Chapter 11 Problematic

"BLU!!!!!!!" Sanemi screamed as Blu coughed up blood. He was laying on the floor spitting blood from his mouth.

There was a gaping hole in his chest that was leaking. I could see his heart beating through the hole.

It had claw marks on it, it looked punctured. But it was beating nonetheless.

Still, his heartbeat was slowing down, we didn't have much time to save him.

"Sanemi find an opening and get Blu back to the infirmary at the school. The rest of you need to run away from here. This isn't an enemy you can handle. Let me take care of this guy." I gave simple orders to my guards as I eyed Michael.

He was just standing there looking at Jason's body. He suddenly raised his head to look at me and.. smiled?

"Thanks to you I have more power than I've ever had before. Allow me to properly show my appreciation!" He growled lunging at me. I caught him by the wrists and threw him to the side.

"Grab Blu and get out of here NOW!!!" I yelled before running towards Michael.

He didn't bother to stand up he just sent a kick at my abdomen from his positin on the floor.

Naturally I dodged it before kicking at him myself.

He blocked it with his left foot before moving his right foot in a sweeping motion.

I jumped off my left foot and used my right foot that he blocked to launch myself backwards. Barely avoiding crashing into Sanemi as he was running towards Blu's body.

I stood up just in time to see Michael eyeing Sanemi. He flexed his claw and I knew what was coming next so I threw a Kunai at his eye.

He screamed as it got lodged in his right eye, then he looked at me evilly. Blood was beginning to rush from his eye but he didn't seem to care.

"Eyes on me asshole! You said you were gonna kill my woman remember? Had you kept to yourself Jason would be alive!" I yelled trying to keep his attention. Sanemi had almost made it to the staircase with Blu.

Brax was there waiting to help him. He and the other guards hadn't gotten involved because I didn't order them too. Their orders were to get away from this place once Michael lost control.

Prior to that it was simply to guard the entrance and ensure our back is covered.

"That's right, Terva. Just wait till I catch and kill her. You will feel the same pain I do." Michael said grinning at me. I could tell he was much too far gone to realize doing this wouldn't bring his brother back.

However, I'd give him a one-way ticket to see his brother again.

I ran at him but as I got close I noticed his claw swiping towards me. I stopped abruptly letting it fly past and then kicking him in the stomach sending him back away from me.

"Fuck! Just die already." He exclaimed angrily sprinting towards me again.

I punched out at him but he met my fist midair, stopping my momentum prematurely.

"How the hell?" I started but he cut me off immediately.

"I heard how you did this to someone. I've been learning this entire time. I always learn about people I may have to kill in the future." He said with that same shit eating grin as always.

He kicked me in my stomach curving his foot at the point of impact. It sent me flying but I refused to show any weakness.

Putting up a X-block I prepared as I saw him sprinting towards me again.

He punched at me striking my forearms directly increasing my momentum. I smacked into the wall with so much force it knocked the wind out of my lungs.

"Weak as you are I'm surprised you captured Jason." He said standing over me.

"Shut up! You're not the only demon assassin around here!!!" I looked at him angrily my eyes flashing red under my hood.

I stood up swinging at him again. He blocked my attack and pushed me back down while laughing at me.

"I like this power. I can't wait to make you watch as I kill your girlfriend. Better yet, I'll kill you and make you watch from hell as I kill her!!!!" He screamed again stomping at me.

I rolled barely avoiding the attack, but it didn't stop him. He continued trying to stomp on me, so I continued rolling.

However I was running out of cave to roll in, and he was still stomping at me.

"Is that the best you can do? Roll around the floor like a bug? You're rolling for your life just like a roly-poly would!!!" He yelled mocking me.

Just as I expected I rolled right into a wall. He was slowly advancing towards me, I could see the anger in his eyes.

It was obvious his emotions had flared again. I was trying to control mine, but he was seriously pissing me off.

He continued to threaten the one I loved. He continued to threaten me even. If I lost here, I wouldn't be the only one to suffer behind it.

If I died here, he would have no one stopping him from killing Terva.

My guards were shadow assassins, they stood no chance against a demon assassin.

No matter what I couldn't let him kill Terva. I also couldn't let him kill Sanika, because Sanika's death would hurt Terva.

Even if I had to become a monster in the process. I would protect Terva and Sanika from Michael.

I couldn't let this go on any longer. I needed to use my power as well.

"You'll never get to lay a single finger on her! You will die here by my two hands." I did a sweeping motion as I spoke catching him off guard.

He fell and as he fell I stood. My hands were growing into claws. My eyes were burning a dull black with a bright red pupil. My hair was standing on the end.

But this time there were no extensions from my elbows. Probably because I wasn't losing control this time. I was simply letting my power roam free.

I couldn't be afraid to use this power forever. It was mine to command. I should use it when I need to. Especially now that holding back is not an option.

As long as I don't lose control like he did, everything will be fine.

He tried to stand but I kicked him. Sending him sprawling across the floor.

"You're like me..?" He spoke looking shocked, astonished that I too was a demon assassin.

"No, I'm stronger than you could ever imagine. The end of your strength is only the beginning of mine. I am more than just a demon assassin, I am also a shadow assassin." I said in a low yet dark tone as I quickly advanced upon him.

He stood up throwing a punch so I ducked it before throwing my own.

It connected causing him to stumble. He swung again so I met him in the middle.

Our fists connected causing a shockwave in the cave. Rocks started falling from the ceiling. It looked like it might collapse in the next few minutes.

I pulled my hand back and sent a kick at him. He blocked it before punching out at me.

I dodged it whilst throwing my own punch simultaneously. It landed throwing him slightly off balance.

I immediately tried to shove my claw through his chest but he grabbed me by the wrist.

"You won't kill me that easily. You're still the weaker version of me. Even if you are a demon assassin you will NEVER defeat me." He immediately threw me across the cave.

I started spinning midair attempting to catch myself before I hit the wall. Succeeding in my attempts of stopping I planted my feet against the wall and launched myself back towards him.

"ONE OF US WILL DIE IN THIS CAVE MICHAEL!!!!" I screamed as I flew through the air. I was determined to end this once and for all.

"As long as you know you won't be leaving this place alive!" He said refusing to back down.

As I got close he grabbed me by the neck before choke slamming me.

However he didn't let go of me. He held me there continuing to try and choke me to death.

I kicked at the back of his head landing a clean blow and causing him to let go.

I swiped my claws at him immediately. I was attempting to cause a wound deep enough to offset this fight. It didn't take a rocket scientist to know I was outmatched.

My claws slashed across his chest, leaving an opening that continued to bleed.

"Damn you!!!! Just hurry up and die pest." He snarled at me clenching his hands into fists.

He sprung towards me again angrily. But he was forced to stop abruptly as a hellish amount of blood poured from his wound.

"Argh" He clenched his chest grimacing in pain.

I saw an opportunity to finish the fight. I knew I had been on the losing end ever since he lost control.

If I didn't end it now I might never get another chance to. Not to mention he would kill the love of my life if I didn't stop him here.

I ran towards him while he was distracted with the pain. As soon as I got close I swept my claws towards him, sending them right through his throat.

"Your fate was sealed the moment you threatened Terva." I said grinning at him, I had done it. Michael was gonna die here and Terva would live.

He looked at me with wide eyes. It looked like he wanted to say something more. Unfortunately the blood wouldn't stop flowing from his neck. So in the end he fell to the ground with a loud thud, taking his last breath.

I sat there for a second, breathing heavily. I was wounded too in that battle. But I would have time to heal later. I needed to go meet up with Dano back at the house.

Terva and Sanika would be there being protected by Dano's team.