The Unbranded Slave

The arena was as silent as a graveyard. It seemed like no one even dared to breathe. Tension rose in the air as Hellaine stared deeply into Cladymor's eyes.

She knew he heard what she said. Oh, he heard it very clearly. Yet, the expression on his face was that of confusion.

He wasn't livid, nor was he glaring at her but he seemed genuinely confused as though that was the first time he had heard such a statement being addressed to him.

Hellaine could guess why. With the little she had seen from this world, he was the tyrant who no one could even dare look straight in the eye. Everyone wiped his behind clean.

But not her. She didn't care if she was sentenced to death or killed right here and now, she had to tell him that which everyone failed to say.

Maybe then, some compassion would be knocked into his stony heart and he would abolish this inhumane slavery system. 

"What did you just say, girl?" The mic was snatched away from her by the MC who was glancing at the Overlord apprehensively.

He then turned to the crowd, plastering a wide and fake smile on his face. "Oh, it seems there was a slip of tongue there. Our winner meant to say the Overlord is amazing! Another round of applause please." 

The claps that followed after were not as enthusiastic as the others. Even though the MC had tried to play it cool, the people weren't deaf. Everyone heard what contestant 030 had said. They heard it loud and clear.

"It wasn't a slip of tongue, you piece of shit!" Hellaine blasted but her voice was blocked off from the mic so the crowd couldn't hear what she was saying.

"I meant what I said and I meant every word, Cladymor." Hellaine hissed, her green eyes boring hatred into him.

"Are you out of your freaking mind?!" The MC gripped her wrist tightly and she could see fear in his eyes for her. 

Maybe she was out of her mind. Seeing that child who was supposed to be in school and playing with dirt trapped inside the body of a monster snapped something inside of her.

The last thread of her patience.

Now, she couldn't care less what happened to her. She would speak the truth and no one would be able to stop her.

Cladymor took a step forward, his ruby eyes still on her. The MC backed away as though he knew there was nothing he could do to save Hellaine.

Hellaine stood on her ground as Cladymor stopped merely inches away from her. His scent was enchanting, nearly pulling her into his embrace but she resisted.

She wouldn't be foolishly charmed by his good looks and overlook his atrocities.

"Do you have any idea the hell that is waiting for you after what you just said?" He asked, his eyes searching hers. 

He seemed to be looking for any sign of fear but she wasn't willing to give it to him. 

Taking a bold step forward, Hellaine leaned up with just a thin line separating their lips from colliding. She felt him suck in a deep breath and she held in her breath.

"Damn whatever hell you have prepared for me, Cladymor. I will not be as blind and foolish as your other subjects." She gritted out.

Suddenly, Cladymor smiled which took her aback. His lips spread out into a thin and amused smile. That was when Hellaine realized--she was dealing with a crazy man.

"You are tenacious and fearless, foolishly so but admirable. I can see how you were able to bring down that beast." His compliments made her skin tingle and she hated how his words affected her.

"That beast is a child. A child that you had trapped for God knows how long!"

"I never trapped her. The Island had given her a harmful ability and her mother sold her to the royal family for money. The Council decided to put her gift to good use. And I simply didn't object." He shrugged, like he hadn't ruined someone's life by simply not objecting.

"And did you care to ask her what she wants? Did you even stop to think how terrified that little girl must have been when the one who was supposed to protect her abandoned her? How utterly scary it was for her to be attacked by people she didn't know? The nightmares she would have had from the people who had died because of her?" 

Cladymor's eyes flickered and for a second, she thought she might have seen a bit of emotion but it faltered before she could even blink.

"Your Majesty, this slave keeps overstepping her boundaries. Allow me to deal with her." The leader of the guards who were still on their knees spoke with his bowed head.

"Keep yourself mute." Cladymor snapped at the man.

The gates to the arena opened up and Hellaine saw the two women who had been sitting with Cladymor rushing into the grounds with their guards behind them. The elderly woman turned her sharp eyes to her and she nearly flinched from her glare.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but did a measly and worthless servant just call the Overlord an as-" The woman shut her eyes tightly as though pronouncing the word was going to terminate her lifeline.

"She should be executed right here! How dare she speak like that to you, Your Majesty?" The younger lady hissed with disdain.

"You are wrong, Mother." Cladymor said before looking away from Hellaine to his mother. "As Rafal said, it was a mere slip of tongue." 

Hellaine furrowed her eyebrows, not understanding why Cladymor was covering up for her. She had thought he would be the first person to order for her death but this...was surprising.

"Really?" Cladymor's mother narrowed her eyes as though she found it hard to believe. She turned to the MC, Rafal, who had his head bowed now.

"Yes, my Queen. The Overlord is right." Rafal lied through his teeth and Hellaine pursed her lips, even more confused by what was happening.

"Is that so...?" The Queen turned her eyes to Hellaine and she was forced to look down, unable to handle the woman's intense gaze. "Then, the prize should be given so we can leave this place. The smell of blood is nauseating." 

"Yes, Your Majesty." Rafal nodded his head before he signaled for the guards to do something.

About four of them got up and headed out of the arena while others took the girl away. 

"W-Wait! Where are they taking her to?" Hellaine tried to reach forward but Rafal grabbed her.

"For your sake, remain quiet and comply. The Overlord might have been generous but the Queen won't blink an eye as they slice your throat. You are nothing but a slave and there's nothing you can do to save her anyway. If you want justice to reign, then climb up the ladder and become someone." Rafal whispered hurriedly into her ears.

Hellaine held back her tears as she saw the girl's frail figure vanishing after the gates. His word lingered in her ears and she kept them close to her heart. 

"Now, the slave would be washed with the Pure Water as she ascends to a new position in her life. According to the rules of the Freedom Day, she would be promoted to a staff in the Royal Palace!" Rafal announced in the mic and the crowd roared with cheers.

Hellaine was numb as the guards brought a bowl of clean water which was placed on four poles. The guards took a hold of her and without warning, plunged her face into the water.

She tried to squirm but it was to no avail as their grip on her was relentless. She closed her eyes, holding her breath until they finally pulled her out.

Hellaine gasped desperately for air and she gripped the bowl of water to remain on her feet.

"What is this?!" 

Her eyes moved to the Queen who was staring at her with widened eyes. Everyone else had their eyes on her and they all seemed shocked.

Hellaine couldn't decipher why they were staring at her that way but she knew it wasn't something good. Her face appeared on the holoscreen and she saw what was making them stare.

The mark on her head which branded her as a slave had been washed off. Her face was as clean as a newborn baby's.


Hellaine cursed inwardly. If she wasn't killed for calling the Overlord an asshole, she was surely going to be executed for bypassing the slave branding.