His prayers have been heard but ignored. The goddess was spying on these two fighting.
She was doing it because peace in her world has been disturbed by these two once again. She couldn't even tell who she was rooting for, the stupid dog or the arrogant human.
She was currently facing the backlash of descending into the mortal world, and couldn't muster even 50% of her strength, and if she descended again to help one of them... she would likely die from facing 2 backlashes at once.
Zero was jumping around the dog, would he really die here because of the betrayal of his companion?
Suddenly he stumbled and fell down. Into the deepest parts of hell.
He fell down into the hole the big God ant made.
He was falling, and falling. Coal jumped down after Zero, in his berserk state he wasn't thinking rationally. He just wanted Zero dead.
Zero sighed, he likely wouldn't survive that fall. And if he did, it was hell, any monster could easily kill him at level 1. And even if he survived all of that somehow... this giant dog would fall straight on top of him.
So was this guaranteed death?
Suddenly a cloud of light catched him mid flight, and Coal flew straight past him.
"Tell me whatever you know about Hell." a familiar voice said to Zero. This was the voice of the goddess. She couldn't help Zero fight the dog directly, however she could assist with a fraction of her power.
She knew about the existence of hell, but she didn't know what was happening down there, she couldn't reach down there.
Zero has already accepted his fate, but suddenly this goddess saved him. He didn't know why she would save her enemy, but it was good for him.
"Hell is a place just like the cave, but bigger, and with a lot of stronger monsters. Even the weakest one is on par with the final boss of the cave." Zero explained quickly, the explanation was short but the goddess was satisfied with the answer.
"Listen here," the goddess said in a serious tone "I'm not particularly fond of you, but this dog is a threat to the peace of my world. Because of you, I can't descend and fight it myself. It seems neither can you." The goddess spoke on, "We have 2 choices, the first one - you kill it. The second one, we seal it."
Zero wasn't happy with the goddesses tone, but he had no choice but to comply, she saved his life just now.
"How do we seal it?" Zero asked curiously, no chance he can kill Coal. Monsters from hell can possibly offer Coal a fight, but if they lose... Coal will level up and get even stronger.
"Simple. This weapon of yours is a Divine level artifact. I have no idea how you got your hands on such a weapon, but it doesn't matter. I will engrave a couple runes on it, and it will work as a medium for the seal."
The goddess saw this weapon as the only way of winning against the dog at this moment. She couldn't reach the depths of hell with her power, but she could if the scythe worked as a medium for her power. This is a win win for her.
Zero wasn't happy with this outcome. Lose a mount and lose his weapon, how would he even escape hell without anything?
"Make your choice quickly. You know what will happen if the dog kills some hell monsters right?" the goddess hurried Zero, she knew what would happen if the dog leveled up, and at that point it would be too late.
Zero gritted his teeth, he had no choice right? Fuck 2 options, it was only one! "I agree! What do we do?"
The goddess was satisfied. This human had some common sense in him.
A figure of a woman appeared in front of him, the figure was composed of dim light. The figure was completely naked, but rays of light conveniently blocked Zero from seeing anything he shouldn't.
"Okay, give me your scythe for a second." The figure said in a majestic voice. This figure was the goddess descending into the mortal world once again. But this time it was merely a shard of her true self.
She couldn't fight in this state, merely assist. A descention of such level wouldn't be punished by the universe, since it wasn't enough to affect the mortal world in any way.
Zero handed her the scythe, he didn't have a choice. Even if the goddess takes his scythe and kills him. He would die anyway, either from Coal, or from the hell monsters.
The goddess closed her eyes and channeled some energy into her fingers, engraving the scythe with some runes.
[Congratulations! The individuals 'Zero' and 'Joanna' completed a legendary artifact!]
[Impossible Achievement! Through The Power of Friendship... Complete!]
Joanna and Zero stared at each other blankly. Such an achievement even exists..? Is what Zero thought, and Joanna was in shock. It was her first ever impossible achievement, and she got it thanks to this guy.
And why was her first impossible achievement this? Not something cool like what Zero had done before, but power of friendship? Really?
[Reward will be issued... [Through hate and love]... Successful!]
Once again Zero was dumbfounded, this time the reward didn't fail, he didn't get some alternative reward, this time he got the original reward.
They both looked at each other, both of them didn't notice any difference, what even was this reward?
It didn't matter at that moment. The scythe became a completed legendary tier weapon. It was because of Joanna's engravings.
"Anyway, the runes I engraved made the scythe somewhat conscious. Basically it gained an ego. This is one of the prerequisite for a Divine Artifact. I couldn't make one before because I didn't find a suitable hull... but this one is good." Joanna explained.
Zero was memorizing this information, since divine artifacts weren't a thing in the game, at least not in this form.
With a completed Divine Artifact... he had what it takes to seal Coal.
[Time Remaining: 20 seconds]