Chapter 15 - Shadows in the Forest

The days passed peacefully after Leonhardt decided to stay. His training continued with Evelyn, while his bonds with Freya and Saya grew stronger. However, that calm wouldn't last for long.An Urgent Message

One morning, while helping his father in the forge, a messenger arrived in a hurry.

—Master Garet! It's urgent! —he shouted, panting.

Garet set down his hammer and approached with a serious expression.

—What happened?

—A group of merchants was attacked in the northern forest! They say the attackers weren't ordinary bandits… but creatures with horns.

Leonhardt felt a chill run down his spine.


The messenger nodded.

—It's possible. But no one knows for sure.

Garet furrowed his brows.

—This is serious…

Leonhardt looked at his father with determination.

—I want to go see what's happening.

—It's dangerous.

—I know, but if there really are demons, I want to understand what's going on.

Garet sighed.

—Alright, but don't go alone. Take Evelyn with you and be very careful.

Leonhardt nodded firmly.

Exploring the Forest

Hours later, Leonhardt and Evelyn ventured into the forest. The tension in the air was palpable.

—This doesn't feel right… —Evelyn murmured.

They proceeded cautiously until they found the wreckage of a destroyed cart. There were signs of struggle, but no trace of the merchants.

—No bodies… —Leonhardt noted.

—Which means they were taken alive —Evelyn concluded.

At that moment, a noise from the bushes caught their attention. Leonhardt drew his sword.

—Who's there?

From the trees, a small figure stumbled out. It was a young boy, covered in wounds and with terror in his eyes.

—Help…! —he whispered before collapsing.

Leonhardt caught him before he hit the ground.

—Evelyn, we need to get him back!

She nodded, and without wasting time, they hurried back.

The Boy's Awakening

Back at Leonhardt's house, Freya and Saya helped clean the boy's wounds. When he woke up, fear was still evident in his eyes.

—It's okay, you're safe —Leonhardt said in a calm voice.

The boy looked at them, tears welling up in his eyes.

—They… took them…


—The monsters with horns…

Leonhardt and Saya exchanged glances. It couldn't be a coincidence.

—I need to find out more about this —Leonhardt said.

Evelyn nodded.

—And this time, we go better prepared.

Leonhardt knew that something big was happening. And he was determined to uncover the truth.
