Leyline Fracture! III

It was a scene that would be more than enough to induce horror.

Throngs of dozens of Evolutius Beasts rushed out, and they only continued to come as they threw their bodies to slam onto the Crystal Vine Tower Achilles had enacted as if mad!

The Treants threw lightning, bone spikes, and globules of poison to all surge far above where the figures of Achilles and others were.

At this time.

As if they wanted to earn their keep.

The girl shrouded with black clothing and coldness spread her hands out, waves of ice walls erupting out in a circular motion around them as they blocked the incoming volleys of attacks.


But that was just the first.

After this, more and more attacks continued to come as the glacial wall began to crack, and it was here when Major David breathed in.

His chest expanded before he proceeded to open his jaws and…a heavy and scorching stream of lava like flames surged out from him!