I woke up, finally in my own bed. The morning sun shone through the window, its soft, warm rays landing on my face, rousing me from my sleep. I yawned, outstretched my arms, and sat up on the soft mattress. Getting up from the bed, I went to the fridge and pulled out some supplies to cook with. A couple of eggs, some bread, and two slices of RealMeat, the meat supplement created after the prices of actual meat got too high to afford.
While I cooked, I thought about the day ahead of me. I had to do some research on Blackthorn to see if Lyra's theory held any weight, and I had to find out more about the bounty. Whoever put the bounty out on him had to have known what he was capable of. If it was really Blackthorn, I'd be going up against one of the most powerful and well-prepared corporations in all of Santa Luz. I needed to be careful with my next moves because if I went at this with the wrong approach it'd likely end with me breaking my promise to Lyra and wasting her hard work. In terms of research, I knew exactly the person to go to, but the question was how much money I would be willing to spend on my answer.
When I finished cooking, I hastily ate the food, barely having enough time to taste it, and then hopped into the shower. I hadn't showered the night before due to exhaustion, so my left side was still caked in blood. The warm, clear water turned a deep red as it ran down my beaten body, pooling at the bottom near the drain. I watched as the bloody water streamed down the drain, washing away some of the pain from my injuries. I hadn't felt comfortable like this in days, so I took time to relish it. After a little while of just standing in the shower and letting the water run down my body, I cleaned the blood off of my body and got out of the shower. I put on my clothes, holster, and jacket, and went for the door.
Once outside my apartment, I took the elevator down to the parking lot and got onto my bike. To begin my research I had to go meet a friend of mine on the south side of Santa Luz. He was once a cogger, but he broke away from that life after losing his job and realizing that he didn't want to lick the boot of the elite any longer. Now, using his technical prowess and his experience with all of the iterations of the Gridlink, he peddles information. He deals in the kinds of things the average person can't just find with ease, and I had a need for something of that nature. As I drove through the city, I checked my credit account. I had enough to get what I needed and not be destitute, but I needed to take on a job while he worked or things wouldn't be looking too good for me.
I can kill two birds with one stone then, I thought to myself as I rode, the wind blowing through my hair, I can go to the Widow's Den and ask around about the liaison that gave me the job, because I've never seen her before even though I've been working with them for over a year. Maybe she knows more about the job than she initially let on.
When I arrived at my destination, I got off my bike and looked around. I was sitting outside a Gridlink Hub, a place for people who can't afford computers to go to use the Grid. A holographic sign floating above the doorway said The Patch. I walked up to the automatic door and it opened, releasing the smell of sweat and instant noodles into the air. The smell stung my nostrils and I gulped, trying not to make a face as I entered.
The inside of the building was fairly unassuming. Rows of computers on metal desks filled the room, some of them having people sitting or sleeping on them. A man sat at a counter in the front of the building, and he motioned for me to come over to him.
"A computer is 5 credits per hour, where do you want to sit?" He asked in a bored, monotone voice.
"I'm actually here to see Cipher, is he free?" I returned, trying to have a bit more enthusiasm than the employee.
"Back room," he responded simply.
I made my way to the back of the computer room, passing by the rows of computers. Being nosy as I am, I snuck peeks at the computer screens that were on. Most people were browsing the Grid or playing online games, and one person was shopping for new BodyTech, which struck me as odd. I looked a little closer at the screen and scanned it with my eyes. I realized then why he was here.
Illegal tech, I thought, that tracks.
An unassuming grey door sat on the back wall of the room. I went to it and opened it up. Inside was a small man with glasses and a baseball cap on. He looked up from his impressive computer setup at me. His eyes widened at the sight of me, and a smile crept onto his thin, dark face.
"Badger! It's been a while, man. How've you been?" he stood from his swivel chair as he spoke.
"Living the Santa Luz dream, ya know?"
Our right hands met in a crisp handshake, and as his hand slid off mine, his eyes widened even more and a slight gasp escaped his lips.
"Dude, what the fuck happened to your arm? Why is it metal?" He asked frantically, looking genuinely worried.
"Long story, and that's part of the reason I'm here actually," I returned.
"Well shit man, I've got time. Take a seat, what can I help you with?"
I sat down on one of the cushioned chairs in front of his desk. His gaze darkened as I began to tell my story, first about Rodriguez and his tech, then about Lyra and her suggestion of Blackthorn being involved. When I finished explaining, he immediately began typing on his computer. As he clicked the holographic keys he spoke.
"This Lyra girl knows her shit. I've been seeing some news on the Grid about them losing some piece of tech, but I'm not sure what kind it was. If it was BodyTech, that would be your best bet to investigate, but you've gotta be careful. I know you're a capable guy, but you cannot win a war against that many Ivories. They've got credits out the wazoo and can put a bounty on you whenever they feel like it. One wrong move and you've got all of Santa Luz on your tail."
"I know, I'll be careful. I don't plan to start a war that I can't win. All I want to do is find out what the hell happened to me," I replied.
"Good. Don't do anything stupid. So, what do you need from me?"
"Two things. Firstly, I need to know what kind of tech Blackthorn lost. If it's BodyTech, I have to know so I can know what I'm truly up against. Second, I need as much information on Paul Rodriguez as I can get. I want to get that bounty, and I want my revenge. He took my arm, so I'll take something he can't get back."
I tapped my right temple with my metal finger and brought my menu up. The file on Paul was sitting in my inbox, so I moved it to my messages and selected Cipher in my contacts. When it appeared on his computer, he clicked on it with his mouse and moved it onto his second monitor.
"I'll see what I can do. I should be able to get the information on this Rodriguez guy, but Blackthorn is a tough nut to crack, even for me. They've got top-of-the-line security, so it could take a little while. I'll hit your line when I find something on either of them."
"How much do you want for this?" I asked.
"For a friend, I won't charge you too much. A hundred up front and a hundred after the job is done."
"Deal," I agreed, and sent him the credits with the buttons on my wrist, surprised at how little this was costing me.
"What's your next move?" He asked.
"I'm gonna do a simple job for today, I wanna earn some cash. I don't know if you saw on the news but I was the one who got that guy outside the gas station in The Wastes, but he was peanuts. I need a more substantial job."
"Sounds good. Be careful, and make sure you're fully used to the new arm before you start using it heavily. I don't want you getting killed over a tech malfunction," he warned with genuine concern.
"I'm not gonna go for anything crazy right now, probably just a kill job that I can get into and out of quickly."
"Either way, take care of yourself, man."
"I will, thank you. Good to do business with ya."
As Cipher went back to his computer, I got up from the chair and left the room. The employee at the front eyed me as I walked to the door and left the building.
"Alright," I said to myself as I mounted my bike, "time to go make a little cash."
I turned the key in the ignition and started my journey towards the Widow's Den.