



" head keeps fucking banging."

I press my hand against my head feeliing like I got hit by a train.



-Ahh my bad,Not too good of a start here, this is usually not how my Michael acts.He's much...sweeter.

He's just a bit cranky is all, let me just speed this up a bit more...

Alright! Apologies.

'what time is it?'

I look at my demolished clock beside me with a blank look.I bring my finger to my chin and rub my non-existent beard.

'hmmm.Looks around about 6:00?'



My eyes instantly refocus as I showed my room for anything decent to wear to school.

'uhhhghh, ughh? Un good enough.'

' my rooms a mess, I gotta clean this when I get back.'

I'm mean my room isn't exactly big, but not small enough for me to clean it in one day.

I gotta small desk for work with shelves atop it a pretty big closet and a queen bed, so I'm not really complaining, but having a TV like Tessa would be nice.

I rush in the bathroom and perform my daily ritual, now not looking like a total Hobo.

"I mean I get the whole LEAVING on short notice thing, but they couldn't let us at least keep a frickin TV?"

"Keep it down okay? Not everyone has school and gets up early y'know?my sister opened her door slightly and peeked through like the rat she is-

"Do hurry up though, I'm not driving you to school again." She spat out and closed her door.

"Jobless bum." I sneaked grabbing my bag behind me when I felt a hand grab my leg

'good Lord please don't be.'

I'm looking down to see a shadowy hand clasping my ankle and squeezing down tight.

"I heard that y'know!?, the walls are bloody thin in here!"she shouted

" And I do have a job, we get people in and out to other cities, which is MIGHTY fucking important!"

"WhICH Is MiGhtY FuCkiN ImPOrtaNt." I raised my foot and kicked down hard on the hand holding my ankle hearing a sharp temp from her greasy crave.

"Love you Tessa, tell mom I said hi!"

I heard a couple mumbles and 'little prick's

So I knew I was good.

Evac was pretty harsh on us bringing large stuff with us when leaving so my sister had to lose a bunch of her equipment, making her hissier than a cat lately.

'not my problem though.' I slinger my backpack over my shoulder and jogged to the back of the house seeing my pride and joy.

My Bike!

With the speed that my sisters friend had enhanced it with and it's technically illegal amount of special features, it's a beautiful red 80 pounds of greatness.

Today's gonna be a good day.










