Love triangle?

The lunch had settled into a comfortable hum of chatter. The kids were finishing off their food, and laughter was echoing off the walls. Some were still eating, and others were playing, but as soon as Hanna, the orphanage director, tapped the microphone at the front of the Main Hall, the noise began to die down.

Alex Wilson stood off to the side, watching as 200 kids, each with a past that no child should ever have, settled into their seats. Some looked eager, others curious, and a few wary.

He understood that.

They'd been let down before.

He wasn't here to make empty promises.

Hanna smiled warmly at the room. "Alright, everyone. Before we go back to the fun, I want to introduce someone very important. The reason we have this new home, the reason we have all these amazing facilities, and..." she gestured toward the cupcakes and food table, "...these delicious foods. Please give a warm welcome to Mr. Alex Wilson."

The room erupted in applause.

Alex exhaled slowly, stepping up to the podium. He wasn't a man of many public speeches, especially when it came to personal matters. But this? This was important.

He adjusted the microphone, scanning the faces in front of him. Kids of all ages, some as young as five, some in their late teens. Some looked at him with hope, others with hesitation.

Some didn't know him.

Some didn't trust him.

Not yet.

He understood.

He leaned forward slightly, voice calm but firm.

"I know a lot of you don't know who I am. And honestly? That's okay." He gave a small, knowing smile. "Because I'm not here to tell you some fairytale. I'm not here to stand in front of you and act like I understand everything you've been through."

A few of the older kids shifted in their seats.

"But here's what I do know." He rested his hands on the podium. "Every single one of you has a future. You might not believe it yet. You might feel like the world has already made up its mind about you. That your past is going to define your life."

He shook his head.

"It won't."


"You are not where you came from. You are not the people who left you behind. You are not the mistakes of others. And you sure as hell are not limited by the circumstances that brought you here."

Some of the younger kids watched him with wide eyes. The older ones? They were listening now.

He glanced around the hall, making sure he met as many eyes as possible.

"This place? It's not just a shelter. It's a home. Your home. And I didn't build it to keep you safe for a little while... I built it to make sure you never have to feel like you don't belong anywhere again."

A few kids exchanged glances.

"You will have everything you need here. Clothes, food, education. You want to be a scientist? We'll get you books, tutors, and all the equipment you need. You want to be an athlete? We'll train you. You want to start a business, learn an instrument, become a doctor, a writer, a chef..." he gestured broadly, "...whatever it is, we'll make it happen."

He exhaled, his voice steady.

"But there's one thing I expect from you in return."


"I expect you to chase your dreams without holding back."

A murmur rippled through the crowd.

"No excuses. No fear." His voice hardened slightly. "Because I will not accept anyone in this room thinking they are less than what they can be. If you fall, we'll catch you. But you will get up. And you will keep going."

Eyes locked on him now.

"You don't owe me anything. You don't have to thank me, you don't have to prove anything to me. But you owe it to yourselves to take everything that life took from you—and get it back."

Silence stretched across the hall.


A slow clap.

It was Theo, the chess prodigy from earlier.

He was leaning against a chair, nodding slightly as he clapped. It was slow, thoughtful, but approving.

The sound spread.

More kids joined in.

Until suddenly, the room erupted into full applause.

Some were cheering, some were whistling. Even a few of the toughest-looking teens looked like they were holding back emotions they didn't know how to express.

Alex exhaled. He gave them a small nod, then stepped back from the podium.

Hanna took over, beaming. "Alright, kids! Back to the fun! And remember... chase those dreams!"

The hall burst back into chaos, kids running toward the games, the food, the music.

Alex stepped off the stage, rolling his shoulders slightly.

Max, standing near the back with Caroline, crossed her arms and smirked. "Alright, I'll admit it. That was hot."

Caroline sighed. "Max."

"What? It was a rich man giving an inspiring speech. That's like, premium fantasy material."

Alex, overhearing them as he approached, raised an eyebrow. "Fantasy material?"

Max smirked, arms still crossed. "Oh, don't act surprised, Moneybags. You just pulled the 'inspirational, secretly soft billionaire' move. That's, like, dangerously attractive."

Caroline groaned. "Can you be normal for one conversation?"

Alex smirked at Max. "So, what I'm hearing is... my speech worked?"

Max rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah. You made the kids feel something, congrats. And you might have also ignited some new billionaire CEO crushes in the staff, but that's beside the point."

Alex chuckled. "I'll take it."

Caroline gave him an approving nod. "It was a good speech. They needed to hear that."

Alex's smirk softened slightly. "Yeah. They did."

For a moment, the three of them stood there, watching as the kids laughed, played, and just for a moment... forgot about the lives they had come from.

Then Max clapped her hands. "Alright, cool moment over. Now tell me about this 'big contract' you mentioned earlier."

He smirked. "Sunday. 9 PM. Over dinner."

Max narrowed her eyes. "You're really going to make me wait?"

He shrugged. "Patience, Black."

Max scoffed. "Ugh, fine. But just so you know, I'm ordering the most expensive thing on the menu."

Alex leaned in slightly, his voice dropping just enough to make her heart stutter.

"Good," he murmured. "I like a woman with expensive taste."

Max stared at him.

He winked.

And then walked away.

Caroline watched Max's eye twitch. "Are you okay?"

Max exhaled deeply.


Caroline sighed. "Yeah, sure you are."


The sun had started dipping toward the horizon, casting a golden glow over the orphanage. The kids were still running around, full of sugar and energy, while the staff began tidying up the remnants of the party.

Max and Caroline, now back in their messy, flour-dusted clothes, stood near the entrance, their expensive new outfits carefully folded in their bags.

Alex stood a few feet away, arms crossed, looking far too put-together for someone who had spent the whole day running a massive charity event. Annoyingly rich people. They always looked fresh.

Max stretched, groaning. "Alright, Moneybags. We're outta here."

Alex quirked an eyebrow. "So soon? Stay for the dinner, we planned a movie night."

Max punched her right fist on her left palm. "Dang! There goes our expensive free dinner. Haaa... Nothing we can do. We've got the night shift at the diner. And if I don't get at least a few hours of real sleep before that, I am legally allowed to commit homicide."

Caroline sighed. "That's not how the law works, Max."

Max waved her off. "Details."

He smirked. "Well, try not to collapse into a sugar coma before your shift."

Max scoffed. "Please. My body runs on spite and questionable diner coffee. I'll be fine."

Alex just chuckled, then glanced at Caroline. "You too, Caroline. Try not to let her get arrested."

Caroline smiled sweetly. "Oh, don't worry. I keep a bail fund just for Max-related emergencies."

Max gasped. "You WHAT?!"

Caroline shrugged. "It's a precaution. Remember last time? Sophie had to bail us out and we had to hear her explicit details about her and Oleg's sex life all the way to the apartment. You want to repeat that again?"

Alex huffed a quiet laugh. "Smart."

Max narrowed her eyes. "I feel deeply betrayed right now."

Caroline patted her shoulder. "You'll survive."

Alex shook his head in amusement. "Alright, you two. Get some rest. I'll see you..." he glanced at Max, smirking, "...Sunday. 9 PM. Don't be late."

Max rolled her eyes but smirked right back. "Oh, don't worry, Wilson. I'll be ready. Dressed to kill."

Alex leaned in slightly, voice smooth as ever. "Looking forward to it."

"You do?" Max froze for half a second. 'Damn him. Damn him and his stupid, rich, smooth-talking ways.'

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it," He said with his signature smile.

Caroline, sensing the incoming Max brain malfunction, grabbed her by the arm and yanked her toward the exit. "Okay! Time to go before this turns into another round of verbal foreplay."

Alex just smirked as Max stumbled after Caroline, yelling over her shoulder, "I'M STILL WINNING THIS, MONEYBAGS."

Alex only chuckled. "Sure you are, Black."

Max groaned loudly as they walked off. Infuriating man.

[Subway – On the Way Home]

The subway car rocked slightly as Max and Caroline sat slumped in their seats, bags in their laps, exhaustion finally catching up to them.

Max yawned, stretching her legs out in front of her. "I swear, if a single drunk guy hits on me during the night shift, I will climb over the counter and slap him with a pancake."

Caroline, sitting beside her, was quiet for a moment before finally sighing. "Max."

Max cracked an eye open. "What?"

Caroline frowned, tapping her fingers against her bag. "How deep are you getting into this?"

Max blinked. "Huh?"

Caroline's brows furrowed. "This thing with Alex. How deep are you getting into it?"

Max scoffed. "Oh, come on. I'm just messing with him. You know me. I flirt, I tease, I annoy, and then I walk away victorious."

Caroline raised an eyebrow. "Do you?"

Max hesitated for half a second too long.

Caroline crossed her arms. "Max. Be honest. Are you actually catching feelings?"

Max let out a loud, exaggerated laugh. "Pfft. Feelings? For Alex Wilson? Please. He's just a hot, rich guy who thinks he can outflirt me. It's fun, it's harmless, it's..."

She gestured vaguely, searching for the right words.

Caroline stared at her. "That was not an answer."

Max huffed, rubbing her temples. "Oh my God, Blondie, why are you suddenly my therapist?"

Caroline shrugged. "Because someone has to be."

Max groaned. "Look. I have zero feelings for him. None. Zilch. Nada. The only thing I feel is the satisfaction of knowing I'm going to win whatever weird game we're playing."

Caroline squinted. "So if I asked you to stop flirting with him?"

Max paused.

For exactly one second too long.

Caroline's smirk was instant.

Max scowled. "I hate you."

Caroline leaned back in her seat, smug. "I knew it."

Max groaned loudly, covering her face. "Oh my God, shut up. I do not..." She let out a high-pitched noise of frustration. "I just think he's interesting, okay? And he's hot. And rich. And very, very good at messing with me."

Caroline gave her a knowing look. "Sooo… exactly your type?"

Max pointed aggressively. "No. Rich men are not my type. Broke losers who make questionable life choices are my type."

Caroline sighed dramatically. "You have to raise your standards."

"I like my standards!" Max insisted. "They're safe! They're predictable! They don't wink at me after stealing my damn ribs!"

Caroline cackled. "You're actually losing your mind over this."

Max dramatically threw her arms up. "HE LADY-AND-THE-TRAMPED ME, CAROLINE."

The older woman sitting across from them gave them both a deeply concerned look.

Caroline, ignoring the attention, patted Max's knee. "You're spiraling."

"I am not spiraling."

Caroline nodded. "You totally are."

Max groaned, flopping back against the seat. "Fine. Whatever. Maybe I think he's kinda intriguing, but that does not mean I like him."

Caroline hummed. "Sure. And I'm secretly a Victoria's Secret model."

Max glared at her. "I don't! And besides, it's not me you should be worried about. It's you."

Caroline frowned. "Me?"

Max wagged a finger. "Yup. Because you have a crush."

Caroline stared at her, deadpan. "Excuse me?"

Max smirked. "Oh yeah. You think I haven't noticed? You've had a thing for Alex since he walked into the diner. That's why you're so interested in my totally non-existent feelings."

Caroline blinked. Then blinked again.

Then burst out laughing.

Max frowned. "Why are you laughing? I'm right."

Caroline shook her head, still chuckling. "Max. That's the stupidest thing you've ever said."

Max narrowed her eyes. "You're deflecting."

"No, you're deflecting," Caroline shot back, wiping a tear from her eye. "God, Max, do you even hear yourself?"

Max frowned. "What do you mean?"

Caroline smirked. "You're accusing me of liking Alex when you're the one who's been flirting with him non-stop all day long, turning every conversation into some weird game of verbal strip poker, and getting all flustered when he does it back."

Max opened her mouth, but Caroline steamrolled right over her.

"And I'm the one with the crush?" Caroline finished, raising an eyebrow. "Really?"

Max smirked, ready to go in for the kill. "I remember someone feeling insecure about certain... natural parts." She leaned in, grinning wickedly. "Rings a bell, Blondie? You said, 'These are rich-lady...'" Before she could finish, Caroline slapped a hand over Max's mouth. She made a muffled noise of protest, eyes wide.

Caroline, face burning red, hissed, "Max. I swear to God, if you say another word about that in public..."

Max, still muffled, wiggled her eyebrows.

Caroline tightened her grip. "Do. Not. Test me."

Max licked her hand.

"GAH!" Caroline yanked her hand back, wiping it furiously on her skirt. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?"

Max cackled, stretching her arms behind her head. "Oh, nothing. Just basking in the glow of my victory."

Caroline glared. "You're insufferable."

Max grinned. "Oh, I know. But come on, you walked right into that one."

Caroline exhaled sharply, running a hand through her hair. "Okay. Fine. Yes, I said that one time in a moment of insecurity and your organic cookies. But that has nothing to do with Alex!"

Max crossed her arms. "Suuuuuure it doesn't."

Caroline rolled her eyes. "Max, I don't have a crush on Alex. You do."

Max scoffed. "Blondie, please. I do not..."

Caroline held up a hand. "Max." Her voice was firm, no teasing.

Max hesitated.

Caroline sighed, sitting back against the subway seat, looking a little tired. "Listen… I'm not gonna get in your way."

Max blinked. "Huh?"

Caroline's expression softened. "If you do like him… I won't stand in the way. I mean, yeah, he's insanely attractive, disgustingly rich, and kind of annoyingly charming, but..." She gave Max a small smile. "You clearly have something with him. And I'm not about to ruin that just because I think he's good-looking."

Max stared at her, unsure of what to say.

She was so ready to tease, to joke, to deny... but suddenly, it didn't feel funny anymore.

She huffed, shifting awkwardly. "So what you're saying is… if I wanted to, like, hypothetically date him, you wouldn't claw my eyes out?"

Caroline smirked. "No, Max. I wouldn't claw your eyes out."

Max let out a dramatic sigh. "Wow. Look at us. Two best friends, both falling for the same hot billionaire."

Caroline rolled her eyes. "Falling? Speak for yourself."

Max nudged her. "Uh-huh. Sure. Deny it all you want, Blondie, but we both got it bad."

Caroline groaned, burying her face in her hands. "Max. I am not in love with Alex Wilson."

Max grinned. "Oh, honey. Nobody said anything about love."

Caroline froze.

Max cackled.

The subway doors dinged open, and Caroline practically shoved Max out of the train.

Max laughed the whole way home.


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