Little green sphere

Zero stood infront of his hut looking into the distance. He saw an incredibly bright flash appear.

He squinted his eyes. He had seen this phenomenon multiple times in the game. There was a quest that made you create a sun, it was extremely tedious and near impossible at this stage of the game.

Did someone somehow manage to create it? If yes then it certainly wasn't a player. Even if he speedran the Sun Creation quest it would take him at least a couple more days.

Coal had still not returned... does it have something to do with him?

Zero was puzzled and had decided to go there. It might be dangerous since someone that can complete the Sun Creation quest is incredibly powerful, but that doesn't matter too much.

He prepared some things and went to the big tree near Starlight city. This place had a thing that allowed him to teleport anywhere within this world once.

He didn't take it the first time he was there because he didn't think he would need it. After all his first plan was to quickly kill the final boss.

He thought about entering Starlight city and buying more food, but decided against it. He was going against the clock.

If someone had completed the Sun Creation quest... this world will eventually perish.

Having a literal star on the surface of a planet isn't exactly safe. And if the Sun Creation quest was completed half-assed then the sun would be unstable... which is quite bad.

An unstable star is prone to explode at some point, destroying the whole world. So many runs have ended because he couldn't figure out how to complete the Sun... but eventually he figured it out.

He quickly arrived at the tree and his train of thought had stopped. There were no more monsters here since he cleared it, but getting to the teleporter was a bit harder than that.

He climbed all the way to the 5th floor, and faced a wall. Hid scythe lit up and he used the special skill the pickaxe used to have.

A huge hole leading to a room appeared, the room had an altar and nothing else.

Suddenly the tree started to tremble and a bunch of fairy like monsters appeared. They had a gray skin color and a neutral expression.

These monsters were the protection mechanism of the tree, they didn't have a consciousness. They were there to kill anyone who dared to harm the tree.

Zero quickly went to the altar, he wouldn't fight them. These monsters were immune to all types of damage and ignore all types of protection.

Zero could kill them easily, but only if it were a couple, not over a hundred. He quickly told the altar where he wanted to go: "Southern end of the world, Lake of the damned souls!"

He knew approximately where he saw the flash, it should be somewhere near that lake.

A bunch of fairy like monster rushed to him, but he disappeared right before they could land a strike.

Zero appeared near the lake. Rain was pouring down like a waterfall. Lightning and thunder appeared every once in a while, as if greeting Zeros appearance here.

He squinted his eyes, he had already seen such an occurrence in this world, when he broke the statue in Starlight city.

It was incredibly dark, the clouds covered the sun, and the only source of light were the frequent lightning bolts.

Wasn't there supposed to be a city somewhere here?

He was looking around but couldn't see anything. He wandered around trying to find out anything about what want down here... he found a crater. A crater so big he thought a nuke was dropped here.

However nukes don't exist in this game. Is this the result of the failed Sun Creation quest?

He thought that's the only explanation... but the crater was too shallow for it to be the aftermath of a Sun Creation quest.

If that were the case, at least half the world would be destroyed... unless the one who did this knew a different way of creating the sun, that allowed him to create a sun with very limited energy.

Then a thought flashed in his mind, the goddesses statue was broken... he was the only one who could absorb the divine energy.

So this is the aftermath of the destruction of the goddesses statue? He had been playing around with such a powerful force...

Did the goddess involve herself in all of this? Creating a star just to punish a city for destroying her statue?

At this point Zero already understood why he didn't see the city anywhere, this crater was the city.

Lightning flashed spreading light across the crater, Zero saw a black dot lying the middle of the crater... it wouldn't be him... would it?

Zero slowly approached the middle of the crater. The closer he got, the more he was certain.

It was his stupid dog that was lying the middle. He couldn't believe it, why was he here? Did he decide to run away from him?

He walked around Coal until he found his face. It was severly burnt. Did this guy take the explosion head on? Why would he do that?

A tear left Zeros face, however Zero didn't feel anything. He was confused. Why was he crying even though he didn't feel anything..?

He felt a sudden weakness in his knees and used the scythe as a support.

He had felt such weakness before, when his dog in the real world had died. This was the same thing all over again.

He cried out to the skies. His shriek could be heard in the entire world. The world went quite once again. Not a single sound could be heard, not even the thunder.

He raised his scythe, pointing at the sky. His gaze became cold and emotionless once again. He wouldn't care anymore. He gathered all the divine power inside of the scythe.

A little green sphere appeared.