How we Met

Year 1801....

Leo's P.O.V

It was a very bad day cause in this year our nation was forcefully made a part of Britain. For me the problem was not that it was that it was because our own people were not united and fighting with each other. Yup its that catholic and protistan division. I personally hate this thing but what my father believes a lot in it and according to him we are Protistan. (sigh)

Btw I was currently in Train cause my father is a police officer and he was transferred to England so we were basically leaving OUR nation and going to England. I was in my thoughts when someone tapped on my shoulder 

??- Why are you so lost and sad ? Wasn't it your dream to travel in a train ?

Leo- Scorp, yes I wanted to but not like this 

Scorp- you dare to call your big brother by name huh you grew up huh !

Leo- just cut the crap you are only 3 min older then me 

Scorp- so what its not 3 min its 180 seconds

Leo- I am done talking to you ( getting up)

???- Don't you have any manners how to talk to your family members. He is your fraking brother have some respect Leon 

Scorp- Leo , his name is Leo dad 

Dad- Does that even matter he is still a useless shit he cant do anything I feel bad for my wife that she had to suffer to give this brat birth ( walk away)

yup that's my Dad, he always taunts me and I got used to it that I don't care anymore I have accepted my faith and I know that whatever I do he will not stop it so I decided to ignore it 

Scorp- Leo, he-

Leo- I know bro , "he is our dad he didn't mean it he was just concerned about me cause he love is more and don't want me to get on wrong road " how many times are you going to say the same thing , you saying it all the time won't change the fact that he hates me 

Scorp- bu-

Leo- Its ok I know that you care about me but its really fine I am used to it and It doesn't affect me anymore.

Scorp- but where are you going 

Leo- To see mom I haven't seen her since we left our house. I am soo hungry

Scorp- oh wait for me ! I am also hungry 

After that we headed to mom's cabin ya she was in other cabin one then we spent some sweet time together. Unlike my dad my mom is so sweet and caring she is very cool , cute and what not their are no enough words for me to describe her. She is opposite of my dad , when I was small my dad used to taunt me then also and I used to cry a lot when he scolded me cause I was just a child who was scared , then my mom used to come and comfort me she also used to give me a new soft toy every time I used to cry but unfortunately I don't have them except one 

Actually when I was 10 my dad found out that my mom used to give me soft toys every time I used to cry so in anger he took all of them and put them on fire Infront of me on that day I was so broken but fortunately he forgot a small teddy. I spent my whole childhood with that teddy he is my comfort zone after my mom and brother btw we are non identical twins. I used to share my feelings with my teddy he was my only source of happiness at that time and maybe till now. I love him so much so much that I even named him Rian , actually I had a friend when I was like 4 or 5 he was our neighbor's son and his name was Rian, he was my first and only friend but my dad forbade us to visit them just because they were Catholics and also after that they shifted. 

Now I was going to my brother as usual he would be talking to a stranger. I know social anxiety is scared of him he can't stay quite for even a sec. While I was going someone accidentally bumped into me , it was a boy he was around my age but ngl he was so much tiny and cute. He was about to fall so I held him by his waist, his waist is so tiny that it fitted in my one hand PERFECTLY. I was so lost in his eyes that I didn't left him omg he has indescribable beauty. Now I WANT HIM. I came out of my thought when someone cough. What the was I even thinking, what's wrong with me he is a boy. I quickly left him, he was smiling at me. 

??- Its ok I understand I know I am beautiful 

Leo- th- um-

??- hehe I was just joking, but don't worry I understand its ok don't be embarrassed I am a chill guy , oh btw my name is Rian nice to meet you (shaking hands ) 

Leo- h-hi , Leo (shocked)

Rian- oh btw I am sorry that I bumped and also thank you for saving me from injuring my head 

??- DO YOU EVEN HAVE ONE (laughing)

Rian- shut up grand ma!!! I am sorry again and ignore her and byee 

I was so shocked like what the hell happen right now and it is obvious why I am shock like Rian and Rian what the hell . Their are many questions in my mind like is he the same guy or I am hallucinating. I was thinking while see him leave then someone cough again who the hell is ill here.

Scorp- hmm am I seeing things someone is in (cough) ha hehe 

Leo- if you have cough just sit in a corner and who said I am in love huh 

Scorp- Why anyone its me myself, btw he is not that bad he is cute and funny also like me I don't mind having him as my BROTHER-IN-LAW

(Author - shut up bitch you are in 18th century )

Leo- it was better when you were eating some stranger's head 

Scorp- wdym he was enjoying talking to me it was just that his station arrived 

Leo- brr this is the direct train huh (mumbling)

Scorp- you said anything, how can you say anything you are already blushing and are speechless right huh ik everthing 

Leo- na just shut up and first of all he is a boy 2nd you will never have him as your so called "BROTHER-IN-LAW" 

Scorp- oh so you love him already but the problem is that he is guy aaa i got it (teasing)

Leo- shut up but ngl he was funny and you are just lame he was better than you should I give you are take him instead huh

Leo's mind-(but seriously he was cute though he made my heart skip a beat I have never seen anyone so beautiful and divine before) 

Scorp - ya !! brat what you said huh say it again if you dare 

Leo- you are lame (running)

Scorp- you wait ( running)