I woke up the next day and went straight to training. We were in his front yard. The grass was cool and blowing smoothly in the summer afternoon. It wasn't as difficult as I half expected though.
I had to learn to run across buildings, jump across buildings, and how to chase my target. I learned these things in about 2 days, technically i already knew how to do it, but it was better to maintain a studios outlook. My dad taught me a little of it so I knew what to do and how to do it.
"Your doing great Kamelio. Now it's time to graduate. Catch me and win in a fight. Can you do it?" He asked in a cocky voice.
"Ill never know unlessI i try!" I said running towards him. He bolted and I struggled to follow.
"Having trouble Kamelio?" He asked right before turning around and seeing I had caught my footing and was gaining on him. "What! I'll have to run full speed then! No more jogging"
"You bolted and you call that jogging?" I asked, trying to divert his attention for a little longer.
"Watch me bolt for real." He said before moving in a blur.
''You didn't teach me to move that fast!" I yelled in a shocked voice while trying to keep up.
"Oh yes I did. Just wait for it." He said as if he knew something I didn't. He moved so fast if seemed as if the seconds moved by slower, like time itself slowed down to show how fast this guy was moving.
1. I watched him kick up dust in my face. I started coughing and sputtering as some got in my mouth but I made sure not to falter.
2. I almost missed a jump across a building but climbed up safely from the ledge.
3. I was slowing down as I got tired. But I kept pushing. Then I stumbled and was shocked to see i was about to fall from a building way higher than the last one i fell from. But at the last minute i made the jump and my speed suddenly started increasing.
I was now gaining on him. A few seconds went by before i grabbed him and we started the part where i had to beat him in a fight right there.
I threw punches at him over and over, Right straight, left hook, right uppercut left uppercut followed by a right overhand. I did everything I knew how and he dodged with ease. Then he started a frontal attack as well. I barely dodged a punch when one caught me square in the gut, And another followed to my chin, I was sent in the air. Before I could fall to the ground he caught me slipping and kicked me across a gap between the next two buildings.
It was getting real now. I stood up just as he jumped across and tried to attack me again. I grabbed his fist gripping it and pulling him towards me. Sending my knee to his gut when he got in range. Then switching legs i sent another one to his nose when he keeled over.
I punched him in the face as his head flew up and clipped him even though he was already falling backwards unable to stand in my assault.
"Too much?" I asked him. Then I noticed he was out cold. "I guess it was in fact too much."
—————-A Few Hours later—————
"Ah my head is killing me." He said waking up.
"You're finally up. Sorry I knocked you out and broke your nose." I said helping him out of his bed. I had been reading the book he was reading when I was out cold. It was highly addictive. I could see why he was reading it.
"No problem, hey kid congratulations, you just graduated. Now go to school before they start thinking I killed you in our fight." He said smirking before coughing a little. I didn't think too much about it because I knew he would be ok.
"Ok, But before I go, you never told me your name." I said in a cool way. wanting to know the name of my trainer.
"Oh yes I did." He replied laughing after he stopped coughing.
"What is that, Your favorite saying?" I said laughing too. Then I thought about it. " Your name is Shan Omerson."
"Bravo! Now hurry to school. The rooftops should be the fastest way." He said.
"Ok see ya." I said leaving.
Once outside I climbed on top of a building and ran for the school. I had five minutes until my class started, luckily he was out cold for quite some time so it was a brand new day. I ran with my newfound speed and was there in less than a minute.
I jumped off a building and ran into my class and wasn't surprised when the king of bullcrap was in my seat, or I guess it was his seat technically but that was temporary now that I'm here.
"I'm going to have to ask you to move." I asked as politely as possible even though I was already highly annoyed. My shades were on and I was looking good. I didn't want to break them so soon.
"This guy again. You know what to do boys." He said just before his four assassins all pulled a nice sized knife.
"Nice knife. You know how to use it?" I asked, smirking. At the same time I was wondering if i could use my intense speed in fights. Then I remembered something i was taught while asleep. You'll lose control if your emotions take over. The best way to use more power is to take the sunglasses off.
I had my hands in my pockets as they started arranging desks to make a huge circle for us to fight in 'cause they didn't want to hurt their king.
"No need for the circle i'll send you all out the window and we'll continue this outside." They ran at me upon hearing this but I was too fast. I kicked all of them right out the same window and jumped out after them smiling at their king before doing so. Hell teach left a window open, I just made good use of it.
I landed and looked to see they were still on the ground.
"Get up! I didn't even kick you that hard." I taunted them grinning as they slowly stood up.
"Now bring it." I said getting ready to put them all in their place.
One assassin tried to cut me but I grabbed his arm, Palm striking it out of position. I had broke it and watched him drop his knife. Then I punched him in the face and pushed him to the ground just in time to be able to dodge an attack from behind me. I sent that guy flying into his friend. I then knocked out the last guy with a powerful punch to his eye. The guy I had pushed to the ground tried to get up but I lifted him off the ground with a well placed kick to his stomach and then one to his chin, making him do a backflip.
I looked up and saw their king jump down from the 3rd floor window they flew out of and I jumped out of.
"Enough! I will handle this guy." He said getting in a fighting stance. "Wait… WHY ARE YOU ALL OUT COLD!!!! Useless idiots!"
"Shut up and make a move already." I said yawning and taunting him. I honestly wanted to kick his ass though, so my eyes watched his every movement.
He ran towards me and threw a punch to my face. I let it land just to see how much power he had. Then I laughed when I realized my lip was busted.
"Good punch!" I said still laughing. "Now it's my turn."
He of course tried to punch me again, but I grabbed his fist. I squeezed his fist in mine. It was easy since my hands were significantly bigger than his. Then I pulled him towards my other fist. Which sent him straight to the ground. I was impressed when he stood up immediately. Then someone came outside, It was her. The girl who had rejected me two years ago.
"Hey babe." The so-called king said. "This isn't exactly safe you know. This guy put all my assassins to sleep."
"At least it isn't permanent." She said kissing him lightly on the lips.
"Babe!? BABE!?!?" I yelled in anger and in grief. I was barely containing myself.
"Yes babe, we're together. Don't forget I still hate you for what you did. Can you please kill him Armani?" She said close to tears.
"You used to DATE? Well, I guess this is goodbye. Because you've been tainted by dating him." He said plunging his knife into her chest and ripping it out. I couldn't believe he just stabbed her, just like that.
"What the hell's wrong with you? Why would you stab her dumbass!" I screamed clenching my fists.
"I simply did what anyone would, I got rid of a pest. Her having a history with you makes her nothing more than an ant waiting to be stepped on, just like you!" He exclaimed running towards me.
That's when I lost control.
"Death…. Misery…. Despair….. Revenge." I said these things before running at Armani at full speed. We weren't far apart so I ran him over in my momentum. Then I lifted him up and punched him in the stomach. the way I moved my fist sent him high into the sky and he flew right into the school's wall. As his body started falling I snatched him midair and slammed him as hard as I could.
"How would it feel if I killed you? It's really gonna be fun making you suffer as she suffered. I can't believe she'd choose someone like you over me!" I growled.
I kicked him in the face sending him sprawling across the grass. His right eye was bleeding, his nose was bleeding, his lip was split in multiple places, and he was vomiting blood.
Although that was probably because I kept sending him flying in different directions due to my power.
He stood up quickly, his face was a mess of blood and bruises, but he stood up and tried to run towards me, only to stumble and fall. I walked over to him. There was nothing but hatred and bloodlust in my eyes. I grabbed his face lifting him into the air. My sunglasses fell off and my eyes were revealed. A massive gust of wind came in continuously blowing on everything as it whistled across the school yard.
"You're a… Monster?!?!?" He said as his mouth fell agape, allowing more blood to fall from it creating a pool of blood below him.
"Yes. Yes i am." I smirked at him as I said this. Then I pulled my knife out and plunged it into his neck. Then I turned my knife until there was a gaping hole in Armani's throat. He was bleeding profusely, if it wasn't for the fact I could hear him choking on his own blood i would've assumed he had passed on already.
"NOOO!" Someone yelled behind me. I remembered then his four lame wannabe assassins who were behind me, playing dead.
"He killed the king…" Another stammered out.
"Death…." The third guy trailed off at this.
"Death huh? Thats a good nickname for someone like you Kamelio." The principal was there with the teachers and his assassins. I guess he was a king assassin. "You killed someone today Kamelio. Bravo! We usually save that stuff for graduation to see if the assassin is fit for life outside of school but, you are an exception. You'll have to continue with school but when graduation time comes just know you're good to go."
"What are you talking about principal? Can't you see I'm trying to kill these guys? What, do you want to fight next? I can fit you into my schedule." I grinned evilly at him.
"Kamelio calm down before I have to kill you. I'll only have to if you go nuts and start killing everyone. This incident with these scum right here, I will allow, nothing more." He said staring at me seriously. "Besides why go on a killing spree for this girl who hates you when there will come a time when someone will love you? Make the right choice Kamelio."
I calmed down at this my eyes went to their normal black with a white pupil. I was now using my shadow assassin eyes since apparently thats my natural look. I had calmed down but I still liked my shades. I started looking for them right as the principal handed them to me.
"Go to your dorm for now, relax. Be in school tomorrow, Ok." He said letting his guard down.
'K' was all i said before walking towards my unfinished business,
"No!! YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO THIS!! PRINCIPAL THIS IS ILLEGAL!!!" He screamed his eyes bloodshot. There were tears beginning to run down his face. But I didn't let it faze me, he wouldn't be the one crying if they had succeeded in killing me.
He swung his knife at me in a last stand but i caught his wrist twisting it and grabbing the knife as he let it go.
Then in a reverse grip i speedily jabbed it into his heart before pulling it back out and throwing it at one of the others.
He caught it but not before i got in close, kicking his legs out from under him i used gravity as i fell plunging the knife he caught deep into his forehead despite his efforts of survival.
The last two were still unconscious, but nonetheless, I broke their necks and left towards my dorm thanks to the principal's directions.