Time To Find A Teacher

They went to the Taco Bell closest to the district office. Toby fed him beans and rice mainly to keep down the mess. No one there acted like they knew who they were, which was nice. They ate in comfortable quiet without having to smile for selfies or sign anything. 

"Could I ask what the PI said?" Missy asked, not sure he wanted to share.

"Oh, sure I forgot you didn't hear. She was very grateful for the offer but would prefer to move from the area. I told David to tell her I would give her two hundred and she could spend it as she needed. She is excited to meet us. I told him to have her make reservations and we would come and meet them. Her name is Kate, her daughter is Katlynn, and her son is Kyle they are the KKK," Toby said and chuckled at his wit and then realized the place was full of black people. 

"Is this us you and Travis or am I invited?"

Toby looked at her as if asking are you serious, "Sure if you want to come and meet the family. I don't plan to become involved in their family. I just want to meet them and make sure they are all right. It would be sad to have a brother and sister and not know them at all."

"I understand. I would just like to be there for you. It might be emotional for you."

"I don't think so but sure you can come, Missy you will be leaving in two weeks where do you want this to go."

"ME? I want to be out in the country with you and live off the money we made already. Well once I make the next movie I have already agreed to."

"Wow, well this is a shocker," he said and shook his head as if to knock the statement out of his mind. He had already lived out in the country and didn't want to go back. He has seen Paris so no way.

"Hey, you asked if you're not interested just say no, I'll still be your friend." 

"Missy this is too quick, for me let's see how things go. I like you and in a lot of ways love you, but my plans don't involve living in the country," he told her looking at his phone for the time. This was bizarre for him; she was willing to give it all up for him. He must be good in bed, he thought, and cleaned Travis up so they could go. He has to stop making her feel so good she is losing her mind. 

"Toby you asked, don't freak out I know I'm not your type."

"I don't know, maybe you are, I just have to wrap my head around what you want."

"I just don't want to be bothered by a bunch of people when I finally retire," Missy complained. She envisioned hundreds of people outside her house waiting for a glimpse of her as she grew old and ugly. Every picture they could take was plastered on the front page of the Globe. They will be mocking how old she has gotten like they have done to so many old stars. Like Sophia or Jamie Lee, both old but still good-looking. Then there are the ones who have plastic surgery and ruin their looks never to work again. Women get screwed around men just seem to grow old gracefully. 

"What at twenty-seven. You know my plans are to buy the theater store and run that."

"Sounds good, maybe we can both be a draw."

He kissed her on the lips and said, "Let's talk about us after you come a few times tonight."

"How am I supposed to think about anything else today," Missy asked and swatted his arm as they exited the restaurant. 


Collecting all the different learning games and the piano Travis walked in carrying the tablet with Toby and Missy right behind him carrying the electronic organ and the others in an old academy bag. Climbing the stairs was interesting, but they made it.

Toby knocked to let them know they were there. He learned his lesson fast. 

"Hi, come on in," the woman said as she opened the door. The place was full of women apparently all hopeful to fill the job requirement. Missy's excitement went out the window as she took in all the women more suited to his taste. Her only saving grace is they all seemed to be only interested in Travis. He walked in smiling and handed the tablet to the woman and said, "That's mine," Travis informed her.

"I know and you can work through so many of the problems. You're very smart," Mrs. Baker told him,

"My daddy said I'm brillyant," he said not pronouncing the brilliant right but damn close as Toby laughed. Just proved to him he understands a whole lot more than he thought. Toby took the other things and put them on the table. Travis followed quickly to see what he had. He often introduced new things. Finding nothing new he walked back to the tablet.

"Travis, can you show these nice ladies how you can play the piano? We picked these other games up after we left Friday. Over the weekend he learned to play a song he made up, but he is still adding to the melody," Toby told them as Travis climbed to sit on the table. One of the ladies tried to put him in a chair and he let out a blood-curdling scream, jerked away, and told her, "No it is mine." 

Light nervous laughter filled the room.

"Sorry he is headstrong," Toby told them, deciding where he sits is not worth disrupting his mental capacity. 

He took his piano, placed it into his lap, turned it on, looked up, smiled at the women, and began to play his simple song. He raised his hands like a maestro at the end of the song and the women clapped. Toby figures he got that from the different sites on the computer. 

"It has songs pre-programmed in it to show you the keys to play, but he made his own up within a half hour of showing it to him," Toby told them. 

"Yeah Travis, let's show them your word game," Toby said, handing the game to Missy and telling her to put it in third grade. Then she passed it to Travis. Sitting it on the table in front of him he started working the program. 

He knew the words and should go through them quickly once he gets to the fourth-grade level, they can see how he works through the questions. 

Toby stepped back and let the women surround him as he worked. Missy sat on a small chair and Toby sat on the edge of the table and watched all the women in awe of his son. He cupped Missy's head and rubbed his thumb over her temple. She leaned into his embrace looking up into his eyes and she smiled. She wanted this simple life with him. A couple of women from the group approached them and began asking questions, taking notes about his birth, his mother, when he first walked, talked, and how long he was working on the games. 

He told them about Amy and how she kept saying he was too smart. Then told Amy's background and how she taught him sign language. They wrote everything down making sure they had all the information. He told them how they played the game of Daddy and it seemed to click something in his brain and he just lit up after he said it correctly. 

"So, were you able to find someone to be my nanny and his teacher?" Toby asked, eyeing the women for the answer. 

"Yes, three volunteered but you need to tell them what all is involved and the pay. They will be leaving good-paying jobs with insurance and pensions for you," one of the ladies told him. 

"I hear you, what amount do you think I should pay? Once this movie I'm making starts in the late April or early May time frame that should take about six months and when it is over, we will be back here. So, we are only talking for months. But I don't want him sitting with some gadget in front of his face all that time."

"No, we don't either, so a seasoned teacher receives a hundred thousand dollars worth of compensation. That would be fair."

"A month?" Toby asked, kind of shocked.

"No sir a year. So, if you're gone six months, half that unless you want to hang on to her a while longer. We don't have classes for children under the age of three so there would be an almost two-year gap." 

"So, what will I do with him until he is three?"

"We will work on that before you come back. The law requires us to teach every child in our district three and up. Smart or not, they need schooling."

"Ok, so who do I need to talk to?" 

"Well we put out the word for volunteers and they are all younger, with no families or I should say children, so they would be able to travel," she said and lifted her hand and three women stepped away from Travis as he worked the program. 

Missy cursed under her breath as they approached each one was thicker than the next. With pretty smiles, good teeth, and nice haircuts, it was as if someone said only women who would drive Toby crazy could apply. Smiling happily, they shook hands and answered all the questions Toby had for them.

One stood out to him, not because she was the ugliest but because she was the most personable. "Hey Travis, could you come here," Toby called out.

One of the teachers tried to help him down and he pushed her hands away and grumped, "I can do it," he told her as he flipped on his stomach, slid off the table, ran over to his father, and stood at his knee. "He climbs everything and gets down from there too. He is independent," Toby offered the group. 

"He is having trouble with this math program. If you each could work with him for a few minutes, let's see who he likes the best," Toby suggested. 

The one Missy didn't want him to pick stepped forward and sat next to Travis on the table. "Hi, I'm Liana, can you show me what you're doing?" 

He pushed the game away and said, "No, try again," he said not wanting to work with the numbers. 

"Oh, that is not fun, let's see if I can help," Liana said and turned the game on. She has the same game in her goodie bag. It started up where Travis stopped last night. 

"Oh, this is that new math program," Liana said as the reason for all the trouble.

"Yeah I can't even do this junk," Toby complained as he watched her change the settings.

"Come on sweetie let's try this other one it is better," she offered as Travis scooted closer to her. The program started over and he answered every question correctly. He was very happy with the, your right, answer explosion he received. He worked for a while and another woman sat down and started talking to him as if he was a baby, technically he was, but Travis didn't like baby talk and he pushed the woman away. 

"Well that answers that question," Toby said, and the other girl sat next to him.

"Wow you're already up to nine you are so smart," Pamela said, and Travis looked up and smiled. She was pretty and thick, just Toby's type. She looked to be close to six feet tall and looked strong. She could carry him for sure, Missy thought as she squatted next to the table. 

"Who is that?" Pamela asked, pointing to Missy. 

"My Sissy, go to sleep little baby," he half sang her song to her.

Toby was shocked at how much he was talking. He barely spoke at home was he doing something wrong?

Missy cupped his cheek and said, "Yes sweetie the sleepy baby song." 

They talked a while longer and she helped him count out the numbers. The other woman watched from the other table as he counted. He surpassed the nine counts and kept counting to fifteen and the program caught his attention as it went to ten. They seemed impressed so Toby told them, "He can count to a hundred. Travis come here and show them how we exercise." Toby found an open part of the floor, got down on the floor, and lay on his stomach as Travis scrambled to lie on his back.

"Count it out big guy," Toby said as he did pushups.

He grinned as he lay on his back and counted to twenty. Toby dropped down the figures that were enough to show them how he learned. Travis stood next to his daddy waiting for the next exercise. Toby scooted around, sat cross-legged on the floor, and pulled Travis into his lap. Whispering in his ear he asked which lady he liked to help with his games. Travis grinned and whispered in his ear and looked at Missy. Toby whispered in his ear again and then he looked at Liana. He said something back to his dad.

"Ok, he chooses Liana. We need to discuss your coming on board in mid-April. We need to be in California then so I can prepare for the new movie. I'm hoping they will film in Dallas but I'm not sure where it will be right now."

"Ok sounds good," Liana said, "let me give you my number so you can call. If you want, I could start now and just come for a few hours a day. I work with mentally and physically handicapped children right now so I could add him to my stops around three in the afternoon." 

"You know that would be good if he could get used to you, and you can see how to handle him. He is normally quiet and well behaved or I have learned to not set him off," Toby offered as he stood holding Travis. "I would like to say thank you for all your help," he told the whole group. "As I said before I plan to be back in Dallas ASAP." 

Toby took all their suggestions to help him, and they left. Apparently, the testing could wait.

"So, what do you think?"

"That you picked the best-looking one," Missy complained as they walked down the stairs. 

"Hey, I didn't pick her Travis did,"


"He picked you first, but I told him you can't be his teacher." Missy turned to look at Travis sitting in the back working the math program. He was getting a lot of 'your right' and 'good job', and he liked them. 

"So, I'm a fool thinking you're ready to settle down."

"Pretty much, I told you when you asked, that I was not looking for anything from you. You agreed friends, I don't want to live in the country and I'm not ready to settle down yet. I love you and want you as a friend with benefits, but I'm not settling down just yet," he told her as his phone signaled, he had a text so he passed his phone to Missy so she could read the message.

The Greenhouse restaurant at seven on Friday is a good time for us all. We are excited to meet you. Didn't know you existed. I was told you were a brother. See you soon Kate.

Tell her I do exist. I'm 32 he may wish I didn't, but I do. 

Missy sent the message and seconds later she received it.

I'm 37 and he told me he was only 30 when we met, I guess another lie. Talk to you on Friday. 

Toby laughed, "No she needs to add twenty years to that lie. My old man, what a charming man," Toby said and went quiet.


Toby contacted his money man and he needed a check for Kate. He will hang onto it until he gets a good idea of who the woman is and how she will spend the money. Chuck, his money man, says he has eleven million and climbing in his account. That knocked him out of his seat. Louise was right; it would be a life-changing experience for him. He thought it would be a couple not eleven and growing. Chuck said he has diversified it in stocks, bonds, money markets, and different savings accounts. He explained why and Toby agreed with his strategies. Taking two hundred thousand out of one account was no big deal. He will make it back probably tonight. That blew his mind.

The movie was still going strong a little over five weeks in. Its mid-month opening in January has surpassed any other opening making it the top-grossing movie outside of the Christmas movies. Rob didn't even bother to ask about doing a big opening in Europe or Japan; he knew Toby wouldn't want to go. So, the movie opened with no fanfare but was doing great overseas. They cut the part of the Seals killing the Afghan fighters for the European viewers. Americans loved it but the Europeans figured not so much. 

People loved the movie, women because they could see Toby interact with Missy, and the men for the few scenes of fighting, but also his agitation with Missy, and of course all men love porn. The way Toby attacked Missy was as close to acceptable porn for an R-rated movie as it could be. Rob had just let him go for it; Missy was not complaining. They just cut and spliced it to let it flow as MPAA allowed.


Missy's newest movie is set to open in mid-April right about the time Toby was to be in Hollywood, so she asked him to be her date. No man in that movie was suitable for a date for her. They were either married or gross. 

Last night when she slipped in his room right as he was about to turn off his light she smiled as if asking for permission to come in. She hadn't come down the night before he figured she was mad at him because of Liana. Which he feels is ridiculous she was to be his son's teacher. He only agreed to be a fuck friend with her, not a life partner. He cared about her, but she was not the type of person he wanted to marry. She is to Hollywood, painted nails, and fancy clothes. Nope, he wants his woman naked, barefoot, in the kitchen, and pregnant occasionally. Missy would not want to be any of those things ever. She may pretend to be what he wants, but it wouldn't last long. But he would be a good friend and take her on tonight. It seems to be what she wants as she approaches his bed smiling. 

"Have you gotten over your madness yet?" 

"I left you alone yesterday so you could think," Missy said walking towards the bed.

"Oh, I thought you were mad at me for not accepting your request."

"Well I was not thrilled you didn't go for my suggestion, but I understand, I'm not your type," she quipped back and stood by the bed. 

Taking her arm, he pulled her against him and rolled on the bed. She rolled over his hip and landed by his side, and over the next several hours he ravished her. 


His cell phone rang, jerking him out of a peaceful sleep. Groaning, he reached for his phone and saw on the monitor Travis was playing one of his games. He forgot he turned the volume down last night. He was humming in his sleep and the noise was distracting him from Missy's body. It was almost as if he was working out his song in his sleep. He hasn't cried or beat on the door, so he is OK.

"Yeah, hello," Toby grumped as Missy's naked ass came into view when he pulled the covers with him as he moved.

"Oh yes Hi, Liana, what can I do for you? He sounds too happy in Missy's opinion.

"Sure, after three is fine do you have the address?

Ok perfect, we will be here." He set the phone down and kissed the small of her back and her feet began to move and so did his friend. Positioning himself behind her he lifted her hips and slid in nice and easy. With a deep guttural moan, she rode out his assault he pushed hard and fast. Good Lord could this man do nothing wrong she marveled as her sensitive body quaked from his attention. 

Each time his balls smacked against her ultra-sensitive clit she came closer to an external orgasm; if she could achieve both at the same time she will be in heaven. Putting her hand between her legs she helped the process feeling Toby was close she sped up the pressure and as the sensation intensified. Flattening Missy to the bed as her orgasm peaked, she was unable to move, the effect rattled her body as she heard Toby start laughing and roll off her.

"That was too intense, girl you got yours fast, thanks for the help," he said and ran his hands over her ass and rolled out of bed. Travis is up and he needs to be. Liana is coming this afternoon and he was eager to see how he does with her. Slipping his boxers on, he vaguely remembers closing doors this morning and hopes the house has cleared out. They are in pre-film mode right now, so they are doing a lot of planning and talking. Thank God they are doing it at the sound stage. 

Opening the door to Travis' room he looked up and grinned. "Hi big guy, you want breakfast."

"Yum pancakes," Travis said, setting the game down he went to his daddy. 

"Let's get you changed, and then I'll get dressed so we can go eat." 

Setting him down Toby went to get dressed as Travis found his tablet on his daddy's loveseat. Toby was complaining he was going to turn into a pancake. Missy pulled the covers over her head as they left the room. She wanted one more O to add to the long line she already had. She knew she would be solo again soon. 

She had to be on set for the at-home scene for her old movie. Then on set for the new movie, where her tits will be on display often for this other one. She has the script and wished she had read it before she agreed to do this movie. The director usually doesn't have so much nudity in his movies, but this one the movie line is sexy. After this movie no more nudity for her. She needs to leave her set in her brain. She was not going to sit here and watch Toby fawn over this new bitch.


Pulling the sheets off the bed leaving them in a pile by the bathroom she grabbed her nightshirt and wrapped her robe around her and left the room. She quickly went upstairs to pack. An hour later she is showered and has her hair under control pulled back in a French braid. She has called for a limo and added it to Rob's account. 

Why not, he won't notice, and she is a cheapskate. She'll get the new producer to pay for her hotel or talk him into getting a house wherever this movie is filmed. Why not, it has worked twice before. Her phone rang. The limo is here, doing a once over she zipped her bag and ran downstairs to get the driver to take the bags to the car. 

Toby saw her zip by and came down the hall to see what was going on. There was a Limo outside, and she was giving instructions to the driver. She turned to watch the driver go into the house and saw Toby standing there. 

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to go ahead and go to LA and get ready for the new movie. I think we have said it all and I know I'm going nowhere with you."

"Are we still going to go to the premiere together?" Toby asked shocked she was leaving. It just proved to him; that he was right about her; she wouldn't fight for him at all. 

"Sure, I'll call, and we will set a time once I know the correct date," Missy told him, he could see the hurt in her eyes.

"Missy, did I hurt you? If I did, I didn't mean to," Toby said, taking her into his arms. She just looked so good he had to have her hard and fast. 

"No silly, I want more than you can give so I have to go before I make a fool of myself." She hugged him tight and went to the limo as the driver brought her bags down. 

Toby stood and watched her drive away. Travis came up behind him and hugged his leg as the cold wind filled the entry.

"Well big guy we are on our own again, Missy went bye-bye," Toby told him and closed the door. 

Blanca wanted to know why he stripped his bed, so he lied and said he tossed Travis on his bed after breakfast, and he got syrup on the sheets. He hopes she doesn't smell them, they won't smell sweet. 

A few hours later Liana came, thank God, he was so bored. He has already pestered Bobbie until she kicked him out of her kitchen. She had dinner to cook for fifteen and he was no help.

He took Liana to Travis' room and explained why his bed was on the floor. Collecting his games he took her to his room and had her sit on the loveseat so Travis could work on the coffee table. Toby left her to work with Travis so she could get a baseline of where to start. He went to the living room to get a beer. He hadn't realized how entertaining Missy had been because he was bored out of his mind. If she hadn't been here, he would have fretted over Amy a whole lot more. As it stands he barely thought of her. He thought so much about being in love with her.

He could hear Travis giggling as she sang a silly song, and he was trying to sing along as he learned the words. Liana played the same song on the piano as she sang. He was assuming it was Liana and she had a good voice. Toby wanted to see if Travis tried to play the song. 

She was going down the list of songs already programmed, and Travis was watching what she was doing. This was something new for him. She found the silly song and pressed play. They began to sing along as he stepped in the doorway they were dancing and singing. Liana saw Toby so he went ahead and stepped in. Travis grinned and continued to sing so Toby joined in. 

He had heard this silly song in a movie so he kind of knew it. He came in scooping Travis up and danced around the room with him as they sang. Liana sat back and watched and laughed at Toby's antics. The song ended so he took Travis and sat on the loveseat next to her and asked, "So what do you think, you up to taking him on?" 

"Sure, so how is this going to work?"

"I'm assuming we will be staying at a hotel in a two or three room suite. I make a movie and you do whatever you want. I'll give you a credit card. He loves the water, and we'll try to find a hotel with a good wading pool. If we end up back in Dallas we probably won't be coming back here. This place belongs to the director of Shattered Dreams, and I need to move on from here. I wanted to buy a place, but I have been holding back until I can settle down for at least a little while. My friend Louise didn't think it would be wise to buy a place and then leave it for months on end," Toby told her as Travis struggled to get out of his arms. 

"You don't have anyone who could stay there until you come back. You know a few months of free rent?"

"I could dig up someone but then I have to kick them out later." 

"There are professional house sitters who keep them clean and well cared for cheaply. If you buy a house now, the sitters could deal with the people who would be painting and doing whatever you wanted done to the house. So, when you come home it is all done. Just a suggestion," Liana told him as she helped Travis start up a new program. 

"I hadn't thought about that. I have over two months to find something," Toby told her thinking about how he could do it all. "So, what do you think about Travis?" 

"Well he has the manual dexterity of a three-year-old. The mental ability of a four to five-year-old, but his verbal ability is what I need to work on. He does have the sweetness of a one year old. He is very inquisitive and willing to try anything, so he is a dream to work with," Liana told him, "That is why I was having him sing. We find singing is easier than speaking. People who stutter can sing and that helps correct the stuttering."