A New First Date

The Elves invaded the house Friday morning and scurried around for hours entertaining Travis well actually all of them. The place looked and smelled like Christmas. Swiping his card on one of those phone connectors they were gone by midafternoon. Travis will be thrilled when he comes home. They were still putting the tree up when he left. They have a cute train they set up that runs around the tree on the floor. It has a handy off-and-on switch within easy reach, and with a flick of a light switch lights all goes off. Toby felt so grown up this was all his and the dinner that was cooking in the kitchen was making him hungry. 

Bobbie had all four ovens going at Thanksgiving, but she had lots of help, and everyone had a wonderful time even without Toby's tissue paper cornucopia table decoration. He did miss his smell-good pots and planned to buy more but doesn't remember when he went out. He should have taken the ones from Rob's but didn't remember seeing them. He needs to make a list of what he needs to buy, he only has nine days till Christmas and Travis' birthday looms large. 

What do you buy a two-year-old who has everything? A motorized race car or a big truck that won't damage the furniture would be good. Toby added that to his list and clothes, it was getting colder, and his jeans were getting short on him so clothes. 

He hopes Mesha is not a freak like Melina. The good thing about picking her up is he should be able to see inside her apartment and if she has skulls sitting around, she is out. That is what dating is for weeding out the bad ones as Alli explains. 

Travis didn't like the placement of the ornaments and was moving things around. They were all plastic, so Toby decided to let him work. They put the twelve-foot tree next to the piano so he could play and look at the lights. He shows off for the elves as they work playing the Christmas songs he had learned earlier that morning. Bobbie had Christmas music playing quietly all day most days. He has picked out Jingle Bells and White Christmas over the last few days with his limited cord stretch. You could hear him singing the tunes softly as he played with the train and bulbs. It has him fascinated. 

The bulbs got rides on the train and occasionally you can hear one go bouncing across the wood floors. But this is the quietest Travis has been for the last year and not been asleep. 

Liana was enjoying the quiet reading of a book and not chasing him down. Toby was on the phone talking to Kate and Katlynn; they were both doing great. Kate agreed with his idea to give Kyle a truck he needs one to come and go to school and all the different sports practices he goes to. The rule will be he has to pass driver's education with an eighty-nine or more and he will receive an older model truck to start with. He would need to graduate high school and work towards a scholarship, and he would buy a new truck at that time. He is expecting a jubilant call soon, but he will have some decisions to make. He has six weeks of class to attend and hours of driving he must blend with his busy school schedule.


As he started to dial Missy's number just to shoot the breeze out of complete boredom George's name popped up on the screen. 

"Hey George, how's the frozen tundra?"

"Cold, pretty boy." He snapped back. 

"Pretty boy hardly, what's up?' Toby asked if something was wrong and he heard it in his voice. 

"Our main actor fell and smashed his pretty face."

"Oh, that's too bad."

"Yeah, it is so we thought about you for the part. Otherwise, the whole thing is going to be put on hold."

"Me? No, I told you no more for me, especially not up there."

"Well I guess they will shut down production now," George complained.

"So, you'll be back soon."

"I assume and wait for the next movie to pop up."

"Well, good luck. Call me and we'll get together."

"Sure, sounds good; have you seen anything from the Alien movie people?"

"No nothing, it all seems to be top secret stuff," Toby told him and asked, "Is he going to be Ok?"

"Yeah, just blackened his eye. May have cracked his eye socket but he'll be fine."

"Good. He just messed up his pretty?"

"Yeah you pretty boys aren't very tough," he teased.

"Now I see what you thought of me," Toby chimed back as the banter continued. They had become tight during that movie, and he knew he had worked as hard as the others to make that movie good.

"If I was pretty, I could give you a run for your money."

"Yep, you're right, if you were pretty, you could have been the lead," Toby offered with a hint of a laugh in his voice.

Toby began to laugh and from the sounds of it, the other guys in the background were giving George a hard time. He was far from being pretty. "Maybe you should take some of your money and have plastic surgery and give me a run for my money."

The other end of the line burst into laughter. 

"You guys be careful and don't fall on your face or ass," Toby told them and pressed the red button. 

No way in hell did he want to make a made-for-TV movie in Montana during the winter. Poor guy fell and smashed his face into a curb. Drawing air in between his teeth he made a sucking sound feeling the man's pain and quickly called Missy to get his mind off it. 

She was in a great mood, and very talkative. They shared their movie experiences and he told her about George's call. He hasn't talked to her since the last time he saw her, and they didn't talk much then. He told her about his date which seemed to drop her mood. He got on to her about her obsession. That started a low-level argument and he let her go. She was not the woman for him she had to understand. They both used each other, and she asked for it.

He went out to the living room and could hear Liana trying to get Travis ready for bed. Apparently, he didn't want to get out of the bath. He climbed the stairs to see if he could help. Travis's room was perfect for him. The decorator had picked a race car bed with a slight lip to keep him in the bed. She was coming Monday to remove the furniture they don't like, and hopefully bring something different and better. They discussed it enough that he hoped she had his taste by now. He didn't care if the house was French Provincial on the outside he wanted a masculine tasteful home for him on the inside.

"Hey boy," Toby called out, making them both jump. Travis let out a little giggle and smiled. "Don't be giving Liana a hard time. It is bedtime boy," Toby told him as he raised his hands to be picked up, wrapping a towel around him, she lifted him with a grunt. 

"Thank you, Daddy, he was being ornery. I hate to see when the terrible twos start," Liana said, scooting past him to dress him for bed. Slipping a pull-up on him Toby asked, "Is he making any progress on potty training."

"Some, he needs to be completely trained before he can go on to other classroom settings. The teachers can't change diapers. If he would use the toilet all the time, he could go with the bigger kids to a more advanced math class. But he is still wetting his diaper during the day."

"No, they pick on me and call me shrimp, 'oh look at the baby' I don't want to go there," he informed them emphatically.

"Well, that is the answer. We must fix the attitude of the kids he has to be around. Or make him tougher," Toby told her.

"I'll speak to the principal Monday and see what we can do with sensitivity training and encouragement for the other kids."

"Sounds good, meanwhile Travis no more is pottying in your diaper. I want you to potty in the toilet from now on. We will fix the other kids, you're almost two and you need to be potty trained. You're too smart to be sitting in pee all day," Toby told him. He had been going poop in the toilet for a long time, so he knew he had the concept. His early morning dumps have been constant all his life. He was using potty training as a ploy, and this had to stop.

"OK," Travis agreed with a lot of attitude in his concession. 

Watching her comb out the dark ringlets Toby decided it was time to cut his hair. The boy must grow up. He is not a baby anymore. Those long dark curls are to the middle of his back when wet. If he doesn't want to be called a baby, then he needs to stop looking like one.


"We are going to go shopping," Toby announced the next day and asked Bobbie what she wanted for Christmas. 

Handing him a list she needed for the kitchen he started to scan the list and handed it back. "What do you want?"

"A new robe would be nice," She told him.

"Sounds good I'll give you a check to buy the other things." He said heading for his room. He could hear Travis arguing with Liana about a pair of shoes she was trying to put on him. He is worried that his attitude is going to run her off. Yes, she is well-paid, but she doesn't seem to be motivated by money. She may feel different if she had to pay her way like Mesha. He wondered why Melina got the house and Mesha was left out in the crappy apartment. Maybe it was her grandfather who messed her up and left the house to her because he felt bad. 

Two hours later Toby drove to a strip mall outside his posh neighborhood for a kid's stylist. He remembered seeing it a while back and hoped it was still open. He knew his stylist would work Travis in, but he wanted him to have this experience and be like normal kids. Walking in the door the place was like a play yard with kids everywhere as mothers lined the walls sitting in chairs looking exhausted at 10:00 in the morning. 

Travis clung to his hand; this was overwhelming for both of them. The good thing was half of them had fresh haircuts. He assumes they were waiting for siblings to finish their cuts. Toby signed Travis' name; he is the twentieth name on the list, but most names were marked off. Toby turned and received a room full of smiles. One of them he knew so walking toward the empty chair next to her he sat. 

He reached out his hand to shake and flashed a smile. He sat as Travis stood between his legs. "I remember you from the theater store last year. How have you been?" He asked just in passing he knew she was a married woman, and he did have a date tonight. Her little one left the group and came running to her with a fresh haircut she had grown so much. That tiny petite baby had grown into a person with pretty blond hair that was cut to her shoulders. She smiled sweetly at Travis. He reached out and touched her hand. "Do you remember her Big Guy?"

"She was a baby at the store," Travis said.

Toby laughed, "Yes good memory she grew up just like you did."

"He can't remember her; he was just a baby too."

"No, Travis remembers everything from about nine months on watch. Travis tells her what happened when you saw her."

Travis described the scene, what was said, and who was there, amazing all the people around them. He even described her husband's reaction to Toby's attention to his wife and daughter.

"I remember that well, we separated that day. I'm divorced now," the woman said almost to herself.

"I'm sorry," Toby said, feeling bad for her, but he doesn't remember flirting, so it was not his fault.

"Oh, don't be, he was a terror, I was seduced by the fact he was a doctor. I was stupid they are high-strung and demanding and spend little time with the family. They have God complexes," she said, and a few women nodded their heads agreeing with her sentiments.' "We are fine, he pays child support and the bills so now he can run around and share his holiness all he wants," she said, not looking too pleased.

"Ok that changes everything, congratulations on the divorce," he told her they both laughed as Travis and her little one played close by with a small beat-up toy.

"I heard you had gone to Hollywood to make a new movie and the whole town sighed," she teased.

He laughed again, "I did, it should be out next year, but it will be too scary for the girls, it was too scary for me making it."

She shoved his shoulder, "Big baby," 

"Guilty, but I got through it."

Her older daughter came up and shook her head to display the great cut. "Looks pretty, sweetie, it was nice seeing you again." She stood and collected her girls.

Toby remembered her well. She was a beauty back then and still is, "So are you dating now?" he asked as he stood and followed her. He didn't want her to get away, date tonight or not. He remembered her and thought about her occasionally when his thoughts went to finding a wife. She seemed to be a perfect one. 

She turned with a red face, "I haven't yet but if you're asking I would." The women around her smiled at her answer.

Passing his phone to her she typed in her name and number. "I'm home most of the time so call me." Passing it back he smiled. His heart is pounding. He hasn't reacted to anyone like he reacted to her. He stood and watched her leave, getting into an older model Mercedes as she buckled the girls into their seats. A woman on the other side of the waiting room raised her hand and said, "I'm divorced too." The others laughed as another one said, "I'll get one if he wants me to." 

He smiled and laughed, "No that is Ok but thanks," he said and went to the counter. "She is a pretty one," he whispered. Checking the list there were two others ahead of Travis so he relaxed as much as he could being watched by a room full of horny women. Thankfully, no one worked up the nerve to talk to him after that. 

A four-year-old with his own God complex was called back so the whining and fighting died down to nothing as he walked away to have his hair cut. Travis just seemed to want to get along with the others, so he has done something right. He wondered if his mother was paying attention to her child's behavior. Then again, he would make a good doctor. 

He looked at his phone, her name was Lisa, he smiled, she looked like a Lisa, soft sweet and willow thin. He thought about her a couple of times over the year but not in that way. Now all he wants to do is crawl all over her and make her forget that mean doctor. Another reason to forget Candace. Lisa's description of her husband could easily describe Candace too. Someone who could abandon a child to further her career can't be a loving and nurturing mother or wife. Why had he pursued her? Especially since that is what he is looking for, a wife and mother for Travis and as many children as the woman would have for him.


"Travis McBride," was called out and Toby stood and collected him from the group huddled around a toy. What was so interesting about moving a bead over a wire? 

"A boy cut, not too short," he told the stylist who was staring at him. 

"Do you want me to collect his hair to save it?" She asked. "This looked to be his first haircut. Most parents usually do want the hair. Kind of remember when things are for them." 

Toby thought that was a good idea. "Yes please." He took out his phone and took his picture and noticed a few women doing the same thing. His dark hair was past his shoulders in soft ringlets. He hoped he wouldn't lose his powers by cutting his hair. 

Snipping the long hair as Travis watched she filled Toby's hand as the baby turned into a boy. A woman walked up and handed him a baggie. He smiled and filled the bag as he thanked her. 

Taking pictures as she cut, Travis was very interested in the process and watched her in the mirror as his hair disappeared. 

Travis walked out with a young man's swagger. Toby fought the urge to laugh. Visions of John Travolta filled his mind expecting him to point to the sky with his strut.


Toby went to the local Kohl's and found boxers the same kind he wears in Travis' size plus several things for the new young man beside him. Travis picked out some things with a little arguing over size. He found a robe for Bobbie and one for Liana, some slippers, and a purse like the one Bobbie carries, but different enough to tell it is new. They went to the men's section so Toby could look and see if he could find something to wear for tonight. 

He wasn't even excited anymore Lisa had his attention now. Disgusted with himself for being fickle he kept looking for something to wear. As Alli said it is called dating, no sex. Getting to know the woman first had been her lecture when she heard about his date. Those women keep close tabs on him. They are all trying to keep him on track and keep his heart from being broken for nothing. 

Finding some slacks and dress shirts he added them to the pile. A few people recognized him, so he signed autographs until Travis let him know he was ready for a nap. He was getting argumentative as they went to check out. Christmas toys lined the registers catching his attention. A whole shelf of motorized cars caught Toby's attention and he slipped one with big wheels in the cart as Travis walked to the other side of the display. It was the kind that flipped when it hit something and had large tires to protect the furniture. 

The woman behind him saw the trick and said, "I'll unload this, and he will never know it is for him. I was the queen of sneak shopping when my kids were little," She whispered as she traded carts with him as Travis came round the display. He looked so different and grown up that he wondered what the girls were going to say. His group of girls has grown to six, seven if you add Missy. 

She unloaded the basket and the sales lady put it in a bag quickly setting it to the side. Was it like a conspiracy women only knew about? He wondered to himself as he stepped to the register to pay for his purchases. He smiled and thanked the woman. They accomplished the ploy and Travis is clueless. 

Travis charged into the house as Toby hid his gifts among the leftovers of Bobbie's life. Her daughter took over the house she had been living in, so Bobbie was able to relax and enjoy the easy life in a nice home with people who cared for her. Not that her family didn't care, they just sounded a little like Louise's. He overheard them talking in the kitchen and they sounded a bit greedy. 

Bobbie spent thirty years cooking for other people who cared nothing for her. Her husband was a drinker and her kids were not much better. Now sweet Toby has given her a different life she wishes she was thirty years younger she would give him a run for his money. Like Louise says he makes you feel loved with just a smile. He was also quick with a hug and wanted nothing more. He blushed and backed away when he heard them talking about him. It made him feel good. 

Hearing Bobbie yell, "Toby what did you do with our baby? Who is this big boy?" he laughed as he entered the house. 

"Who knew there was a big boy under all that hair," Toby said, bringing in the bags for Travis and him. 

Liana came home around six and had the same response except she cried as she looked it over. Messing up her curly locks Toby teased, "You're just jealous you're the only one with curls now," he said and sat to eat a couple of bites he was way too hungry to wait until after eight to eat his dinner. 

An hour later he was dressed and ready to go. It felt strange his one other attempt to date had blown up in his face. Lesson learned: don't blabber on about himself or his son just casual conversation. Keep it light and things should go well, he was telling himself as he drove approximately five miles to her place. 

Mesha answered the door at the first knock. She was dressed in a spangly dress showing her nice legs. The first thing he thought was that it was cold outside. The next is he made a mistake because she was not the woman for him. The apartment was nice, with no skulls, just older furniture but well kept. But something was off his heart didn't pound his hands didn't sweat being around her. 

They ate Chinese food and went to a club east of downtown and he spent more time talking to the doorman than her. The music was loud, not even pop music in some alternative style. The people did a lot of jumping around and screaming as the music was pounding as it filled the air. Not Toby's type of entertainment at all. Mesha was having a great time. She would turn and smile at him and then go back to paying attention to the band pumping her hand in the air and jumping in place. 

He brought her back home to her apartment. She was excited and happy this was a perfect night for her. Toby was glad she enjoyed the date. Leaving her at her door with a kiss, he headed home. 

"OH, hell no," Toby grumbled as he backed out of the parking space. It was after two and the place was alive with people. How does anyone sleep around here, he doesn't know. He thanked God he didn't have to live over here. If he hadn't been found he may have ended up in some place like this.


"So?" Louise asked once he got up. 

"No, absolutely nothing in common. Wrong food, wrong kind of music, and way too garish in her dress," Toby complained to Louise when he got up at lunchtime to tell them about the date.

"Ok then call the other one, you were excited about seeing her again. I don't remember them, they must not have bought anything." 

"I can't remember installing anything either."

"You wouldn't, you were already filming the first movie by then, or maybe it was already over. So, call her," Louise suggested as he looked to see what Bobbie was making for lunch. Sunday lunch was the big meal of the day and the place smelled wonderful. 

"You know she has two kids. Do I want to take on the responsibility of a woman and two kids?" Toby asked, sounding unsure.

"Why not you have plenty of room here and you're a wonderful father. Besides it is just a date remember, no one said she is the one. Date is all it is, don't overthink this," she chastised him.

She was right when he came home Thursday, Mesha was the perfect woman, and look how that turned out. "Ok let's eat lunch first and then I'll call and see what she has to say." 

If nothing else Mesha got her car back and said, 'It purrs like a kitten.' Maybe that was the reason he met her to help the damsel in distress and nothing more. 

They all watched his expression as they tried to eat lunch. Travis asked, "Are you sad Daddy?"

He quickly looked at Travis, "No why do you ask?" 

"Your face is sad,"

"No sweetie I'm thinking and for me sometimes it is hard," he said and chuckled at his wit. The others followed along with light laughter.

"Remember the woman I was talking to when you got your haircut?"

"Yes, Sophie's mommy? She said her daddy went away and she doesn't see him much. Kind of she doesn't talk well like Oliver." 

"Well as you know you're special and most kids your age don't talk like you do."

"I know so what about her mother," Travis asked, trying to keep him on track.

"I was thinking about asking her out for a date maybe this coming weekend."

"Do I get to play with Sophie again?" He asked excitedly.

"Maybe Liana will take care of all of you so we can go eat dinner."

"You can eat dinner here," Travis pointed out and the ladies chuckled.

"We could but normally on a first date you take the woman out somewhere nice," Toby told him he was thinking about wearing a suit for this one.

"But Bobbie is a good cook," Travis explained. 

"Yes, she is. How about I call Lisa and see what she thinks about having a date at my house and bringing the girls."

"I think she will think it is a good idea," Travis told him and took a bite of his potatoes. 

"So, what do you think Bobbie should make for dinner?" Louise asked. 

"Spaghetti. I like her spaghetti with her good bread and salad," Travis suggested.

"We just had that a few days ago," Toby complained.

"Because I like it, so do you."

"True, so I will ask if she wants to come to my house and bring the girls and if she likes spaghetti."

"I think she will, and we can play so you can kiss her."

"How do you know I want to kiss her?"

"You like to kiss ladies, you kissed Amy and Missy in your bed I remember."

"I know you do; you remember too much," Toby said and looked at the women around him. "So, what do you think of his idea?"

"I think he has a great idea, but this weekend is his birthday so maybe ask them to his party and it will take the pressure off the whole dating thing," Louise said as everyone waited for his answer. 

Toby realized that Sophie's birthday was tomorrow; she would turn two on the 16th. Why he remembered that amazed him.

"Sounds good, but I think we should have finger food, not spaghetti for his birthday. If they want to come back and see us again, we can eat spaghetti then," he said trying to placate Travis. 

"Ok, so I can have a friend at my birthday,"

"Oh sweetie, yes, you can and just think next year you will know a lot more kids to ask to your party," Liana told him.

"Are there others at school you think would come," Toby asked feeling bad he hadn't thought about him having others over."

"It is too late to ask, school is out in a couple of days," Liana offered but really, she wouldn't want the kids Travis has to deal with in the smart class here. Most are arrogant jerks even at a young age and jealous that Travis is so much smarter than them.