Chapter 45: Under Their Noses. (Part 1)

The Young Man has an ecstatic smirk as he leaves Instructor Londra's room; The Mature Tanned Woman is laying on her bed, way too exhausted after the heated passion her Rouge Cadet pour into her.

Khallyon for hs part, wants to practice his newly acquired capacity for Instantly Cast 12 Åyûrïc Nodes.

Which can be translated into creating an [Åyûrïc Buckler] with a dodecagon shape; Or trying to put an Åyûrïc Node as a Core in the middle of an [Åyûrïc Buckler] designed with an enneagon silhouette.

The Young Man's walk takes him towards the corridor that leads to the Training Facilities, listening hard metallic crashes further away while seeing his current companions of the Exploration Group are near his path.

Vannettzza and Ethreus are purchasing from a Dispenser Wall a bottle of electrolytes to hydrate themselves, the same can be said about Hiamech and the Haughty Lady; The latter looking more annoyed than her usual expression of "Get the fuck out of my way"…

Khallyon asks "Taking a break?"; While he acquires a bottle of electrolytes for himself.

"Not exactly, those metal beats are taking a toll on my eardrums"; Comment Ethreus as the sound of metal clashing constantly changes abruptly, becoming extremly fast and less louder.

Exasperated, the Haughty Lady rise her voice "It doesn't matter, with the new tempo she is using, that Muscular Cunt is going to tire herself in a minute and a half at most".

Hiamech is a bit ashamed of her teammate comment, after all, the Scaled Lady herself does an elevated amount of strong noises while practicing "Don't be like that Mätzeniä, she is doing her best, as everyone else during their trainings".

Ten seconds later, the crashing sounds are nowhere to be heard, provoking another stingy phrase from the Haughty Lady "If that is her best, let me tell you Hiamech, that Muscular Cunt is going to be Taken Down as soon as she is alone".

"That is the purpose of Exploration Groups"; Retort the Scaled Lady with conviction "To overcome our weaknesses by supporting each other".

"A beautiful ideal"; Admits the Haughty Lady with too much acceptance to be her truthful reply "But that is all it is, Hiamech, an Ideal, the most beautiful pitfall anyone could follow"…

The Scaled Lady is stupefied by the ongoing declaration of Mätzeniä "Because a Group is only as strong as its weakest link, and undermining the progress of everyone just to bringing along a mediocre baggage is not part of the tasks of any Team"…

{This chick doesn't hold back; Is quite similar to Naíndra on this regard, but without the playful teasing, and every word could be more hurtful than the previous one; Although she is a Bratty Mean Bitch, I can't deny the veracity of her statement}

"And a good Leader should know when is the moment to cut ties with others, and sever off the gangrenous Member or Members of the Group, if you think I am too harsh, ask them, they are going to agree with me".

Hiamech immediately turns to observe the reactions of Ethreus, Vannettzza and Khallyon, seeing they harbor the same way of reasoning "What about camaraderie, loyalty and mutual respect?".

"I think you are mixing up a lot of things here"; Say Ethreus with serious tone "Hiamech, Respect is Earned, not Granted… , and Loyalty has nothing to do with Camaraderie, Just take any Werewolf as an example"…

{That is a good choice from Ethreus to explain this subject, if Hiamech doesn't understand with this, is going to become a problem for her later on}

"The Alpha wins its position in a fair Duel, the Betas are Loyal while the rest of the Pack can harm one another and no one cares, yet, Most Werewolves are great comrades in battle, still, their Loyalty and Respect lies entirely with Someone Else, unless they refer to you as their Alpha, you are a nobody who simply knows how to fight"…

Vannettzza adds her own insight in the conversation "Khallyon himself talk about Mercenaries, they are Loyal to themselves and is pretty rare they show respect to anyone, even towards The Imperishable".

"Y-You think the same as your companions Khallyon?"; Inquire Hiamech with trepidation as the Young Man replies with stoic detachment "I believe in everyone until they prove to be unworthy of my time, is not the same concept we are boarding right now, but that is the way I act"…

"Care to be more specific, Stupid Snob, That wasn't too clear?"; Khallyon snorts at the imitation Mätzeniä, the Haughty Lady, does about him.

"Haha, is Basic like you Bratty Bitch"; Retorts the Young Man "I have no enmity or preference towards others; If everyone does their part, and don't meddle into anyone's else businesses, we are good to go"…

"But…"; Khallyon does a brief pause as his voice becomes savagely grimmer "The instant someone purposely fails or is detrimental for the Group, I blast them right on their place"…

Hiamech is stunned by the Young Man's approach, Ethreus and Vannettzza are not affected, as they have the same disposition, which makes Khallyon returns to be more casual "I was clear enough for your standards, Bratty Bitch?, Or you need special means and a private lesson to learn?".

"I have no interest on learning from a Stupid Snob, Thanks, but No Thanks, I categorically reject the offer"…

Respond Mätzeniä, hinting the special lesson to be more suited for Hiamech, nevertheless, the former complains again "Isn't that Muscular Cunt taking too long to come out of the Training Area?".

"She is…"; Acknowledge Ethreus, denoting uncertainty and readiness to fight across his already aggressive face, materializing his new Bright Gladius on his right hand and creating an Octagon [Åyûrïc Buckler] over his left forearm.

"Aren't you exaggerating?!"; Express Hiamech, wrongly thinking Ethreus has hostile intentions against Mätzeniä.

Vannettzza is the one answering "I don't think is the case Hiamech, something is definitely wrong, I don't hear HER heart beat"…

The White Lady inhales profoundly "*Sniff*, and I can't smell the blood scent or the odor of sweat that Woman was emanating"…