"Hey, I'm glad you noticed those guys back there Kamelio. Who knows how that would've went if we continued to eat, oblivious to the dangers nearby." Sanika said casually looking behind her, she was clearly still a little on edge.
We were just making it back onto school property and weren't too far from the dorms. The sun was setting, but there was still plenty of light outside for the time being. The wind was blowing through the trees bringing a cool chill across our faces despite it being summertime. It was almost evening.
"I am too, I couldn't bear to lose you Terva." I said holding her hand and escorting her back to her dorm room.
"Hey what about me? What if they got me?" Sanika asked but i willingly ignored her as we continued walking.
"Kamelio there you are! Man we've been looking all over for you, we think someones been watching all your usual spots. We already caught somebody lurking around the house." One of my guards Dano said running towards me
"Really? Alright make sure Terva and Sanika get to their dorm safely. I'll head back home to see about this guy you guys have caught. Great work Dano." I responded giving him a light pat on the shoulder.
"But what if I want to come with you?" Terva said giving me puppy dog eyes.
"I'll come spend some more time with you later, for now I need to know you're safe while these things are happening. You are my top priority, you're safety is also top priority. But if you want I can walk you to your dorm before going to find out whats happening." I hugged Terva unable to resist the look she gave me.
I wanted nothing more than to see her smile, she deserved it.
"I'll take you up on that offer!" Terva smiled happily before taking my arm in hers. Out the corner of my eye I noticed Sanika giving her a thumbs up.
I figured she had something to do with this, but I was satisfied seeing my girl was finally coming out of her shell.
We continued walking with Dano keeping close by, unsurprisingly nothing happened in between our walk to and from their dorm that was out of the ordinary.
However after making it back home I noticed the atmosphere was more hostile than usual.
The guards were running back to back patrols making sure the perimeter was clear. In fact we were noticed the moment we stepped foot near the property, granted we hadn't been trying to conceal our presence.
"Hey boss, i'm guessing Dano has already explained what happened? " He said glancing at me and then staring at Dano.
Yea I informed him Brax, he knows what happened." Dano said rolling his eyes at Brax.
"Good good, come with me Kamelio. He's in the basement." Brax began walking towards the house leading us towards the prisoner.
I was very interested to see who it was, and why.
Upon arriving at the door we were greeted by another guard who manned the door. Once we stepped inside another 2 guards guarding the door from the inside greeted us.
The location seemed lackluster, but from their position they could see the guard who was outside. So it would be a three pronged attack if anyone got spotted from the front.
We made our way into the basement immediately by making a right from the door and going down the stairs.
The man was sitting in a chair with a hanging light slowly swinging back and forth above him. He looked like he had already been partially interrogated, however that was before my arrival.
Dano and Brax each took to one side of the prisoner puttng him inside of a makeshift triangle. It looked like we were going to kill him, I could tell they were already playing mental games. We were here for information, but his life meant very little to me.
"Who are you?" I asked giving him a quiet stare. He raised his head looking at me with a crazed look.
"Ah, we meet again Kamelio." The man spoke casually as if we had been long time friends.
"Did you tell him the bosses name Brax!!!!" Dano yelled giving Brax a death stare. He balled his fist and looked ready to beat the shit out of Brax for this apparent mistake of his.
"No! Why the hell would I tell him the bosses name dammit? I don't know how he has that informatioj I'm just as confused as you are!" Brax said arguing his case. he looked awfully offended by Dano's accusations.
But then again, these two never did get along very well. In fact for as long as I could remember they had always been arguing and fighting. Thet stuck together against enemies, but when they were alone. They literally couldn't stand each other.
"Alright, so you know my name. Then lets skip my introduction, for now Whats your name?" I said completely unfazed by his knowledge of me.
"My name isn't important, what's important is I know what you did. Do YOU know what you did Kamelio?" He said simply staring at me. He had this eery blank stare as if he could see right through me.
It made me want to break his neck just because he was clearly trying to intimidate me.
"Is that so? Enlighten me then, what did I do?" I asked immediately beginning to lose interest in interrogating this fool. Might be easier to just kill him and be done with it.
"You killed Hendrix, remember? You must have assumed he didn't have friends right?" He smiled widely at me, he didn't seem to be bothered too much my Hendrix's death. So maybe he was taking orders from someone even higher up. Or maybe he was hiding it.
"Of course I remember killing Hendrix. He was a target for one of my contracts. It was a few months ago." I looked him up and down before coming to a realization. "You're here for revenge?"
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha" He began laughing hysterically refusing to even respond. Which slightly angered me, but I was trying to be patient.
"Answer him!" Brax yelled punching the hostage repeatedly.
"Your target was investigating the principal. Hendrix was getting closer to figuring out what the principal was doing. But then you came along and killed Hendrix like the lapdog you are." He said still smiling.
"The principal is dead too, so I dont get what you're doing lurking around my residence. Brax have you already searched through his memories for information?" I suddenly turned to Brax recalling that they had this ability.
"Well, we did but for some reason he can't remember anything prior to five minutes before we caught him. We suspect he used a memory blocker to keep us from going through his memories any farther than those five minutes." Brax started scratching his head as he explained himself. I could see the look of guilt and shame on his face. However I wouldn't blame him for our enemies coming prepared.
"Okay, thats good to know. Looks like we're doing this the old fashioned way." I said immediately grinning at our captive. "You care to tell me what exactly Hendrix was investigating?"
"Why should I tell you anything? The principals dead right? So what does it matter?" He rolled his eyes answering my question with a question.
I punched him in his face knocking his whole chair over.
"If you won't tell me the information I want to know. Then why should I let you live?" I stated grabbing one of the daggers I had concealed.
"Because if I don't report back to my superior by midnight tonight, they're gonna kill Terva." He smiled at me and started cackling. I wanted nothing more than to kill this guy. But I couldn't let them hurt Terva.
"Dano go secure Terva and Sanika. Take a few guys with you at least 4 and tell them to conceal themselves until there's an enemy." I immediately began barking orders once I heard mention of Terva's name.
I shouldve done something like this earlier. After all they saw us at the restaraunt together. Naturally she would become a target assuming she wasn't one already.
"Consider it done." Dano replied instantly sprinting out the door. There was a reason I sent Dano, he and Sanika had been growing increasingly close lately. I knew he would get the job done just a little more efficiently than everyone else.
Turning my attention back to our captive my energy was much different this time.
"Okay! Tell me, how much do you know about us?" I asked menacingly holding my dagger in a reverse grip.
"I know enough, like how you killed Hendrix and prior to that you killed a teacher." He said smiling at me with that crazed look again.
"I don't believe we've met before, unless of course you were in the treeline that day. Which means the man I spoke to was your boss, right?" I smiled back at him barely able to contain myself as I gripped the knife in my hand.
"No the man you spoke to was my brother, you killed the boss. Hendrix was the boss." He said eyeing me mischievously.
"Well who's in charge now that your boss is dead? Speak quickly my patience is wearing thin." I lightly grazed his cheek with my blade before wiping the blood off on his pants. "Hurry the fuck up."
"Yea he's in charge now, but we only have one thing we want. Your demise, considering its your fault Hendrix is dead you should give up your life in retribution." He said trying to tear the ropes and lunge at me.
"You can die trying for all I care. You said if you don't report back to your boss at midnight they'll kill Terva right? Fine then, report to your boss. Tell him I'm gonna rip him limb from limb!" I said taking my knife and spinning it, then using the hilt of the blade I knocked out the captive incapacitating him.
"Boss you've gotta teach me that move sometime. That was sick!" Brax said praising me and looking amazed with the technique I displayed.
"Later for that Brax, drop him off in a secluded location. He shouldn't be sleep for any longer than 3 hours so be quick. Once he awakes we'll follow him to his boss and kill them all. Let the rest know." I pocketed my knife as Brax picked up the guy and we started heading out.
"ALL HANDS ON DECK!!! Brax yelled the second we got to the top of the stairs. "ETA IS IMMEDIATELY!"
As we exited the house every single guard I had was with us, minus Dano and his team.
We moved out quickly and efficiently concealing ourselves through the trees and the shrubbery.
Brax dropped the guy we caught off in a makeshift alley on the side of a building not too far from the schoolyard.
Now we were waiting for him to wake up. There were easily 70 of us, including myself. By this point my dorm was a shell of itself as I hadn't even used it in months. So even the guards that were usually guarding there were with us.
They threatened my woman, so we will slaughter them all.