A wet sneeze is all I hear.
And a snotish of consistency of muck is all I feel, it's itchy on my skin. So itchy..
And a now exhausted worm scurries back into the vent.
"Uckk.." I try to scratch my arm when a freckled hand stops me.
"Don't, it makes it worse, the slime applies to most of poison ivy rules"
He reaches into his waist pouch to pull out a bottle of some kinda soap and slid it in my pocket
"I'm sorry, my name's Jovy and grey hair's name's.." he looks back waiting for an answer
"..." Instead of engaging in human activity,he instead decided to flop on his bed head to pillow style.
Jovy came a little closer and whispered
"His name's crystal, but call him Odie." He shot me a look and shook his head to say 'dont ask'.
"ANYWAY, thanks for taking the hit for us!
We only caught about 7 of those little critters and had taken about three showers since we got here." He rolled up his long sleeve shirt to show ashy, slightly cracked skin.
"That's nice and all, but I kinda don't like you right now. And I'm itching in about every place possible." ALTHOUGH the subtle little scratches I could sneak in between Jovy's little rant, I feel so itchy it burns.
"I mean bathrooms right the-"
What happened next could only be seen as the appitimy of speed as only dust could be seen after the mirage.
"I didn't even get your name .." Jovy was left in the room with a now snoring (or suffocating?) Odie and a 3 cleaning session ahead.
"Ahhh~ this is so nice..." It felt so nice to be able to just wash away muck and instantly not feel itchy anymore, I should ask for some more as compensation.
"I still don't get why I was used as a shield though, like you can't set up a trap, or cover the vent with something?!" I was about to add more of the anti itch -soap?
Whatever the hell it is when I realize.
"If this is a test, didn't I already fail?"
I turned the water off and hopped out the shower, quickly wrapping a towel around me.
Well I would've stepped out if my arm wasn't glowing.
'what the fuck?'
A large gust of wind surrounded me bringing along toothpaste towels and other bathroom items
Although not enough to throw me around,
The metal blow dryer and other things smacked against me violently making hard 'thunk!' sounds
I shut my eyes closed hard as I heard rattling and crashes, when I thumped to the ground covering my head not daring to open an eye to check if the crash I heard was the window or the mirror.
Til there was silence.
When I opened my eyes nothing was moved nothing was shaken, or even nudged.
I looked in the mirror seeing the only thing that was ruffled up was me with tossed hair minor cuts and unfocused eyes.
Although for some reason, I felt so much better?