a stripper. It was gross. He had an old man's face when he was fifteen and now, he looks forty-five. Toby could play twenty to sixty depending on the make-up and wig."

Alli joined in with that statement and told her she agreed. "I loved Toby's movie. It was exciting, fun, and sexy. Most of all you cared about him," Alli told her, "What I would like to see is Toby and The Rock as secret agents fighting some bad guys and saving America. Someone needs to make that."

"Yeah that would be fun," Missy said, wondering if Rob could find a script like that. "You know Alli, there are millions of scripts out there. Even some John Grisham novels would be good with the intrigue and suspense," Missy suggested. 

"Yep, that would be good. Does he look like a secret agent?" Alli asked as they sat looking at him while he interacted with Amy. They're trying to wrangle Travis who was on a sugar high into his PJs. 

"He looks like some kind of secret. I can't believe Amy got him," Missy complained light-heartedly but was watching his every move. 

"I know as thin as she is, but they have spent a lot of time together. We knew something was brewing when he called, he talked about her a little too often. But she is good with both of them, and Toby is happy that is all we care about," Alli said, "he is such a sweetheart he deserves to be happy." 

"All I know is that Amy is happy so he must be good. That girl barely takes her eyes off him. I wonder what is going to happen when the world gets a look at Toby," Missy teased as they continued to watch them interact. 

"Yeah that will be interesting, but he is a person that when he attaches himself to you, he doesn't want to let go. He brooded over Travis' mother for months and she was a one-night stand. I think Amy will be Ok, as long as she can cope with the attention he will receive," Alli told her as Liz approached. "Are you about ready to go home? We have work tomorrow," Liz asked and explained to Missy why they needed to leave. 

"Well it was nice seeing you two again. Are you going to go to Louise's for Christmas?" Missy asked. 

"We have to, she has our bonus checks for the holiday. She makes us come and get them, but we don't stay long," Alli told her.

"Yeah long enough to get our checks," Liz told her.

"You are lucky to have jobs you like that pay well and you have a good boss," Missy told them. 

Toby heard them talking about leaving so he called out, "Liz how is Steve?" 

"Oh, he is fine. I didn't ask him to come. I'm not sure if he likes me or you," she complained, "I talked about you, but he is worse than me."


Toby walked over and looped his arm around her neck and asked, "Why are you talking about me to some man anyways," he asked, then kissed the top of her head as he held her against his chest. Leaning into him she reached around him and hugged him tightly enjoying his strength, "because I love you and I'm proud of all you have accomplished. But I'm afraid he is hanging on to me in hopes of being in a movie with you." 

"I'm sorry he has made you feel that way. I liked him. Maybe he is just excited and will chill when it takes months to start a new movie if ever. Who knows others may not be impressed with me?" 

"Oh stop. There you go again. What is it going to take to make you believe in yourself?" Liz asked.

"This movie will make lots of money," Toby said, hugging her tighter. He hated she was having doubts about Steve, but like Amy said, that is what dating is for. 

Louise was the first to go home, but the party was going strong. Toby hadn't realized Bob was such a drinker. He was either going to have to spend the night or Uber home. He was pretty sure all his flirting with Missy wasn't going anywhere but you never know. He is sure Bob was thinking the same thing. She was bantering back and forth and smiling at his antics giving all indications she was interested.