Plane Crash At Bermuda Triangle

Hellaine looked to her right and left, her green eyes piercing through the dark. When she saw no movements, her long legs slid down the ground as she headed to her target.

A wide smile made its way to her lips when she saw the plane which was parked outside after training today. She was glad the trainer always left this baby here because it would be used for the next day's classes.

With expertise, Hellaine climbed onto the plane,Cessna 172, and headed straight to the pilot cockpit. She didn't want to risk getting caught by turning on the lights so she made her way to the seat immediately.

The familiar scent of strong leather filled her nose and her adrenaline pumped harder. She clasped her seat belt and with a shaky breath, she turned on the Master Switch.

Tonight was the night her long-time plan became a reality. This was the only reason she joined the Aviation Academy in the first place. To be with him.

"Bermuda Triangle, here I come." She whispered under her breath as she started the engine.

"Yesss, we're doing this!!" 

Hellaine whipped her head backwards, shocked from the strange voice she heard inside the plane. Her eyes narrowed when she saw the Golden Trio--the most handsome, and most stupid bullies in the Aviation Academy she attended.

Their eyes were wild as they rushed into the plane, cheering like a concert was going on.

"Get out!" Hellaine barked at them, wondering how they were able to sneak in without making a sound.

Damn it! She had drugged the guards to be able to make her escape and now these idiots used that to their advantage.

"What? Hell nah! We're in for the ride, Hell." Jack scoffed as he moved to sit on the co-pilot's seat.

She winced slightly at the nickname everyone called her in the academy. She hated it more than anything because hell was a place no one wanted to be in.

She sometimes blamed the stupid nickname for the reason she had no friends. Bad names scare people off, her father always said.

The other two boys, Connor and Haron moved to the narrow aisle where there were two other seats, each of them buckling up and waiting for her to make the move. 

"This is my ride! Get out!" Hellaine hissed, annoyed at the interruption.

They had no idea what they were getting into. There was no way she could do this with them in the plane. That would be murder.

"You either get the plane moving or we call Mr. Redkins. And you know how that's going to end." Jack, the leader of the trio, smirked at her.

Mr. Redkins was the boarding school supervisor, a short and staunch man who had low tolerance for indiscipline and bratty children. Both of which Hellaine was displaying by choosing to fly the academy's plane.

Tonight was the night everything was taken away from her, and she wanted to end it all. 

"Go, Hell!!" Jack barked with his minions cheering her on. 

Pissed that she was forced to listen to the maniacs, Hellaine got the plane moving and soon, they were on air.

"Woohoo!! That's what I'm talking about!!" The boys howled like wolves in the background.

Hellaine only gripped the controller tighter as she soared the air. The night turned out worse than she anticipated but she still had to see what she came here for.

They had to return to the academy as soon as possible. Even if she had drugged the guards, she was still scared that they would get caught.

The boys would be able to get away with anything because Jack's father was the owner of the Academy but a poor girl like her who only got in through scholarship could never go scot-free.

Gliding in the air, Hellaine inched closer to the same spot she had dreaded her entire life. The Bermuda Triangle.

"No way, are you heading towards the Devil's triangle?" Jack's voice felt closer than before and Hellaine turned back to see him leaning towards her.

"Get away from me." She gritted, hating how his presence destroyed the significance of this moment.

"You don't get to tell me what to do, Hell." Jack gritted, his dark eyes glaring at her.

"What are you doing?!" Hellaine panicked as Jack took over control without informing her.

"Shut up and sit down there!" Jack spat, his eyes fixated on the dark sky. "I want to see how true the myth is." 

"What?" Hellaine felt the color drain from her face. No, no, no. There was no way he was doing this!

"Oooh, let's do it!!" the two other stupid blondes cheered Jack on.

"Are you insane?! Head back to the academy right away!!" Hellaine gripped her seatbelt for safety.

"Nah, we didn't come all the way here just to turn back like cowards." Jack shook his head with a craze-filled smile on his lips.

Hellaine's heart dropped to her stomach. She only realized then that she had gone on this ride with a crazy boy.

Suddenly, the alarms began to blare, indicating something was wrong. The plane shook violently and Hellaine gripped the seat so tightly her palms were aching.

"What is going on?!" 

"What are you doing?!" Hellaine yelled at Jack who was pressing any button on the controller, making things worse.

"It's not me!! I don't know what's wrong!" Jack's confident voice had vanished, replaced with nothing but fear.

"We're going to die!" the boys at the back roared, and Hellaine yanked off her seatbelt, heading towards Jack.

"Hand over control right away!" Hellaine ordered as she took over the plane but it was too late. They were crashing already!

The roof of the plane was ripped out and screams filled the air. Hellaine couldn't even hear her own voice due to the ringing in her ears.

Then, a bright light flashed out of nowhere and Hellaine blacked out, her body unable to handle the chaos any longer.