Hiatus Announcement

Hello my dear readers!

It's Mathilda, the author of this fanfic. As you could guess by the title, I have announcement to make - I'm going on a hiatus due to mental health issues. When I started writing this fanfic, my mental state was crumbling - and then, 06.02 I suffered from a mental breakdown which made things difficult for me and those around me. I also finally got my diagnosis and I'm starting a therapy - I know it's dissappointing that I'm going on a hiatus (I'm nearly crying while writing this announcement). But when I'll start to feel better, I'll immediately go back to writing.

Writing "The cruel world" was heavy and difficult due to themes of the story - but also through writing I dug to the bottoms of my issues, which heavily affected me while writing. I never properly healed and left my issues unchecked - when writing Chapter 5, I was on my breaking point. While I spammed a lot of these chapters, I wrote them way earlier - the reason why it took me so long to publish "The cruel world" was because I was afraid of how people would react. 

Ending this announcement - I'm so sorry that I'm going on hiatus so out of nowhere. But to improve my writing and finish this with my head clear, without my mental state crumbling, I decided to go on a hiatus.

See you in March!
