Chapter 73: Cereal (5)

"Oh, my goodness. Tony is holding Frosted Flakes."

"I can't believe Tony actually showed up..."

The citizens of the empire were both surprised and delighted by Tony's appearance.

He was indeed someone who invigorated people every morning.

It was only natural to be delighted by the real thing that came out of the box.

"Tony-san, that was great! Please do it just once more!"



When Tony directly shouted the famous line from Frosted Flakes, everyone, regardless of age, cheered loudly.

"H-he signed it with his paw!."


People looked at the box of Frosted Flakes with the giant paw print of Tony with admiring eyes.

"U-um please put it on my shirt!"


Tony's massive paw print was clearly imprinted on the white shirt of the citizen who asked for an autograph.


"...I don't know what it is, but it's really cool."

People envied the huge paw print of Tony printed on the shirt.

Thus a line formed as everyone asked Tony for paw prints and Tony's popularity spread throughout the capital.

"Shirts with Tony's paw print for sale!"

"Please give me a paw print tattoo on my back."

Naturally, various products featuring Tony as the main character began to be sold.

Shirts stamped with Tony's paw print and paw print tattoos have gained popularity.

"I'm going to be Tony. You be the Yellow Tower Wizard."

"No! You did it earlier. This time, it's my turn to be the tiger!"

Among the children, the story of Tony driving out the Yellow Tower wizards became a hot topic, and role-playing games based on it became popular.

In the meantime, there was also talk about the 'breakfast' that the Yellow Tower wizards had been claiming.

"Right now, Bolitur and Tony are having a strength contest, but is that really important?"

"Can you be quiet for a moment?"

People's main interest was not breakfast, but Bolitur and Tony.

"Who would win if the two of them fought?"

"Don't you know? In the wild, bears are food for tigers."

"Ah, that's just a typical brown bear story! Bolitur is a polar bear!"

"Are you saying that polar bears are stronger than grizzly bears?"

"Of course!"

People were so engrossed in passionately debating who was stronger between the polar bear and the tiger that they didn't even pay attention to the story of the Twelve Towers.

Even when It occasionally spoke up, It was often ignored.

"What am I supposed to do if I have to go to work but didn't eat breakfast?"

"Health and all that, you need to have strength to work."

"So that's why the Ministry of Magic is so weak; they don't eat breakfast."

"They lack the spirit of a tiger."

Due to realistic reasons combined with visual elements, the claims of the Yellow Tower Wizards were dismissed as nonsense.

The followers of Cornflakes claimed that you need to have breakfast to feel energized like a tiger.

That makes sense, considering that while Tony was a muscular and robust tiger, most wizards who skipped breakfast were usually scrawny.

"As expected, Yuri's words were right."

"What did Yuri say?"

"Don't you know? Didn't Yuri develop Frosted Flakes? Of course, he made it to promote breakfast."

"...So that's what it was!"

Yuri only thought of cornflakes when he saw the combination of leftover grains and milk, but this became a direct rebuttal to the Ministry of Magic's previous claim that "breakfast is unnecessary."

"I heard that Yuri places great importance on breakfast."

"They say that when he wakes up early in the morning, he starts with milk calisthenics."

"Goodness, is he really that diligent?"

Yuri has been transformed into a morning calisthenics advocate by the citizens of the empire.


"Are you hibernating? Ugh, look at how dark the room is."

The curtain is drawn back with grumbling words.

The scorching sunlight stings my eyes painfully.

"Wake up."

"Just five more minutes."

Is it because I changed the bed before to a dwarven-made bed?

It was hard to get out of bed in the morning.

I don't know what material the cushion is made of, but it feels like my body is floating on a cloud.

The down comforter is just so soft─


In an instant, the blanket was suddenly pulled off, and a cold wind enveloped my body.

"Did you forget that we have a shoot later this afternoon?"

"Help me up."


As I reached out my arm, Aria sighed. Even so, she grabbed my outstretched arm and pulled me up.

"Be ready and come out by eight."

With a curt remark Aria left the room.

Despite her grumbling she did everything she needed to do before leaving.

The window which had been opened who knows when brought in a chilly breeze that fully woke me up.


It was tough to suddenly get up early after lounging around.

After washing up roughly, I sat at the table and started eating Cornflakes with milk, when a huge figure sat down across from me.

It was a tiger that seemed to have jumped out of a Frosted Flakes box, 'Tony.'

"I want to express my gratitude."

"Is there anything for which you need to thank me?"

"Everything. Thanks to you, our clan's image has improved."

In the empire, the mountain lords were a symbol of fear.

It was rare for humans to encounter the mountain lords, but if they did, they couldn't escape death.

However, contrary to popular belief, the mountain lords do not attack humans.

The mountain lord clan fed on the flesh of horses, and only the weakened individuals who could no longer hunt preyed on humans.

However, it was usually the case that humans were the ones to first provoke the mountain lords.

As a result, the mountain lords did not get along well with humans, and whenever the two races met, tension always lingered.

But recently, that tension has disappeared.

Even if Tony strolled through the streets of the capital, people greeted him with smiling faces.

"If it weren't for Frosted Flakes, this wouldn't have happened."

"That's true."

I did not deny it.

It was true that I provided the opportunity.


"It's because Taito did it that things have changed."

I passed the ball to Taito.

Although Frosted Flakes was the catalyst, if Taito had remained passive, the current change in perception would not have occurred.

The story goes that because Taito moved, changes also occurred.

Indeed, Taito had been going around the capital every morning recently, performing various good deeds.

Not only was he participating in the Church's charity events, but he was also mingling with people and helping others.

That was something Taito did; it had nothing to do with me.

I was someone who found it overwhelming just to get up in the morning.

"How humble."

"Because it's the truth."


Tony bared his teeth and smiled.

I also smiled back at him.

We enjoyed the cornflakes in silence for a while.

The sunlight by the window shone on us like that.


"Did it turn out well?"

"Yes, it turned out well."

Zion, who captured our mealtime scene in a photo, gave a thumbs up.

"Mr. Taito, thank you for your hard work."

"Growl. Is it alright if I leave now?"

"Yes, you may go."

Tony cleared the cornflakes and stood up.

I watched the video Zion filmed and checked the parts that needed editing.

"Since this middle meal scene is too long, can we skip it a bit and emphasize the sunlight more?"

"I will give it a try."

While taking notes on the instructions, Zion tilted his head in confusion.

"But what are you doing by taking a picture of this?"

"What else would it be? A vlog."

I was recently working on a series capturing the daily life of Tony.

The so-called .

Of course, the conversation during the meal was genuine and without a hint of pretense.

It's real.

"Someone who can't even get up in the morning, what do they know about vlogs?"

Aria was poking fun with words.

But I had something to say too.

"Counterfeit Frosted Flakes are popping up, we can't just sit back and do nothing."

"That's true."

Recently, 'cornflake' cereals, led by Frosted Flakes, have been popping up everywhere.

It's not hard to think of cornflakes, but making them is easy.

Gourmets interpreted the trend of such cereals was a backlash against luxurious breakfasts.

The morning cereal craze has begun to sweep the empire.

To survive in this harsh cereal market, you need to package well.

"It seems like even Twelve Towers doesn't want to interfere with the cereal anymore."

"There's no way they can afford that."

"That's true too."

The Twelve Towers were going through a rough time due to the prohibition law they had enacted.

Many merchants also enjoyed drinking parties on board to evade the law or drank alcohol under the pretext of using medicinal cold medicine.

Above all, the grape block was the biggest problem.

People bought it as juice, but it turned out they were actually drinking it as alcohol.

Since more people were drinking alcohol than before Prohibition, the Twelve Towers was busy trying to contain the side effects.

It means that they don't have the capacity to worry about cereal.

"What do they say at the Church?"

"I came because of that anyway."

"Is something going on?"

"Lilith was taken to the Church."


"Apparently, the rival dairy farmers reported to the Church claiming that Lilith is a vampire."


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