The shadow beast started attacking

Gogo says,

Rehan get up from here we have to go to safe place. why don't you get up. Stop playing games. If you play games now, you won't have life to play games later.

(But by that time it was too late as the shadow beasts were approaching.)

Gogo starts crying and says what will we do now. Say something yohan. You said you would save me from shadow beasts if they attack. do something.

Rehan looked around to see shadow beasts sneaking into the store. Then yohan saw the window and told gogo, gogo we have to break that window and get out. gogo you hear we have to break that window and get out. Get up gogo hurry the shadow beasts are approaching.

(gogo can't stand up because of fear.)

Rehan took Gogo on his back and ran towards the window. After breaking the window, Yohan looked around. He saw a safe building in the distance and started to run towards it but a shadow beast appeared in front of him and attacked Yohan. He can somehow escape from her. and entered the safe building. But after going inside and seeing that the safe shield of that place which protects the entire building is damaged, Yohan starts to go outside but the shadow beasts are entering through the door. And Yohan is surrounded by all sides.

Rehan thought to himself

what do i do now .

Gogo says,

what will happen to us now yohan. This shadow beast will swallow us. I am not married yet. I don't want to die so soon. Do something yohan. shadow beast You don't swallow me, swallow that boy. He is so delicious than me.

Rehan says,

what are you talking about

Gogo says,

Then what can I say, today my life is going to end because of you, at least my life will be saved instead of yours.

( Gogo hides behind Yuhan.)

Rehan stands in front of Gogo with a stick in hand. Anyway I have to save gogo.