Brax's POV
- 15 minutes before the funeral-
We were driving on a road on our way to the funeral. The building wasn't too far from the school, but it was far enough for students to not see it daily.
Although, given students die all the time, the surviving students still end up seeing that building often.
"Brax." Kamelio suddenly spoke.
"Yes sir." I responded instantly, I was still wondering what the plan was. I was only wondering because he hadn't given me a rundown of it like usual.
"If anything goes wrong when he get here. I will leave by myself, which means you'll have to find your own way back home." He said not even glancing in my direction.
I looked out the window thinking about what he said. I was starting to zone out but I couldn't help it, why wouldn't he just take me with him?
"You listening Brax? I wasn't done." Kamelio looked at me this time, despite not looking at the road his eyes never truly left them. I knew he was probably using his peripheral vision to multitask like usual.
"I'm listening." I decided to hear him out and see what exactly the boss had in store for me.
"Alright, now as I was saying, before you find your way home do some investigating. Make sure to look around the building where the funeral is being held for anything out of the ordinary. Then check out the gravesite, just keep watch and see if any workers come by. If nothing else is interesting and you find one of Warren's staff, watch and follow them. They might end up accidentally showing you what they're doing with the bodies of the students." Kamelio turned onto a dirt road and soon after he parked the car in front of the building where the funeral was being held.
"You got me?" He asked looking directly at me. It felt like he was looking directly into my soul when he asked that question.
"I got you Kamelio." I replied hyped and ready to complete my mission.
"Good, cause I'm counting on you. Take this device in case anything goes wrong. Put it in your phone case." He gave me a small device that was almost invisible to the naked eye.
"What is this?" I asked confused as I placed it inside of my phone case.
"It's a tracking device, if anything goes wrong do your best to keep your phone with you. In fact hide it somewhere safe, a secret pocket inside your jacket will work or something. Anything to keep them from finding it. That way it they catch you, I can come and get you out of the sticky situation." He looked at me seriously for a second. "Alright come on, we been sitting in this car too long."
I felt so grateful, Kamelio was actually concerned about my safety. Even going as far as to take measures to help me in case things go wrong.
I'm glad I got to work for him.
-Present time-
A tall burly man walked up to Kamelio placing his hand on Kamelio's shoulder.
"You gonna cause trouble? Or can we proceed." The man spoke in a slow calm voice. Nothing seemed to phase him, but I had no doubt we could kill him if it came to it.
"Nah i'm good." Kamelio walked out without sparing me a glance. It was probably for the best since they were watching his every move.
The burly man followed him closely and watched him leave the venue before returning and giving the principal a signal.
"Now, lets bury Martha shall we?" The paulbearers picked up her casket and carried her out the back door.
I made my exit out the front and walked around back where the graves were.
The rest of the process went smoothly. They buried Martha and her grieving family departed. Heading home to reminisce on the times they spent with her, before her demise.
I walked towards the front of the building and walked away heading towards the school.
But I wasn't going home, I was simply taking the long route around.
I waited a few hours until nightfall.
Then I crept back towards the building. The lights were still on but that didn't matter. I wouldn't be seen.
I crept inside the building avoiding the spot in front of the door that creaks. I learned of it from earlier when we got here to attend the funeral.
I did a quick look around but I didn't see anyone so I moved deeper into the building. It wasn't that big so it wasn't hard to explore.
I was heading down a hallway that slightly curved to the left as you continued down it.
"Man I dont know why they always have us work overtime after a funeral." I suddenly heard a voice and stopped moving temporarily. It sounded like he was conversing with someone else.
"Nah for real bruh. The overtime pay be good as hell though. But we been here since 8am prepping for the funeral. Its 9pm and we still here!" They sounded upset about the fact they were being made to work so hard.
I wonder if they knew what was happening around here.
I continued moving figuring I'd just ignore them. It sounded like they were taking a break based on the lack of noise aside from their voices. Either that or they were standing guard, one of them.
"Hey you heard what the boss said though right? He wants us to be on the lookout for that guy that was causing trouble earlier. He said he might come back." My skin grew cold upon hearing that statement.
That means they are expecting someone, and now here I am just as expected.
But I couldn't fail Kamelio. I couldn't come back empty handed. So I continued listening.
"Yeah facts, got us on schedule till 10pm. The guys on night shift better not be late or i'm gonna flip my shit."
I snuck past the room they were in and continued forward. I saw a lever in a small room. I had no idea what it did.
I went forward to investigate the strange mechanism. I mean, why the hell would a funeral parlour have a lever in it?
Was this normal??
I pulled the lever to see what it does and I didn't hear anything. Ignoring the lever I left the room and decided to continue moving forward.
As I made my exit from the area I heard running footsteps behind me. But I kept my cool and ducked behind some boxes.
"Hey!! Someone pulled the lever even though theres no body for us to collect. You two care to explain?" A deep voice spoke out suddenly. It was a deep, dark voice.
Something about it was so odd, yet mesmerizing. I began hearing voices in my head, telling me to reveal myself to the entity.
But I fought the urge and continued hiding.
"What? We had no idea someone pulled the lever. It wasn't us." One of the two men I saw earlier said.
I recognized the voice because I was listening to their conversation earlier for useful information.
On the brightside, I know that they are collecting the bodies of the students. The question is why.
I heard walking footsteps heading down the hall towards where I was hidden. Suddenly those boxes didn't feel big enough to hide me.
But it was too late to move. I had to fight the strange voices in my head, if I listened to them I was sure to get caught.
The voices began to grow louder in my head as the footsteps got closer.
'Reveal yourself'
'We know you're here'
I closed my hands focusing intensely on fighting the voices as it began to sound like they were yelling in my ear.
I couldn't hear the man's footsteps anymore, but the voices were still there.
"Ah, what do we have here? Looks like my work here is done." The deep dark voice spoke again silencing all the other voices.
I looked up and i was staring right into the mans eyes. They were pitch black as if I was staring into the abyss.
"Sleep now." He reached out to grab me. I tried to stop him but my body wasn't listening to me anymore.
"Oh? A fighter. Too bad you already let me in." He smiled at me, he smiled at me.
It was terrifying, what was this monstrosity in front of me.
'Go to sleep'
'Rest your eyes'
The voices started back up again, I understood now he was controlling them somehow.
My eyelids grew heavy, and before I knew it I was fast asleep.
Oblivious to the dangers around me.