Paint and Sword [2]

Deon stepped aside and returned to the wooden bench, leaving space for Vierenna and Anna-Accia to talk.

He was still irritated by Vierenna's unpredictability—something he thought he'd grown used to. Yet somehow, she always managed to bring out the worst in him.

Though he cared little about what the blind girl thought of him, he still felt uneasy at the idea—especially regarding what Vierenna might say.

Deon didn't truly think she'd go as far as to ruin his reputation in front of someone else, but out of caution, he had silenced her.

He'd been wrong about her before, He wouldn't risk it now.

The conversation between Vierenna and Anna-Accia was brief and efficient.

They simply agreed to reopen negotiations, with the condition that Felice would be excluded from the talks.

Anna-Accia thanked Deon again for his leniency before leaving, following her brother's trail back to the palace.

Deon pondered once more how the blind girl navigated her surroundings so effortlessly. He had a feeling she could see better than anyone.

But his curiosity yielded no answers. The girl herself seemed reluctant to discuss the matter.

Deon pushed the thought to the back of his mind and turned to Vierenna, who stood glaring at him disapprovingly.



She looked away, making sure to appear as upset as possible.

Deon sighed helplessly and rose from the bench, despite his fatigue.

"Listen, I know you wouldn't have said anything… well, unwise. But you always keep me on edge, so I acted out of caution."


Vierenna acknowledged the honesty in Deon's words, aware he wasn't lying. But if she didn't take advantage of the situation and come out with something in her favor, what kind of person would that make her? why waste an opportunity to gain leverage?

And she didn't have to try too hard. Deon placed his hands on her shoulders; they felt cold to the touch.

"Since I was in the wrong, I'll make it up to you."

The words came out of his mouth forced, but Vierenna relished them.

She leaned into him, tilting her head back to meet his violet eyes.

"That makes two."

Deon nodded in defeat.

"Two of my choosing?"

His eyes widened in alarm, and instinctively tightened his grip on her shoulders.

"Nono, no! I'll choose the compensation."

"How does that make any sense? You already owe me for monopolizing my lake—and you're still doing it. Besides, you hurt my feelings. It's only fair I choose."

Deon frowned. She was right, of course, but he wasn't going to let her have her way. Surely, using the lake couldn't be that costly.

"You may choose compensation for your 'hurt feelings.' as you say. I admit I was wrong there. But the lake was merely an innocent act. Isn't it natural for me to visit something precious our mother left us?"

"Ahexploiting Mother's authority to your benefit now."

Vierenna's mouth hung open.

'How could he?!'

Deon maintained a neutral expression, but Vierenna sharp senses noticed the slight twitch of his lips.

"I can't deny that. I know how dear Mother is to you."

"You're a demon."

Deon said nothing, merely tilting his head in feigned confusion.

'A supervillain! How can he treat me this way?'

"Do you enjoy treating me like this? Do you find pleasure bosing over your elder sister?"

She glanced pointedly at his hands still on her bare shoulders.

"Your hands have been here for a while now. Having thoughts?"

Deon quickly removed his hands, retreating several steps away from her.

"So you do? Using me to vent your frustrations? How convenient… does it make you feel—mmph!"

Deon moved forward again, silencing her again.

It was necessary—he felt he'd be corrupted if he listened further.

Vierenna peered up at him through his grip. Somehow, her thoughts were readable to his mind.

"You've been doing this a lot lately. How do you like being so close to me?"

"This is necessary," Deon replied to her unspoken thoughts.

He felt her mouth form a smile beneath his hand.

"Necessary for your own needs, I understand."

If he can read her thoughts, this defeats the purpose of gagging her venomous mouth , he realized.

Vierenna offered no resistance this time, which Deon found strange. His eyes tracked her every move.

She raised a hand slowly, as if wanting him to follow itbaiting his gaze. And Deon foolishly did.

She lifted that hand and touched the necklace around her neck. She kept it there for a long while.

Her fingers brushed the necklace at her throat, lingering for a long while. Deon grew tired of the boring act, and his eyes drifted downward—His heart skipped a beat.

His focus, which had lingered where it shouldn't, shifted to the devilish smile spreading beneath his hand, mirrored in her eyes.

She glanced at his chest, and Deon followed suit, only to find her other hand resting softly on his chest, over his heart.

His heart sank.

In an instant, he shoved her away.

"You're insane!"

That was all he could muster.

'She's insane. What possessed me to create such a character? But this is beyond her written boundaries!'

Vierenna cupped her cheek and tilted her head to the side.

"I'd say I'm disappointed, but I'm not. This was very… expected."

Deon stared at her wicked grin, and words escaped his lips before he could think.

"Next time, I'll do something about your hands. They're as venomous as your mouth."

The moment he heard himself, he knew he'd regret it.

It didn't take long.

"So you want me helpless? Immobile? Completely 'under' your mercy?"

Her smile faded into a mock contemplation.

"I don't think I can aid such boldness, but I doubt that will stop you from trying."

She smiled again, but Deon was already fleeing his way out of her range. She was far too dangerous for him, and every moment proved it.

'When will I learn?'

Despite his escape, her words seemed to chase him.

"You might succeed one day. You've already proven your… needs. Plus, your talent surpasses mine. it's only a matter of time before you have me completely 'under' your mercy."

'What did I do wrong in my life to deserve this?'

The worst part? Deon had no retort.

Any attempt to engage or play along ended in disaster—and one that hit him alone.

All the horrifying escalation in Vierenna's excessive teasing stemmed from his attempt to play along with her jokes two days prior.

'Why did I say those things?!'

But regret was futile now.

Deon ran through the backyard, making his way around the palace toward the front gate.

His physical stamina was different from what it had been in his previous world, so he didn't feel tired throughout his run.

Soon, with a turn around the palace, the side view of the gate appeared in his vision.

He sighed in relief and slowed to a stop.

Climbing the short steps, he found Vierenna waiting for him, leaning against the wall where they had both stood this morning.

Her slender frame was draped in the same short black dress.

She fixed her obsidian eyes on him, lips curling into a smirk.

Vierenna watched Deon's face pale as the seconds of her silence ticked by.

'Enough for today. Can't drain him too quickly.'

"Baby brother, you're late. We're dining with House De Ressa today. Don't let your thoughts consume you. Behavior matters. You know better."

Deon stood at the bottom of the stairs in silence, watching her with distrust.

Vierenna sighed, her fingers brushing her forehead.

"Take my hand. It's only proper."

Despite his wariness, Deon couldn't refuse. For appearances sake, he had to comply.

He climbed the few steps to where Vierenna waited and took her hand in his.

Vierenna noticed all his tense movements, especially at her touch.

She couldn't resist but lean into him, closing the distance—as close as possible.

Deon frowned at her, but she only smiled in return.

"I can only do so much… For now, at least."

He ignored her jab.

He merely did what was expected of him and acted in a manner befitting his name.

When Vierenna got no reaction, she didn't push further. She'd had her share of fun with him for the moment.

Now, it was time to act professionally.