The girl

She was summoned here along with a bunch of other people. She had already figured out what game this is.

She had seen it countless times before, she liked this game, even reaching 20% completion.

But then she gave up on the game. It was just too hard, she couldn't force herself to play it anymore.

But right now she was transported to this game. What kind of sick joke is this? Why would anybody ever want to be stuck in a game this hard?

The information about this world was transported right into her head. That's how she knew it was the game 'Star Dust' world.

All that hero bullshit... she didn't want to be one! Despite how much she wanted to shout swears at whoever teleported her here, she kept quiet. Angering someone that can summon people from other worlds isn't the best move.

She and a group of people were teleported to a city in the desert, she didn't know this place even existed. Where is she, how would she find the cave from here?

The people of this world were nice, they gave us some accommodations. It wasn't very good but it was better than nothing.

She didn't want to sit in the city forever, the natives didn't force anyone from earth to fight for them, but the option was open.

So she decided to join a group of hunters that would hunt some monsters outside the city. The job paid well, her and her comrades were in good relations and had an easy time understanding each other.

She wanted to go find the cave, but nobody in the city knew what she was talking about... was this place really that far away?

If that were the case how would she get back home? She didn't want to stay here!

She had no other option but to stay here for now.

Some time had passed, she didn't know how much exactly, a couple months maybe...?

She adapted quite well. She befriended a bunch of people from this world and learned some information about it.

While she was sitting in a bar and drinking with her friends, someone rushed in and shouted "There is an army in front of the city!"

She was shocked. There were no wats in the game right? Now that she thought about it, she didn't even know this place existed at all, so that's to be expected.

She took out her axe and prepared to fight, but once she saw who was attacking them...

The flag they held up... is this Earth?

"Hand over everyone from the other world! We might spare your lives if you cooperate." a man on a big tiger shouted.

The tiger had white and black fur, it was quite big, as big as a car at least.

The army was way bigger than what they could defeat... they had to cooperate.

She and all the other earthlings were taken away. They weren't being treated badly or greatly. The army just lead them somewhere.

She was glad that nobody in the city had to die, but... who are these people? Are they also from earth?

The journey was a long one, it took them half a month to arrive at... Starlight city?

If she remembered correctly, this is the closest city to the cave... would she get a shot to escape from this world?

After all, a hero just had to defeat the final boss right? She had hope. Although she was sad that she was taken away from her new home like that... she still had things to do back at earth.

She sighed, this was her opportunity! Once they entered the city a horrific sight could be seen, a bunch of homeless people were everywhere, some of them were on the verge of starving to death... what happened to this place?

"These are the natives of this world. We decided not to kill them off, but... we couldn't allow them to have a normal life after what they have done to us. Let's just say the tables have turned." the man on the tiger spoke up.

This is just long term torture! The natives were really nice to them in the desert city, but it seems things weren't like this around here.

They met the 'leader' of the earthlings. They had been 'liberating' earthlings from natives of this world. He wanted to build a society where earthlings could live in peace.

She couldn't understand it, she hadn't gone through what they had to go through in Starlight city.

They were given a tour of the city. What caught her attention the most was a statue in front of the palace.

This statue had seemed awfully familiar, but she just couldn't put her finger on it...

It was a young man with a scythe in his hand. The sign on the statue read "Nameless Hero".

The leader looked up to the statue in awe. He had made sure this statue could capture and convey the majesty and vigor of this hero!

His eyes were practically glowing while looking at this statue! The girl even had to squint as to not be blinded by this mans aspiration...

"This is the statue of the man who saved our lives from eternal slavery. If not for him, we would have forever stayed slaves of the natives!"

The girl was surprised, she was glad that the natives in the desert city were friendly towards them.

Still she felt like she had seen this man somewhere before... but where?

She stopped thinking about it, and asked the leader whether she could go to the cave and try to clear it.

The man frowned, but didn't say anything in return. She took it as a 'do what you want'.

She packed her things and had prepared to leave. As she was heading out, she saw a couple starving children and shared some food with them.

She didn't resent the people of this world, she had no reason to. However she couldn't just dismiss the resentment of other earthlings.

That's the best she could do for them. She headed out for the cave. It wasn't a long journey compared to coming here.

She was dead set on clearing the cave, she wanted to go home. Her mom was waiting for her!