The atmosphere on the field was still thick with tension when suddenly, a loud voice cut through the silence like a knife.
"The disciplinary officer is coming!"
Liam turned his head in the direction of the shout, his sharp eyes immediately catching sight of a student pointing towards a tall, broad-shouldered man who was making his way toward them with firm, authoritative strides.
Liam let out a long, irritated sigh, rolling his eyes as he smacked a hand against his forehead.
Of course.
Of course someone had gone to call the damn disciplinary officer.
It wasn't as if fights were uncommon in this school. In fact, they happened so often that the school had felt the need to hire a full-time disciplinary officer just to keep things under control. Normally, that wasn't an issue. Liam had seen countless fights break out over the years, and every time, the disciplinary officer would show up, dish out punishments, and send everyone on their way.