So before we start I made a minor changes in kota I just thought his character is a little boring so tadaa i made him talk
I'll just keep posting and adding chapter until someone reads this
🙏 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
**Chapter 23: Kota's Big Adventure**
The sun peeked through the curtains as Kota rolled over in his crib, his tiny body stretching like a cat. With a small yawn, he opened his eyes, his mind already buzzing with the possibilities of a new day.
"Ugu-gaga!" Kota exclaimed, raising his hands in the air.
Translation: *Behold, it is I, Kota the Magnificent! Another day, another adventure awaits!*
Max, barely awake and still fumbling with the coffee machine, peeked into Kota's room. "Morning, buddy. You ready for breakfast?"
Kota responded with an enthusiastic "Agoo!"
Translation: *Feed me, servant!*
**The Great Breakfast Debate**
Seated in his high chair, Kota surveyed the spread before him: mashed bananas, scrambled eggs, and a sippy cup of milk. Max, ever the diligent father, presented each option like a waiter in a fancy restaurant.
"How about some bananas today?" Max asked.
Kota scrunched his nose. "Pfft! Agububu."
Translation: *Bananas are for amateurs. Try again.*
"Alright, eggs then," Max suggested, holding up a forkful.
Kota considered this for a moment before smacking the fork with his tiny hand. "Nah-nah! Goo!"
Translation: *I demand... milk first!*
Max sighed but relented, handing over the sippy cup. Kota took a triumphant sip, milk dribbling down his chin as he gave Max a toothy grin.
"Buddy, you're going to be the end of me," Max muttered, wiping Kota's face.
Translation: *You love it.*
**Kota's Morning Workout**
After breakfast, Max plopped Kota onto his play mat, surrounded by his favorite toys. But Kota, ever the explorer, wasn't content to stay put.
"Waaa!" he declared, crawling toward the door.
Translation: *The living room grows tiresome. I must expand my empire.*
Max was on a call for work and didn't notice as Kota made his escape. The tiny adventurer crawled into the hallway, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
**The Bald Man Encounter**
During their morning walk to the park, Kota sat snug in his stroller, surveying the world like a benevolent king. His eyes landed on a bald man sitting on a bench, feeding pigeons.
Kota pointed and exclaimed, "Agawu agawu!"
Translation: *Bald man! Bald man!*
The man turned, smiling at the baby's enthusiastic babble. "Well, hello there, little guy! Trying to talk to me, huh?"
Kota smirked, proud of his cleverness. "Goo-gee!"
Translation: *Yes, yes, that's what I'm doing. Totally not commenting on your shiny head.*
The bald man chuckled and waved as Max, red-faced, quickly pushed the stroller away. "Sorry about that!"
"No problem!" the man called back, still smiling.
As they walked on, Max leaned down to Kota. "Dude, you can't just point at people and shout things. It's rude!"
Kota giggled. "Hee-hee-hee!"
Translation: *I regret nothing.*
**The Pigeon Standoff**
At the park, Kota's attention shifted to a group of pigeons pecking at breadcrumbs on the ground. He wriggled in his stroller until Max set him down on the grass.
"Don't go too far," Max warned, sitting on a nearby bench.
Kota crawled toward the pigeons, stopping just short of their circle. "Gaga-goo!"
Translation: *Bow before me, feathered peasants!*
The pigeons cocked their heads, eyeing the tiny human with suspicion. One particularly brave pigeon stepped closer, and Kota held out his hand.
Translation: *You may approach.*
The pigeon, unimpressed, pecked at a breadcrumb near Kota's hand and flew off. Kota watched it go, his expression a mix of awe and betrayal.
Translation: *Come back, you coward!*
Max, watching from the bench, couldn't help but laugh. "Having fun, buddy?"
Kota turned and grinned. "Hee-hee!"
Translation: *Always.*
**Interacting with Strangers**
On the way home, they stopped at a small corner store. Kota, perched on Max's hip, took in the colorful displays and the bustling crowd.
An older woman cooed at him. "Oh, aren't you just the cutest thing?"
Kota responded with a string of babble: "Goo-goo ba-baa!"
Translation: *Why yes, I am. Thank you for noticing.*
The woman laughed and pinched his cheek gently. "Such a charmer!"
Max shook his head. "You're going to be a heartbreaker when you grow up, aren't you?"
Kota gave a devilish grin. "Ga-ga!"
Translation: *Already am.*
Back at home, Kota was tuckered out from his big day. Max set him down for a nap, marveling at how much personality his little boy had.
As Kota drifted off to sleep, his last thought was: *Goo goo... gaga...*
Translation: *Today was a success. Tomorrow, the world.*
Meanwhile, in another part of town, Noriko stood in front of her mirror, putting the finishing touches on her outfit. She hesitate
d for a moment, then smiled at her reflection.
"Alright," she murmured. "Let's do this."
The next day was bound to be full of surprises.