No one wants you dead

Sett sat back down. Doted son? He thought in amusement. 

Even if his mother abused him in all the ways possible and called it training, deep down, Sett knew that was indeed just her way of doting on him. 

To her, transforming Sett into some strategic monster was the way she showed her love.

But Sett had to agree, if one day he became stronger than his mother—he would surely beat her up. Just like she beats him up. She could heal quickly anyway. In fact, he would make her apologize by—

Another whack in the head woke him up.

Yes, it was not the time to think about that.

He had to become the Pharaoh, right?

"Then I have no choice but to become the Pharaoh," he said, "Then it's alright, right? With your support, I doubt I can be suppressed."