I also noticed that Daphne had five books on her desk—a textbook and four smaller, but thicker ones. Dictionaries? Or maybe something else valuable and interesting? If you believe the rumors that only pure-blood wizards get into Slytherin, or at most half-bloods, is it possible that the girl has more interesting sources of information on the subject? Or at least an understanding of which books are better to take and which to ignore?
Daphne couldn't help but notice my glance at her books. She frowned, looked at me, at the books, back at me, and with a terribly funny, sweet, and at the same time proud movement, she simply grabbed her books, moving them closer to herself. At the same time, even a complete layman in non-verbal communication could read in her gaze a simple phrase: "No way!"
"So," the teacher drew attention to herself, standing up from the table, "there are a bit too many of you…"
The students looked around in confusion, but each could only see five people besides themselves. Apparently, they still remembered McGonagall's words about how she had to teach classes larger than the entire third-year class.
"Excuse me, is that a lot?" Hermione asked, not forgetting to raise her hand.
"My subject was never popular among schoolchildren, which they undoubtedly regretted after graduation. This allowed the course to be divided into two or three groups of two or three students and classes to be conducted almost individually. An excellent approach, because understanding the Runes is very individual. Who can say what this could be connected with?"
I had some thoughts, but I decided to hold off on expressing them for now—Transfiguration was enough. But the question did not go unanswered—Anthony Goldstein, as well as Hermione, raised their hands.
"Yes, mister…" the professor pointed with a tight hand gesture towards the boy.
"Anthony Goldstein, Professor."
"Ah, yes, I am Professor Bathsheda Babbling. So, Mr. Goldstein?"
"The reason for the individuality of understanding the Runes is that," the boy spoke confidently, "the Runes are, first of all, languages—ancient languages—and they don't have a literal translation."
"Exactly, Mr. Goldstein. That's where all the complications come from."
Anthony sat down in his seat, and the professor began to slowly walk around the front of the class, speaking.
"You can write it down. There is too much unnecessary, sometimes even artistic description in educational literature. Let's get rid of it."
We all opened our notebooks and prepared to write from dictation.
"Each rune is informationally self-sufficient, carries a load at the level of a word, and sometimes a phrase, has many semantic meanings, and along with this—many magical effects. Just as the meaning of a runic text can only be understood by context, so the magical effect of even one rune depends on many external factors."
The quiet scratching of quills filled the classroom, and the professor waited a few moments, giving time for the recording.
"In my class, we will study several runic languages, analyzing all the semantic facets. Along with this, we will study the principles of constructing magical chains using runes, analyze their variability, and learn to compose them from scratch. It is very important to understand that several runes in writing can mean one thing, but the meaning of the runes themselves would be a completely different phrase, and the magical effect would be completely different…"
I listened and wrote down Professor Babbling's words with half an ear, but most of my consciousness was immersed in unraveling the gnome's fragmentary associations—memories that had suddenly crawled out. Crawled out because of the topic of the lesson, the subject itself. These fragments, scraps of memories, like frames from a film, led me through the vague images created on their basis.
Dwarves, great craftsmen and masters of extracting everything valuable from the depths of the earth. Their skills have grown in them immeasurable pride, and the treasures in the depths of the earth, as well as the masterpieces of their own production—immeasurable greed. But this also forced them to move forward, because it is unacceptable for the "eared" to suddenly create something better, and this has happened. The dwarf from the fragments remembers the educational rods of his father when he could not memorize and compose a rune chain, or when he did not keep an eye on the temperature in the oven.
But there were more specific memories: the first proper rune chain, the first warhammer that was personally forged and enchanted with that chain, the first and last Personal Masterpiece—the axe.
But what was more important was that the words about Runes and languages based on them found their echo in this fragment. A rune can give one of several effects depending on the environment, the magic around, the magic in the construct, other runes—there are many factors. The probability of triggering an unnecessary effect can be eliminated with the help of other runes and chains, as well as by supplying a certain magical energy that is poorly compatible with unnecessary effects. But the control rune chains also consist of runes, and they also have unnecessary effects. To take all this into account, you need to know the rune languages very well. It's a pity that the "holey" fragments do not allow you to remember them.
However, it was these pitiful crumbs, carrying practically no knowledge, that allowed me to finally put together the puzzle called "Local Magic." Everything is extremely simple!
Everything I have seen, and everything I may yet see, with a few exceptions, is not the school of magic I am accustomed to, and there is an explanation for this—all these complex calculations, monstrous energy control, monstrous constructs of runes and other structures… They are simply not needed! Due to the fact that local wizards, without exception, as I see, possess internal neutral energy, they have never encountered a deficit of energy. They did not have to learn to accumulate it, collect crumbs of various external energy from the world around them and its manifestations, or complicate constructs by orders of magnitude for the sake of a tiny increase in their energy efficiency, and so on.
Moreover, local wizards have gone the way of psychological restraints to prevent spontaneous magic, but at the same time have found their own unique and completely incomprehensible-to-me method of creating spells, incantations, and other witchcraft based on gestures, words, will, and fantasy. And it works, I know for sure, although I don't understand how exactly. Like a program or a ritual… Hmm, but the latter will need to be thought over.
"You look disgustingly inspired," Daphne's remark reached my ears, even though she was sitting not very close.
"I understood magic."
Daphne rolled her eyes towards the ceiling.
"Please save the conversations for the breaks," the professor turned to us.
The gnome's memories awakened a strong desire to do something, but from these same memories, I can say with certainty that I won't do anything worthwhile—I just don't know what's needed.