Zero was dissatisfied, he couldn't pick up Coal and throw him into the portal anymore.
They had rested for a bit and waited for Zeros wound to stop bleeding. It didn't fully heal yet but it was fine. Zero stood infront of the portal.
The dog had a funny expression... it gently pushed Zero into the portal.
Zero was dumbfounded, did this dog just...? It pulled the 'Zero' on him! How could it!? Not only could he not throw it into the portal anymore... the dog even did that to him!
He was regretting giving the dog a perk... Soon enough a huge head appeared behind him.
"Are you stuck..?" Zero couldn't believe it. This stupid dog..!
A loud howl could be heard throughout the entire cave.
He had forced it through the portal and now he was walking with that giant elephant by his side.
The fourth layer was a replica of hell. There was lava everywhere. A bunch of monsters were here that were using fire magic as their main damage source. Zero had already acquired fire immunity, his dog however didn't.
For Coal it was hard to breathe here, it was way too hot. It glanced at Zero with watery eyes, it wanted to be picked up and carried to the next checkpoint right away.
Zero threw the dog a side eye look. How could you ask the small me to carry the big you? He jumped onto the dogs back and told it to hurry up. They had a boss to kill.
The dog was running as fast as it could. It's speed had improved greatly after the giantification, because of its sheer size and strengthening.
The monsters here weren't weak, but for the current Zero and Coal they couldn't do much. The only issue was that Coal is too big of a target. It tanked almost all the attacks the monsters threw at it.
It's fur was burnt, it was painful, but it had to endure at least that much to be of any use to the human.
While running to the boss location they were killing monsters they came across. This lead to Coal leveling up, and Coal leveling up lead to him becoming bigger and stronger.
Zeros level was way higher than Coals, but his status screen only offered stats. The dogs growth rate was way faster. With this perk it has the opportunity to become so strong not even gods could defeat it... Zeros calculations were that it would take Coal approximately 200 levels to become the strongest entity he knew of in the game.
But the scary part is that by the time Coal reaches level 200... it should be about the size of a large mountain. Or even bigger, Zero couldn't really picture that sight...
He had played with that perk a couple times, but usually he would just die to something that did percent damage, when you are so big, you don't really see what you are stepping on or what's happening around you.
His record with this perk was merely level 80. And he could one shot the final boss with that level!
He looked at the dog with a complicated expression, poor guy.
They arrived at the boss location. It was a shrine at the edge of an endless cliff. The boss would appear out of there.
Zero walked towards the shrine. The dog took on a battle stance, it wouldn't be afraid anymore! It could help!
Once Zero entered the shrine, a hellish shriek echoed through the entire fourth layer, 3 tentacles had risen from the bottomless pit.
This was the boss of the fourth layer. A giant octopus straight from hell!
The fourth layer was merely a replica of hell, however there was one thing that wasn't a replica... this monster!
Of course the boss of the fourth layer wasn't the boss of hell, that would be just insane and impossible to kill. This octopus is the lowest rank monster you could find in hell.
Not only that, it was also in its infancy stage. No matter how much weaker this monster is compared to other hell monsters, it's still straight from hell.
It's fierce and filled with bloodlust. The entire fourth level began to tremble. The octopus has arrived. It was crawling out from the bottomless pit.
Coal was shocked, it thought it was already strong enough, but this octopus... it was towering over it as if it was an ant!
Coal was ready to fight and show the human that it wasn't as useless as before, but... all it felt was the suppressing feeling of fear.
This is the boss of the fourth layer!? I would believe it if someone told me this is the ruler of hell!
Coals mind was in a mess, it was trembling under the gaze of the octopus. It wanted to curl up into a fluff ball and hide in a corner again.
Zero was surprised, this octopus isn't in its infancy stage... it's already reached childhood.
The pressure from that octopus is no joke, merely its presence here was enough for his wound to start bleeding again.
Zero was being honest with himself, he couldn't defeat a hell octopus in its childhood stage. A hell octopus in its childhood stage was at least 10 times stronger than in its infancy stage, and that was the sheer minimum.
The scariest thing is that the octopus didn't even release its aura of death yet, and they already had lost all will to fight that thing.
For comparison... a hell octopus in its adolescence stage was stronger than the final boss, and by a large margin at that.
Would they have to run away..? Zero glanced at Coal. The only thing this dog was good at is running, but... can they really outpace this octopus?
Did they have a choice? No!
"Coal!" Zero shouted at his dog "Be useful for once... and get us away from here!" Zeros tone was serious, he didn't see the dog as useful at all.
Coal clenched its teeth, it knew... it knew it was useless. Yet hearing it is painful. A tear fell down its face.
Zero jumped onto the dogs back and they ran away. This is the only option they had. Even if Zero wasn't wounded the fight was barely winnable.
Why the hell isn't the boss in its infancy??