Ivy got up excited for the ball since she only ever dreamed of going to one in all her life.
"Wake up guys!" Ivy shook Sam who whined.
"Just five more minutes!" Kenji got up and check the flier. From 10:00am to 11:00pm. Kenji got out of the bed and looked at the wall clock. It's 8:47am now, so I guess we are a bit late huh?
"Come on Sam get up and get ready." Kenji got out of the bed and left the bedroom.
"Ugh fine!" Kenji went into the mini kitchen and began to cook breakfast for everybody. Kenji felt a cold shiver go down his spine. I can't get that image out of my head, maybe it's stress. It definitely wasn't real; Iven didn't look like that when he… Bleh! Kenji vomited all over the floor and his hand which he used to cover his mouth. Kenji felt nervous but he pulled himself together, he washed his hand in the sink then went to the bathroom and got the bucket and mop as he began to clean the floor while also continuing to cook. Once Kenji finished cooking he placed the two plates on the table and called for Ivy and Sam.
"Ivy, Sam. Come eat before your food get's cold." Ivy came out of the bedroom in her green and blue gown she looked just like a princess. It was a short gown it ended at her knees, the right side had a blue fold and the left had a green one, underneath it was a white skirt with lacing at the ends. The top was a white blouse with a brown vest, the dress had a bunch of weird clock designs and patterns on it and a bunch of creepy jewelry.
"I look like a princess!" Ivy sounded happy but Kenji was creeped out.
"You look like the creepy porcelain doll from the book "Glass" only if your hair was black." Ivy looked offended and confused as she sat down toe at and Sam left the room.
"I've never heard of that book." Sam had overheard and spoke up.
"It's a presumed children's book but it doesn't seem like a children's book at all. It's about a widow who runs away from home and meets a Jester and porcelain doll. The woman trusts the Jester and she ends up dying. Which makes you think you should've trusted the doll, but the doll ended up being the mastermind all along." Ivy looked creeped out as Sam sat down and began to eat his food meanwhile Kenji went to get dressed.
"Then what's the point of the book…?" Sam took a bite before speaking up again.
"It supposed to teach children not to trust anyone at all." Ivy felt a shiver down her spine.
"I'm glad I never that, just thinking about it gives me the creeps." Sam nodded as he stood up taking Ivy's plate to wash it. Kenji left the bedroom dressed in his suit.
"Here." Kenji placed the switchblade in front of Ivy and then put Sam's knife on the table.
"This ones yours Sam." Kenji looked at the time 9:34am.
"If we hurry up we can make it around 10:30am." Kenji hid his gun then opened the dorm door letting Ivy and Sam out first. By the time they made it to the castle it was 10:58am.
"We are later than you said." Sam questioned.
"It's not like you gave a better time estimate." Sam, Ivy and Kenji walked into the ball which was full of all kinds of people from all kinds of kingdoms.
"Alright Ivy you know what to do, and Sam you know where to go. They all nodded and split up, Ivy headed towards the bathrooms and Sam went into the crowd meanwhile Kenji went up the stairs of the castle to get a better view from the balcony. All three of them had morse code beepers on them so that they could transfer info to each other. Kenji looked around to see if he could spot people that stood out. Hm, there! That man was one of the guards that dragged Iris away. He doesn't seem to be on duty though. Beep… beep- beep, beep. Kenji felt the beeping and kept his eye out for, a man wearing a red vest acting suspicious and carrying food. Where is he, there's so many people it's hard to spot them out from here. Beep, beep. Ivy had beeped in a message. Kenji looked at the stairs and there he saw him going up, he carried a tray of food and when to a double door with two guards outside of it. The guards looked at the man then nodded before opening the doors which led to another flight of stairs. Damn it, I have to get in there but how? Kenji looked back down and saw a server wearing the same vest as the other man. The server would serve a round of drinks then go back to the kitchen have a sip of water and get more drinks. I should beep Sam to get the rat poison and pour it in his water. Beep, beep. Kenji waited for a moment before seeing Sam begin to make his way through the crowd, pushing past people and making his way to the kitchen. Once he arrived he looked around before pouring the rat poison into the server boys water. Then Sam calmly walked back to where he was stationed. Kenji watched patiently while also looking around, the castle was beautiful, it had chandeliers, statues, lovely red carpets, and a lot of gold, but it gave Kenji an awfully bad feeling. Once Kenji looked back at the boy he saw him drinking the water, Kenji made his way down the stairs then into the bathroom. He walked into a stall shutting the door then waiting, only a few minutes had passed when he heard the server boy run into the bathroom then the stall next to him as he began to vomit. Kenji stood up and left the stall, he turned into the stall of the boy and grabbed the back of his hair.
"Excuse me?" The boy questioned frightened. Kenji pushed the boys head into the toilet, the boy kept trying to force it out but Kenji stood behind him with a numb facial expression. Beep- beep- beep. Sam questioned what Kenji was going to do to the server boy since he had seen him follow him into the bathroom. As Kenji thought about it the server boy lifted his head out of the toilet, Kenji focused again and before letting the boy scream he shoved his head back down. Since the boy was trying to avoid the toilet water he ended up hitting his head on the seat cracking his skull and blood began to get all over the toilet. Kenji looked at the server boys head and saw that he had hit the same spot that Kenji had been missing in the mirror. Kenji dropped the server boys head in the toilet and he covered his mouth feeling like he would vomit again. Beep, beep. Sam asked again.
"You're not going to kill him, right Kenji? Kenji?" Kenji snapped back to reality and he quickly switched vest's with the boy before closing the stall door and climbing out so that they wouldn't see the body. Kenji left the bathroom and beeped Sam.
"I didn't kill him, he panicked, slipped, and hit his head." Kenji went to the servers area at the kitchen and took a water with a first aid kit and went up the stairs to the double doors. Kenji looked at the guards and they nodded before opening the doors. Kenji slowly and cautiously walked up a few steps before realizing that there was a set of doors behind the stairs. He saw it in the reflection of a lantern, Kenji stopped in his tracks and walked over to the door. Once he opened it, it let down stairs to another set of doors. Kenji slowly walked down the stairs when he heard a ringing phone. He entered the room and it was a big and round study. It had a lot of bookshelves and papers. Ring, ring. Kenji turned his attention to the phone and right before he picked it up the ringing stopped, Kenji walked over to the phone on the desk and picked it up anyways. He heard two voices over the line.
"Kojo, I hear in a week you will be headed to another kingdom to your facility of origin, congratulations." Kenji froze when he heard the name.
"Ah yes my lord, I will be headed home to pick up some lab rats and run some experiments." Kenji felt his blood begin to boil.
"Ah! Great, it's in Rasmeru kingdom, no?"
"Yup, I found these cute girls that was to be heroes and I think I'll pick them to be my subjects, ha, ha, ha." Kenji hung up the phone, he got the information he needed but for now he needed to focus. Kenji began to search the study top to bottom and he couldn't find anything until he felt under the desk and felt a small switch. Kenji pulled it and a bookshelf opened to reveal stairs that led to what seems to be a dungeon. Kenji slowly walked down the stairs and it led to a door, Kenji slowly opened the door and it led to a small room. There was a tiny, shity kitchen and a small bathroom with no door. The floor was just dirt and the walls were stone, Kenji walked a little further until he saw two doors. One read Esmerelda and the other Iris. Kenji opened the door with Iris's name and he found a little girls playroom, it was pink with a cute princess bed and a bunch of girly toys. It had plushies, dolls, a horse, and books. Kenji looked to the bed to see a book on it with two dolls. Why is Iris's name on this room door? Is this her room? Impossible, she's a princess. Kenji looked into the book which was covered in dust so it hadn't been moved in a long time. In the book was the scene where the widow finds out that the Porcelain doll was the mastermind all along. The children's book glass? I'm glad my mother threw it away after reading it once. Kenji looked at the dolls, one was the widow who looked sad, the other was the Porcelain doll who had a creepy smile on her face. Kenji stood up and left the room shutting the door behind him. He turned towards the other room and opened the door, once he did his eyes got wide. The room was dirty and trashed, there was a bed made of hay and worst of all Iris was lying on it with her ankle chained and she was bruised and not moving. Kenji ran towards Iris and shook her.
"Iris! Iris!" A bottle fell out of her hand, the bottle held a lethal poison. Kenji knew what to do, he leaned forward and placed his lips on Iris's and he began to suck. It was a long process but slowly Kenji could get the poison out. He would kiss Iris, suck, spit, then repeat. After a while he began to preform CPR on Iris to get her to wake up. Kenji got beeped a ton by Ivy and Sam asking what was taking him so long. After a minute Iris finally awoke and she sat up panicked that she was alive.
"No!" Iris punched Kenji in panic. Kenji stood up and backed to the wall as his nose began to bleed.
"Wow, you pack quite the punch." Iris looked at Kenji as her eyes filled with tears.
"K-Kenji?" Her voice shaky, she wore a thin ripped white dress and she was bruised everywhere.
"Did they rape you?" Kenji questioned seriously. Iris shook her head.
"The most they can do is hit me when I disobey but they would get there heads chopped off if they touched me like that." Kenji sighed in relief.
"Hey I had a question." Iris looked up at Kenji.
"What exactly is this place? Your name was on the other room, and who's Esmerelda?" Iris got quiet for a while before answering.
"This is where me and my mother used to live. My mothers name is Esmerelda. We were held prisoner until she died at 16, ha… I was 6 at the time and my father was 46." Kenji's face turned into disgust.
"But that means…" Iris nodded.
"My mother was 10 when she had me… I had told Ivy that she died of an illness, but in reality she took her life the same way I was about to. But no one saved her…
…Esmerelda was a young happy little girl who grew up outside of the walls, she wasn't poor, but she lived on a farm with her younger brother, mother, and father. They were all a happy family until my mother turned 7. Her whole life she enjoyed feeding cattle and raising sheep with her family. She was free, her family were well off as farmers so she never had to worry about anything, until the day came where the king found out about her existence. She was a pretty girl with long golden hair and eyes blue like the ocean, she always wore a pink little summer dress with a sun hat. The day the king came to collect her, her parents begged him to choose someone else but he made up his mind. Esmerelda was a child so she was naïve and willing to go, the moment she got in that carriage and said by to her family she became a prisoner. Once at the palace the king raped her over 15 times, while she wore her little pink sun dress. Ever since that day my mother stopped wearing pink and she hated the color. My mother wasn't fertile yet so she never had any kids until she fell pregnant with me at 9. She had already been living in my old room in the basement chained up for 2 years when she fell pregnant. Once she had me the king was overjoyed and wanted to take me upstairs but my 10 year old mother begged for him not to take me away. He left me here for 6 years with my mother as she raised and educated me until the day she couldn't take it anymore and took her own life, I had cried a lot that day. My mother read me the book "Glass" a lot about how the widow shouldn't have trusted anyone just like she did. She would always tell me. "One day mommy wont be here, and when that day comes you must run away from here as fast as possible and never look back." I was confused until I turned 14 and began to realize what she went through. My father always treated me well, but when I ran away he would punish me by locking me down here for a week. That's how I discovered everything about my mother and I stopped going into my old room since even the look of it would make me sick…
…When he caught me yesterday he said I wouldn't see the light of day again until I was married. So that's how I got here, where they beat me so badly I can't walk." Iris began to cry softly. Kenji walked over to the bed and sat down next to her wrapping his arms around her as she began to cry. She had clearly never told anyone any of this her whole life and it was hard to keep.
"Sorry to cut this short but we have to go." Kenji stood up.
"But, my ankle is chained and I can't walk." Kenji looked around the room and then he left. Looking around the small kitchen and bathroom he saw a sink with pipes that led up to the castle.
"Does the water flow anymore?"
"No, it stopped working years ago." Iris called out. Kenji took out his gun and using the back of it he began to hit the pole repeatedly.
"What are you doing Kenji?" Bam, bam, bam, bam.
"Just wait." Bam. Bam. Bam. Kenji finally go the pole off the wall it was a little dented but that didn't matter. Kenji stood at the sink for a moment and just felt disgusted being there. In between the two rooms there was a long fully body mirror. Kenji ignored it and walked back towards Iris, he took the chain and began to smash the pole onto it. Clang, clang, clang, clang, snap!
"That was easier than expected, it must be old and rusted." Iris nodded.
"It is old, I know I'm not my fathers first prisoner, and my mother wasn't either." Kenji scooped Iris in to his arms.
"Huh!" Iris blushed.
"If you can't walk I'll carry you out." Kenji carried Iris out of the room and as they walked past the mirror Kenji stopped in his tracks staring into the mirror wide-eyed.
"You see it too?" Iris asked as Kenji looked down at her as she also looked in the mirror. They were both teens, in the mirror Iris was a 14-year-old girl, she was very skinny as if she had been starving and her hair was almost as long as hers. Kenji was 17, he was thin and shorter with short hair and oversized clothing.
"Why does it do it?" Kenji spoke in a shaky tone.
"I don't know, this mirror is strange." Kenji began to gag and let go of Iris dropping her, remembering the imagery from the other night scared him.
"Ow!" Kenji stopped gagging and helped Iris up.
"Sorry, here get on my back instead." Iris climbed onto Kenji's back and they left the room, and the study. Kenji walked up the stairs until he reached where he had started. I can't leave these doors it's way too crowded out there, so my only choice is to go up. Kenji walked up the stairs quietly, he whispered.
"Do you know a way out?" Iris nodded.
"We have to go up these stairs and down the hall into my bedroom." Kenji nodded in acknowledgment. Once at the top of the stairs he peeked into the hall and saw it was clear.
"Alright, go left, and then on the 5th door to the right is my room." Kenji followed these instructions and went down the hall quickly while Iris lied her head on Kenji's shoulders wrapping her arms around his chest to hold on. Kenji quickly opened the room door and entered the room shutting it behind him.
"Madam?!" Kenji froze and Iris looked up.
"Sarah?!" Sarah got off Iris's bed and ran over to her.
"Madam where have you been?!" Kenji took Iris off his back as he and Sarah walked Iris to her bed.
"I've been in the basement" Iris spoke softly as she sat on her bed.
"Oh dear…" Sarah spoke in a shaky tone,
"Let me get some medication." Sarah left the room and Kenji sat down next to Iris on the bed.
"You going to be alright?" Iris nodded and leaned on Kenji's shoulder.
"Uhm… down in the basement." Iris fluttered her eyes as she blushed.
"You kissed me right?" Kenji turned to Iris with the same stone-cold face.
"I-" but before he could speak Sarah entered the room again.
"Madam I'm back. Sir, if you please step in the bathroom while I take care of Madam." Kenji nodded and stood up walking into the room's bathroom. He closed the door behind himself leaning against it. Why am I even here? It's not my problem to meddle in her life and affairs. I just need to figure out where Kojo is. Hm… he said he was going to Rasmeru, that's where Iven is from. I guess they're from the same place. Should I go by myself? That place is really dangerous, it's fortune comes from trade, sex, and trafficking plus everyone gets away with it because the church is involved with it. "Kenji you can come out now." Kenji turned to the door and slowly twisted the knob to open the door. He looked up at Iris who was wearing different clothing and was all bandaged up. Sarah stood up and walked towards Kenji.
"I can sneak you guys as far as the back gate, but that's all I can do." Kenji nodded as he walked over towards Iris, he bent down in front of her but facing away so that she could climb onto his back.
"Come on, Sam and Ivy are probably worried sick right now." Iris softly put her hands on Kenji's shoulders and lifted her body onto his back as she wrapped her arms around his chest.
"You know, I really didn't think you would come back for me. I'm so happy!" Iris squeezed Kenji as she smiled putting her head on his shoulder. Kenji pulled out the beeper which had hundreds of messages sent he sighed before sending one message.
"I've got Iris, meet back at the dorm. Make it out safe." As he put the beeper back into his pocket he held Iris's legs and began to follow Sarah, Kenji's mind began to wander as Iris held on to him…
…7 Years Ago. Kenji and Iven had gotten tickets to a festival that was being held at the beach just outside of the kingdom.
"Wake up Kenji you're going to be late!" Kenji's mother called from his doorway. Kenji tossed and turned a bit in his bed.
"Just a few more minutes please?" Karina placed her hands on her hips and smiled. She walked into Kenji's room with her dirty apron, slippers and hair tied up in a bun. Karina swung open the curtains in Kenji's room the light bouncing off Kenji's blue walls, Karina then turned to Kenji and ripped his sheets clean off him.
"Mom!" Kenji whined.
"Get dressed. Your friend said he would come get you at 8:00am and it's 7:46am so you'd best hurry." She smiled sweetly at Kenji before turning and walking out the door. The small house that sat comfortably at the edge of the neighborhood.
"Ugh." Kenji groaned as he sat up and got out of his bed. Mn, the festival is at Rasmeru, Iven said his friend was coming too. Kenji took off his blue sleeve gray shirt and took a few steps towards his closet before turning to look out the window. All he could see was the tall gray wall that was in the way of him and the upper class neighborhood. Don't know if they separate us for protection or if they are disgusted by us. Everyone treated the class under them like shit and the class above them like they were gods. The only ways to move up a class was to marry someone in a higher class, become wealthy from a business, and become a soldier or knight. It was kings week so the academy and most all school were closed in the kingdom. Kenji got dressed in a black sweatshirt with blue jeans, white sneakers and a pair of sunglasses. I wonder if Iven will think this outfit is stylish enough. Kenji slicked his hair back with jell while looking into his bedroom mirror checking himself out.
"Kenji, Iven is here so hurry your butt up!" Kenji's eyes widened in a quick shock before he turned and quickly walked down the hallway towards the staircase. He could see Iven and Cassy standing at the doorway waiting. Cassy was wearing a black muscle shirt with a moss green coat overtop with a fur edge, she wore black jeans and boots with a brown satchel at her waist. Iven wore his hair down as usual with a cream ushanka overtop, a white turtle neck under a striped brown sweater and a cross necklace. He had black cargo pants on, and white & black sneakers.
"Ah! Kenji!" Iven grinned as pretty as ever.
"Heya Kenji! We thought you wouldn't make it." Cassy smiled with her long blonde hair tied up into a bun. Iven and Cassy were both from Rasmeru and their moms met at a refuge when they both fled to the kingdom.
"Well I'm here now so should we go?" Casy turned towards the door opening it meanwhile Iven wrapped his arm around Kenji's shoulders. Kenji felt the back of his neck get hot as a shiver went down his spine. He pushed Iven's arm off as he left out the door after Casy.
Iven runs after Casy and Kenji who were walking down the street to the gate so that they could enter Lampton City while on their way to the train station.
"Why are you guys leaving me behind!" Iven called out as he wrapped his arms around their shoulders.
"Ugh! Iven you're so heavy get off!" Both Casy and Kenji yelled as they all laughed.
Once they got through the gate they walked through Lampton City looking around at the shop windows wondering if they should buy something for to road or simply because they liked it. Kenji looked into the big window full of videogame stuff meanwhile Casy and Iven walked into a weapons store. Huh, where did they go? Kenji looked to his left then his right not spotting Casy nor Iven anywhere. Kenji turned around and wandered looking for where the two of them had gone.
"Hey, Kenji, where ya headed?" Casy called out as she walked out of the store.
Kenji turned his head and looked at Casy, he looked a little lost.
"Aw, how cute were you lost without us?" Casy made a smug smile.
Iven exited the store after Casy and smiled as well.
"Don't bully him Cas he's just a little boy." Kenji's face got red and embarrassed.
"I'm not a little kid! I'm already fourteen!" Casy giggled.
"How cute!" Iven looked at the street clock and his eyes widened.
"Guys the train leaves in five minutes!" Casy and Kenji turned to Iven and they all began to sprint out of Lampton towards the train station.
They arrived just in time and all got on the train. Kenji sat down leaning his head back on the window of the train, Iven sat in between Casy and Kenji to make sure that Casy wouldn't bully him.
The time was already noon and the festival started at 4:00 pm on the dot, the train ride was a few hours long so they would make it in time. A pretty black-haired girl with a tan got on the train and sat next to Casy. She had her hair down with a ton of facial piercings, wearing low-rise jeans with chains on her stomach and pants. She wore a cropped shirt that was tight on to her body including on to her chest.
Iven turned to Casy and whispered in her ear.
"You're staring." Casy's face got red and she turned towards Iven her face a bit red. Iven caressed Casy's face and smirked.
"Why not shoot your shot? You're a pretty girl." Casy sucked up her cowardness and turned to the girl.
"Hey, what's your name?" The girl turned to Casy,
"My name is Yolanda what's yours?" Casy smirked.
"Casy, it's a pleasure to meet such a pretty girl. Where are you headed?"
"I'm heading to the festival… hey by any chance are you hitting on me?" Casy got nervous and she felt like she had a lump in her throat.
Iven placed his hand on her shoulder and smiled. Casy nodded to herself and responded.
"And if I said I was?" The girl giggled.
"I don't usually swing that way, but I'd make an exception for you." The girl took out her flip phone and handed it to Casy. Casy took the phone and added her number to it.
"I'm going to the festival with a few girlfriends, they're somewhere on this train you could, I dunno… help me look for them." The girl twisted her hair in her finger.
Casy smirked and looked at Iven. Iven smiled and winked,
"I'll take care of our child!" Casy laughed as she stood up leaving the cart with Yolanda. Kenji was trying to sleep but the train kept taking turns making it hard for him to sleep on the window. Iven looked at Kenji and smiled,
"If you're so tired you can just sleep on me." Kenji got embarrassed again.
"Stop treating me like a child! You're only three years older than me!" Iven chuckled.
"I guess you have a point there."
Kenji leaned back on the window trying to go to sleep, he started falling asleep yet he kept falling to the side so he couldn't really sleep. As he was falling asleep Iven pulled Kenji's head on to his should and Kenji was able to sleep peacefully without even noticing.
As they were arriving back at the dorm Iris had fallen asleep on Kenji's back, since he didn't have to fight that much. Kenji walked up the stairs slowly, once he reached the door he knocked and Ivy answered.
"Kenji! You finally made it I was beginning to get worried. Sam and me got here a while ago but he already fell asleep." Kenji nodded and brought Iris inside sitting her down on the table, Iris woke up and she didn't seem all to tired.
"You should head to bed Ivy, I'll patch Iris up and then head to bed." Ivy nodded and left for the bedroom shutting the door behind herself.
Iris looked at Kenji.
"Hey, can you take off your wig and contacts?" Kenji looked confused, but just did it because he didn't feel like arguing. Kenji took off his wig revealing his white hair then taking out his contacts. Kenji sat down facing Iris and he took out a med kit, he took out some cotton and alcohol.
"This might sting a little." Iris softly lifted Iris's chin and began to clean the small cuts on her face.
"Where did you learn to be such a gentle saint?" Kenji thought where he had learned to do the things he knew how to do before speaking.
"A friend, taught me everything I know." Iris looked into Kenji's eyes as he spoke and felt a bit jealous.
"Are you in love with her?" Iris questioned. Kenji seemed a little surprised.
"My friend wasn't a girl." Iris got embarrassed.
"Oh! You must up just really looked up to him then." Kenji nodded.
"Here move your head down a bit." Iris moved her head down a little and Kenji began to put band aids on her face. Iris looked in Kenji's eyes, though his face was so cold yet his eyes seemed to sparkled.
"Let me check you too." Kenji looked confused.
"You always treat everyone's wounds but who treats yours." Iris smiled.
"I can take care of myself." Kenji spoke coldly.
Iris frowned, "Nope, you will let me have a look at all your scars and bruises even from when you were a baby. Kenji sighed and reluctantly agreed.
"Well your all finished." Iris smiled,
"Then your turn!" Kenji stood up nervously and began to take off his shirt but stopped.
"What's wrong?" Kenji's eyes lingered else where.
"I can't take it off with you watching." Iris blushed and turned around.
Once Kenji was finished he spoke.
"You can look now." Iris looked at Kenji and her face got beat red. Kenji held his shirt covering his stomach but Iris was to focused on his body to notice. Kenji was super pale and thin. His waist was as small as a girls, yet he was well toned however you could see a bit of his ribcage through his chest. Kenji had a few scratches and cuts covering his body but it wasn't a crazy amount.
"W- wow Kenji, I don't understand why you cover up so much. You're extremely handsome."
Kenji seemed nervous and he sat back down in front of Iris. Iris was examining his body when she realized he was covering his gut and stomach.
"Hey stop covering yourself!" Iris spoke. Kenji refused and Iris got frustrated. She reached out her hand and snatched the shirt from Kenji's hands uncovering his cut and stomach. Kenji tried to fight back while trying not to hurt Iris.
"Stop that!" Kenji shouted.
They fell on to the floor, Iris falling on top of Kenji. She looked at his stomach and saw an ugly long scar.
"This is what you were hiding? What happened?" Iris looked concerned and she moved her hand closer to his scar. Kenji snatched her wrist and pushed her off.
"That's enough!" Kenji stood up and so did Iris.
"Where did you get it from! It's so much worse than all your other scars!" Kenji let out an annoyed sighed as he began to speak.
"I got into a car accident four years ago and a large piece of the windshield impaled my gut." Iris looked sad for Kenji and she stepped closer to him.
"You've been through so much haven't you?"
Iris placed her hand on Kenji's cheek as she spoke.
"You're full of mysteries and have issues trusting people don't you?" Kenji stayed silent as Iris leaned in.
"I want to get to know you, make my way into your cold heart, and crack you open." Kenji stayed silent as Iris pressed her lips onto his. Kenji didn't kiss her back but also didn't refuse her kiss.
She wrapped her arms around Kenji's neck and kept kissing him. Iris had her eyes closed and she held on to Kenji, on the other hand, Kenji looked down at her not seeming to express any emotion. Iven, I wonder what he would think if he saw me right now. Once Iris stepped back she smiled and blushed a bit.
"I guess I should head off to bed now." Iris left to the bedroom winking at Kenji. Kenji stood in the living room and rubbed his lips. It's not the same. Kenji walked towards the couch and laid down. It's best if I sleep here tonight.
"Kenji wake up!" Kenji opened his eyes and turned his heads towards the voice.
"Iven?" Kenji was surprised.
"Come on Kenji, we've made it to the beach." Iven pulled Kenji's hand and they got off the train. I must be dreaming. I think I remember this, Casy, Iven and I were going to a festival. Kenji looked around at the beach, there was loud music, bright lights, and tons of people from all kinds of kingdoms.
Casy walked up to Iven and Kenji who stood at the train station hand in hand just looking at the festival.
"Woah I was gone for only a few hours and you guys are already holding hands?" Kenji pulled his hand out of Iven's and turned to Casy embarrassed.
"It's not like that and you know it!" Iven smiled,
"Are child sure does get embarrassed easily." Casy laughed in agreement.
"Let's stop standing around here and get into the festival."
Casy wrapped her arms around Kenji and Iven's shoulders as they all began to laugh and crack jokes while walking towards the festival down at the beach.
Upon reaching the festival the three began to look around at the foods and rides they could get on.
"How about we go on the Ferris wheel?" Iven pointed towards the tall wheel; Casy nodded.
"It would be best to start with a soft ride no?"
Casy turned her head and saw Yolanda walking towards her.
"Casy! These are my girlfriends!" Yolanda smiled as she grabbed Casy's hands.
"Wow they are all stunning are you guys models by chance?" Yolanda laughed while Kenji and Iven stood on the sidelines watching.
"Haha, you're too much. So, would you like to join us? Or me?" Yolanda held on to Casy's arm. Casy's face was red and she turned to Iven and Kenji.
"I would love to but I don't want to leave them alone." Iven shook his head.
"Casy you should go! I don't mind staying with Kenji!" Iven wrapped his arm around Kenji's shoulders and pulled him in closer.
"And I'm sure Kenji wouldn't mind either." Iven winked. Kenji pushed Iven away but he smiled.
"Go have fun Casy we'll be fine." Casy smiled and left with Yolanda and her friends.
"So do you still wanna go on the Ferris wheel?" Kenji nodded,
"Yeah let's go!"
Kenji and Iven got on the Ferris wheel and cracked jokes as they went up towards the top.
"Last week I turned in six late assignments, my teacher looked like she would fucking kill me!" Iven spoke,
"Get your work in sooner than! The assignments aren't even hard."
Kenji was eating Pocky's as they kept going up.
"What flavor did you get?" Iven questioned; he was practically slobbering at the sight of Kenji's food.
"It's strawberry mint, you want some?" Kenji responded, as he put another Pocky in his mouth.
"Yup!" Iven quickly responded as he really wanted some. Iven leaned forward and bit the Pocky that was in Kenji's mouth.
"Wow those are good!" Kenji was dumbfounded and at a loss for words. He just looked at Iven's green eyes which shined in the moonlight.
"Kenji? You alive?" Iven poked Kenji's forehead while smiling. Kenji slowly raised his hand and slapped the shit out of Iven.
"Ahhh!" Iven held his face as he looked at the ground.
"W- What is wrong with you?!" Kenji shouted.
As Iven looked back up his eyes got wide, and they seemed to sparkle in the moonlight.
"Kenji look." Kenji turned his head to where Iven was looking, they had reached the top. The view was beautiful, they both looked down at all the other people as they had fun all doing their own thing. Kenji turned back towards Iven.
"Isn't it beautiful?" Iven questioned; Kenji felt his eyes water as he nodded. Kenji closed his eyes to wipe away the tears.
When he opened his eyes again he was staring at the roof of the dormitory. His eyes grew soft for a moment before he leaned upwards sitting up. He could smell bacon and eggs coming from the kitchen.
Kenji slowly turned his head to the smell, it smelled like Iven's old cooking. In the kitchen stood Sam and Iris having conversation while cooking breakfast for everyone else as usual. Ivy sat with her legs up crisscross on the chair at the table, she was wearing striped pajamas. They were all smiling and laughing, they were so happy which is something Kenji hadn't felt in years.
Iris noticed Kenji staring at them, his expression seemed pained yet blank.
"Finally, up? What's on your mind?" Iris smiled as she flipped the eggs on the stove. Her face was a little pinker than usual as if she was blushing.
Kenji turns to get up from the couch and walk towards the dinning table. He scratches his neck as he walked over, pulling out the chain next to Ivy to sit down.
"None of your business." Iris's smiled turned into a frown as he served the eggs on their old and broken plates.
Sam seemed a bit annoyed as he served the bacon.
"Why… why do you have to be such a bitch Kenji?" Sam spoke in a shaky voice as he placed the pans into the sink. Ivy's eye's go wide as Sam spoke.
"I mean… you're always such an asshole to everyone. Like your life is harder than all of ours." Sam spoke softy and with a hint of fear in his voice.
"If you don't like my fucking tone then go home." Kenji's eyebrows furrowed as he spoke.
"And what if I don't want to go home." Sam turned to Kenji, he felt himself starting to get angered.
"I don't care where the fuck you go. If you don't like me. Leave my dorm." Kenji's blood began to boil, he had clear anger issues and Sam was testing him.
"Shut your mouth! This isn't your apartment anymore!" Sam yelled as he walked towards the table.
Kenji stood up ready to punch Sam, but Iris reached out and held Kenji's arm. "Kenji please! Calm down, and Sam… shut up." Kenji sat back down lifting up his fork to start eating his food.
As everyone was eating Iris stood up and decided to make an announcement. "So, I've decided, that since we've been living here together for over a week… that we should buy some things to make our dorm feel more like home!"
Ivy nodded in agreement, "It is kind of plain in here."
Ivy finished her food and left to get dressed, Sam soon followed leaving Iris and Kenji in the kitchen alone.
"So, Kenji…" Iris sounded suspicious as she spoke. Kenji saw her gaze avoiding his and she softly bit her lip.
"Yes?" Kenji slightly tilted his head to the right as he stared directly as Iris.
"Uhm… do you maybe want to drop this whole thing?" Iris eye quickly looked towards Kenji; he seemed a little confused. His eyes narrowed as Iris spoke. "Drop what, Iris."
"The whole… revenge thing. Why don't we move away from here, with Sam and Ivy. We can live together and grow old together." Iris held Kenji's hands tightly as she spoke.
Kenji's eyes widened as he pulled his hands away from Iris's. "You're just like everyone else. You guys think it's just that easy, and even if I wasn't getting revenge, I would be with the people that died for Kojo's benefit. Not. You."
Iris was shocked at Kenji's response. She had thought after everything that their bond would have grown a lot closer. Iris stood up her eyebrows knitting together as she spoke with a slight attitude in her voice. "Did any of what we did mean anything to you!"
"What did you guys do together?" Sam spoke as him and Iris stood at the bedroom doorway jaw dropped just imagining the most improper lewd things. Kenji rolled his eyes. "Tch, we just kissed you kids nowadays are so lewd."
Kenji leaned back in his seat cocking his head backwards. His snow-white hair was dangling off the chair. Iris crossed her arms in frustration turning away whipping her long blonde hair. Sam and Ivy looked at each other questioning these two adults relationship.