"So, the principal of this school has been doing some shady dealings in the dark. We've been investigating this for quite some time, however the old principal died and for a little bit things slowed up. However this new principal happens to be the son of the deceased principal. Once he came along, the dealings started back up. I still have no idea who the man is that he has made these deals with. What I do know, is everytime a student dies at this school their information goes through one place. Its a room in the infirmary called Deceased Documentation." He paused like he was waiting for a response.
Personally I didn't mind continuing to listen. However the name of that room was familiar. I had seen it when I myself was in the infirmary.
"What's the significance of that particular room? It's called Deceased Documentation, I mean it sounds pretty self explanatory." Brax chimed in shrugging his shoulders.
I don't think Pluto took too kindly to that because his demeanor shifted.
"Since it's self explanatory, explain it for me." Pluto stared at Brax with eyes that showed no emotion. A cold, dark, and distant look was never a good sign for first impressions.
"Well if it's Deceased Documentation obviously they're documenting the students who passed away. Probably writing letters back to their families as well for the funeral procession." Brax explained it perfectly, it honestly made sense. But the president wouldn't send me here to investigate funerals.
"If it were that simple Brax, none of us would be here. But that was a very detailed and well thought out explanation. Pluto you brought up Deceased Documentation, what do you know about what they're doing there?" I casually smoothed over the tension between the two of them. In fact I don't think they even noticed what I did.
"Well, I know thats where everything starts. With the death of every single student a teacher goes to Deceased Documentation during school hours. They come out after a few minutes with paper work and they continue their work elsewhere. However I think there's more to that room, since the principal goes back after school that day." Pluto explained slowly making all his key points known.
"Okay so you want to investigate that room. I can kind of understand why, but that isn't the best reason. Still it's a lead that we should follow up on. Moving forward, President Ficor said Shan left notes here detailing the investigation he was conducting. Is that what's on this computer?" I asked walking towards him slowly. I didn't wanna show any hostility, but I wanted to be cautious too.
"Yeah, actually I was getting ready to dive back into his notes when you came." He clicked a file on the computer bringing up multiple files.
Pluto clicked the one that said 'Deceased Documentation?'.
"See right here it says the principal went to this room every single night. He seems like a diligent and caring principal right? But why would he be in Deceased Documentation on days when no one died? So this got me thinking that room is one we need to investigate." Pluto showed us that particular file in the notes.
I noticed another file slightly behind that one though. It was titled 'what I know'.
"Hey pluto click that file please." I spoke before waiting for pluto's response. He clicked the file and it brought up a list of different things for us to see.
1. I know the principal is doing something shady, and all the teachers are involved excluding the nurses.
2. Whenever someone dies the body is there for the funeral. So whatever they do with the body it happens right after the funeral.
3. Weaker students don't go to Deceased Documentation by the principal at night. Only by their teacher during the day.
4. There's a section of the school that isn't accessible to us. But I've seen the blueprints, I know its somewhere alongside and or under the infirmary. Or worse, the principals office. I haven't seen this place yet but I'm trying to find my way in.
"Okay, so we know that there's a section of the school where they potentially may keep the bodies. Have you checked what times are best to infiltrate and look around in these locations?" I brought up a point to Pluto immediately.
Of course it was assuming he was looking over the notes again and not for the first time. However it was still worth a shot.
"No I haven't done that yet. I've been trying to find a way into the principals office so I can check there." Pluto yawned before blinking rapidly and pulling out a cigarette.
"Pluto, if you gone smoke that shit, do it outside. Also, change that robot to stop calling you master, I ain't feeling it." I said casually pointing my thumb at the staircase behind me.
Pluto got up and headed out without any complaint. Considering how we first saw him, he was probably glad to be able to smoke freely as he wanted to.
"Okay, Sanemi and Blu you two will have a hard time blending in. I want you to guard the house. If possible you can pose as teachers as long as it won't expose your role in our mission. Brax you are the oldest here, I want you to guard the house as well. Aside from that set up cameras in key locations around the school. If we can watch what they do and when they do it, we can gather very valuable intel." I began giving orders before considering how we could quickly complete this investigation.
Just wantonly killing everyone would slow it down, but it wouldn't stop it.
"I'll get it done boss! Brax said before heading back upstairs. He would need to collect small cameras that were just small enough to go unnoticed. We didn't bring any prior to coming here.
In the meantime, I understood the importance of taking down the principal. So I needed to find out if there was a funeral coming up soon.
If there was, I needed to be there.
I went outside to take a walk and get a clear look at things.
A lot of the students were in class so I didn't worry about being seen. Besides I had a house nearby, so i had every reason to be out here.
While I was walking classes began ending. So while students were in transition I noticed some were coming outside for live combat training.
I remembered the live combat training because it was my favorite class.
I followed them ensuring to keep my distance. Live combat training caused more conflicts than any other class. Which kind of made sense because they quite literally made you fight. Not to mention they would fail you immediately if you pulled your punches.
When they began fighting, I noticed the teacher that was teaching them was different. Whoever he was he wasn't the teacher that used to teach me.
Being that I was here for an investigation, I could only wonder if he became a victim.
Maybe he knew too much?
Or maybe he was preparing to expose it due to internal conflict?
Setting those thoughts aside for now I continued observing them quietly.
In all honesty I could pick someone and teach them like Shan taught me.
But I didn't plan on staying long, so I figured it'd be a waste of time.
"Hey! Over here!" Someone yelled over by the school library.
There was a walkway there between the library and the technology classes that were inside the tech building. There was also a door that led straight into the technology classes from the aforementioned walkway. But those were two of our least used places here. So why was someone over there screaming?
"Looks like she's been here awhile, dammit this is Martha. Tomas go document her death and contact the family." A teacher spoke to the man who was teaching the combat classes.
I concealed my presence and snuck away from the location. If someone was dead and they saw me here, me being an ex-student wouldn't stop the accusations.
However now that someone was dead, I could get into the funeral and see what I needed to see. Hopefully she was strong enough for whatever they had been doing post-mortem.
Either way, I would get to the bottom of this.