Chapter 19 Pray with Me

Brax's POV

I woke up suddenly noticing I was being taken somewhere.

I couldn't see anything around me either, everything was black. But I could feel my body being dragged and I could hear heavy footsteps.

I stayed quiet, silently feeling my way around with my legs. I could hear leaves, and birds, that was kinda it.

I decided to take a risk, just in case I was near an area with a camera.

It would help them narrow down my location if they saw it, if not they would hear it when they reviewed the footage at nightfall.

"MMMMHHMHMHM MMMM" I tried to yell for Kamelio, or Sanemi and Blu, hell even Pluto. However I noticed I couldn't speak, it felt like my lips were sewn shut, but there wasn't any stitches or anything.

"Sleep." That deep dark voice I heard back at the funeral parlour rung out again. I hated this guy with a passion.

Everytime he spoke, a million ethereal voices would speak. Some would repeat his words while others would paraphrase while coming to the same conclusion.


It felt like he had control of everything around him.


'Hurry up and sleep'

My eyelids started to grow heavy, I was fighting with all my might. Yet slowly my body was growing weaker whilst the voices were growing stronger.

I heard a ding, like a elevator being pressed just before I passed out again.

——- meanwhile at the house——

Kamelio POV

"Sanemi!! Blu!!!! Pluto!!!!" I called out loudly in a commanding tone. There was a time to play, and there was a time to be serious.

This was a time to be very serious

"You called?" Pluto asked walking in first, I'm guessing he was at the main computer as usual.

"Yeah I'll explain in a sec, hold on." I looked back at the door just in time to see Sanemi come through with Blu following closely behind.

"What mission are we gonna embark on this time Kamelio?" Blu asked excitedly.

"This time we're on a rescue op, Brax has been either captured or killed already. The longer we wait the more chance they will kill him before we get there." I wanted to continue but I saw Pluto raise his hand. I wanted to discourage him from raising his hand when he could just speak his mind.

However I was in a rush and In my impatience I gave him a slight nod.

"How did something happen to Brax wasn't he with you at the funeral?" Pluto asked in a questioning tone. It almost sounded like he was curious on if I caused Brax's demise intentionally.

I decided i'd let it slide this time since he didn't know me well, as long as he didn't try to press the issue.

"I got kicked out of the funeral before it even fully began. I asked the new principal to open the casket again after he closed it to see if the body was still there. As yall know they are doing something with the students that we believe is happening just after death. From what we've seen so far I'd say they're running experiments. Why they're running experiments is still a mystery though." I sat back down on the cameras and started reversing the film to just before the screams.

"MMMMHHMHMHM MMMM" The cameras started playing the moment when I heard the screams.

I've never heard Brax scream before so I had no idea if it was him. But it reminded me of him, and his tracking device led to school.

"When did this happen Kamelio?" Sanemi spoke up with a look of horror adorning his face.

"It was probably about 7 minutes ago now. I was waiting for you and Blu to pull up so I could explain this to all of you simultaneously. If the man screaming on this is really Brax then we need to move out expeditiously to help him." I brought the cameras back to present time to see if anything else was happening.

"You sound so concerned, I thought you were more of the commanding type. But it looks like you actually get your hands dirty more often than not." Pluto said slightly smiling. His energy towards me had just shifted, I may have even earned his respect.

"I try, If I am not willing to look out for my people, then why would they ever feel the need to look out for me?" I led everyone up the stairs and we started grabbing weapons and heading out the door.

"Where was the location in that camera? We have to be quick to save Brax." Sanemi said fidgeting, I could tell he was nervous.

But I also understood nothing like this had ever happened to us before. Except for that time when Blu almost died.

We were used to winning as a group, so losing a member was always demoralizing. But Brax was almost like the general when I wasn't around. He kept everyone in line, he was the oldest, and the strongest minus Dano.

"We'll get him Sanemi relax. Take a deep breath and mentally prepare yourself. We got this, we're all in this together." I gave him a slight pep talk and then we began quickly running towards the school.

"You never answered the question Kamelio." Blu said as we were running, we still hadn't made it to the school but we were getting closer.

"We're going behind the school. There's a wooded area that wasn't there 10 years ago. That's where that camera was located." I quickly ducked under a tree and laid flat in the grass.

The group followed my movements and in perfect time too as a bunch of students were walking past.

"Yes!!!! I fucking love school vs school!!!" One student said pumping his fist in the air.

"Bro it's the only time we can fight people we don't see everyday. I can't wait to see how much I've improved compared to last year." Another spoke up that was with him.

Although all the students were moving together there were small pockets containing different groups based on who was friends with who.

"I think Grason is gonna win the tournament again." The first one spoke up again.

"Grason can't win it, nobody's seen him since he lost to Matilda." The second said as they walked.

I wasn't paying much attention, but at the mention of Grason's name my ears perked up. The principal wanted him eliminated. If I could figure out who he was, I wanted to warn him of the impending danger.

However if Matilda beat him, whoever that is, then she may be a future target for the principal's experiments.

"What? He lost to the new girl?? How'd he lose to Matilda she hasn't been enrolled for a full week yet." The first exclaimed in shock.

"Bro Shawn where have you been? Matilda beat him in 13 moves! Nobody's seen Grason since then, I guess he's embarrassed about losing." The second student said as they stopped for a second.

"I guess we'll have to swing by his house later and make sure he's alright then, won't we Markus." Shawn said before running towards the buses.

"Hell yeah we will!" Markus said following him.

The students continued on their journey as they began boarding the buses parked a ways away from the school. We stayed down in the grass until the coast was clear and then we continued forward.

"Hey, Grason is the student the principal wanted dead right?" Pluto suddenly spoke startling us, usually he's the strong silent type.

"Yeah, what you thinking Pluto?" I asked knowing he must be looking at it from a different angle than I was.

Afterall we both seen that video of the principal speaking to the strange man.

"Well, if Matilda is the same new student who looked just like Martha. Then it's obvious she's the product of their experiment. So isn't it also possible she's the one the principal sent to eliminate Grason?" Pluto looked around and then spoke more saying, "If that's the case, why did they pretend on camera to send someone called Tara? Does she even exist??"

"I guess we're about to find out." I said staring off into the woods ahead of us, and then we stepped inside.