Emma and Frieda leaves the house with Luna. They have to pass through a market that is usually busy at this time of the day.
Emma having her black hair open and her dress, feels as if she is the part pf this world. " Must be the magic that made this dress", thinks Emma.
They are still in the residential area. The houses are huge and you can see some people on the balconies reading or sleeping.
"Must be Lunch break hours." Says Emma.
" Lunch break hours? We dont have that people who are in houses at this time are probably unemployed." Says Frieda.
"Uh oh." Emma stutters.
They walk pass some flowers shops the flowers didnt look very much like flowers. There was something like sparkels on the flowers.
Emma asks, " what is that sparkly things on the flowers?"
"Oh that, probably insects." Replies Frieda.
"Yes. They protect these flowers."
"Oh that sounds good."
Nearing the market Emma spot a tall boy with white hair.
Emma asks, " That boy has beautiful hair."
"Who? " asks Frieda
"The guy at that buns shop." Points Emma at a shop that says Mushroom Buns.
"Oh wait let me see I have bad eyesight. Oh! Him, Felix? Lets say hi to him."
Frieda starts shouting and waving . "FELIX!"
Embarresed Emma, " Frieda keep it down everybody is staring at us shhh."
Felix looks at them and gets Embarresed.
He walks to them grabs Frieda and covers Frieda's mouth with his hand takes her to the narrow are between bun shop and a flower shop. Emma and Luna follows the.
"Can you keep your mouth shut for a second.
Why were you shouting. You could have come near me and then asked for me."
" oh Hahahaha that was fun."
Felix looking at her helpless. "What part of that shouting and staring was fun."
"Oh you know Emma I wanted to tell you people who have white hair are the ones selected for elite mage society."
Emma getting embarresed," you could have told me later as well. Haha."
"Oh I should introduce you both. So felix here " pointing towards Emma "meet my new friend her name is Emma say hi to her. And emma as already told this is Felix we go to the same school."
Felix looks at Emma, a bit suspicious, "Hi nice to meet you."
"Hi" says Emma .
"You must have been in a lot of trouble because of this New Friwnd that you made. Hahaha she is a bit messed up here.
Touching his finger to his temple.
"YOU ! You didnt even meet my friend properly and are already making fun me in front Emma. I'll put a weird spell on you."
"Oh now we shouldnt get so hasty Frieda."
Looking at emma he says, "She doesn't look like she is from here. Where are you from Emma?"
Emma and Frieda looking at each other ,
"Before that why dont You tell us what is an elite student doing at this hour shouldnt you be working with your elite society?" Frieda asks sneakily to avoid the subject.
"You don't have to worry about me. I was just running some errands. Since you don't want to tell me I'll take my leave. It was nice meeting you Emma. I hope we can have nice chat at a restruant. "
"Oh you dont have to worry about her she is here for today only."
"Bye Frieda. I hope we don't run into each other again. Bye Emma."
"Bye Felix."
Felix leaves them and goes straight inside of the bun shop as if he was trying to hide.
"Thankgod that guy left." With Relief says Frieda.
"Why are you saying that did he do something?" asks Emma.
"Well no he .. you know he is a member of the Elite society if he came to knew that you were from other world he will tell them and who knows where they might take you to study about your case."
"I didnt know that. We should definitely avoid him. I am only here to take Anton."
Frieda hangs her sad face.
"And ofcourse for you as well Frieda. Luna as well."
Smiles Frieda upon hearing that, " we should also leave. Otherwise we will have to spend our whole day fighting the rush to go to the station."
"Yes. Let us go."
They leave the narrow area. People start to increase. The rush hour has started. Luna gets on Frieda's shoulder.
"We should hold our hand." Suggests Emma.
Emma grabs Frieda's hands but the crowd starts pushing each other.
"Where are these people coming from. Oh... wait... Frieda... don't let go of my hand....."
Since everybody's clothes were made of magic, the magic layer makes a shield, so two different clothing cannot physically touch each other. They just touch the outer layer.
Only skin could touch.
In the crowd, Frieda being ahead got sqaushed by the crowd, they let go of their hands. "No Emma!"
"Emma! Where are you Emma?".
Trying to look back she couldn't see Emma.
Luna was clasping hard on Frieda's shoulder. The crowd pushes them further. They get to a side in between of two shops.
The narrow area between a shop of clothes and funiture.
"How do we find Emma.? What should we do Luna."
Luna makes sounds of worry.
Emma is still in the crowd trying to find Frieda's hands. "Frieda, where are you? Give me your hand."
A hand grabs Emma's hand.
"Uh oh finally Frieda!. Wa-it ... that doesn't seem like a hand of a girl."
The hand grabs Emma's hand tightly and guides her towards a narrow area between two shops( of pet animals and plants).
Huff huff* "Thankyou so much what- Felix?"
"You're welcome Emma."
" How- how did you find me?"
"Oh I didnt find you . I was also in the crowd. Lost. Then I heard 'Frieda'. I thought Frieda must be near by. But turns out that you both are lost."
"Yes we both got separated."
"Umm.. well then I will leave I have to go to the other side of the crowd ."
"Same, I also have to be there. Frieda must be waiting for me there."
"Then should we go together?"
" That would be great."
Forwarding his hand towards Emma . He says "Let's go."
"Yes Let's go."
They both go inside of the crowd. The scene felt like they were diving deep inside side of an ocean.
"So where are you from?" asks Felix.
"Uh-h I am.. from a nearby town. I am Frieda's cousin."
"So you are?" Smiles Felix.
"Yes I am telling you the truth."
" I didn't ask if it was the truth."
"So you are an Elite mage?"
Felix laughs ," you could say that."