Every person has the ability to influence reality to some extent by setting and achieving goals, but some are more successful than others. To achieve a goal, a sufficient amount of strength and energy is necessary, which not all people possess. Willpower is the ability to accumulate and wisely invest energy in necessary projects, without wasting it on trivial matters.
To develop willpower, one needs to get acquainted with two concepts: "Concentration" and "Re-concentration." Techniques that develop concentration skills help you learn to keep your mind on one object, i.e., the chosen goal. It is also important to be able to accumulate energy and direct it towards problem-solving.
Unselfish people are often very energetic and have a great deal of willpower. Such individuals are given energy from above, and higher powers are interested in people learning to live not only for themselves. Therefore, altruistic projects can receive more support. Through reincarnating from life to life, the soul acquires higher life orientations and an increasingly powerful will.
The goals and desires of such people are completely subordinate to their will. The ability to develop such willpower is largely associated with the rejection of desires for oneself.
What is Willpower?
To determine how to cultivate willpower in oneself, one must first determine the personality traits inherent in a strong-willed person. Willpower finds expression in the following skills!"
The ability to concentrate all attention on one goal
The ability to manage life energy: to accumulate it and wisely invest it
in habits of giving up weaknesses and small joys self-discipline and self-control, the ability to motivate oneself to do hard work.
Faith in oneself and one's strengths will is the active force of life in the universe. It is the cause of the movement of heavenly bodies, the circulation of blood through the veins of people and animals, the flowering of plants, and so on the laws of nature and all the countless forms of life manifested in the Universe are an expression of the will of the Creator. Man, as part of the universe, also has free will.
Everyone has the right to choose their own principle of existence,
Live in harmony with nature, be part of the fulfillment of the divine plan just as every seed contains a flower, every action has certain consequences. This is the law of karma.
Why is it Important to Develop Willpower? The memory of the strength or weakness that a person showed in his past incarnations is stored in the subconscious. These impressions of the past are reflected in his habits and inclinations in his present life. Willpower? Training willpower will be useful not only in this incarnation but also in future ones. But, if the body is already burdened with diseases, there is no need to despair.
In order to achieve a higher state of consciousness, one must learn to control one's thoughts and feelings. Developing willpower will help to gradually calm the mind and learn to keep it clean. A calm mind is capable of experiencing even severe physical pain without problems.
Today, our planet is dominated by the law. Understanding how to strengthen willpower will help prevent becoming a weak-willed slave of the system. The climax makes people weak by offering to exchange all their energy and development potential for pleasure and the purchase of fashionable goods. Mankind, which regularly "drains" all its energy, is easier to manage, and if necessary, its population can be reduced.
The system implants in people's minds the desires, needs and false goals. Unfortunately, this is done purely in the interests of the ruling system. You need to be able to resist fashionable social trends and be ready to swim against the current. Willpower is indispensable.
When a strong person refuses violence, this is an indicator of their noble qualities. But if the weak play the role of a "tolerant intellectual," this is cowardice. If someone is destined to evolve, by the providence of the Universe, he will meet with the knowledge of how to increase willpower.
Despite the fact that a person has apparent freedom of thoughts, desires, and actions, his position in life is due to karma. However, thanks to willpower, one can change the course of future events and one's destiny.
Throughout life, people often have to make a choice between good and evil, right and wrong. This choice determines their future. Dark side of his personality — evil, greedy, envious, and conceited — a person himself creates his suffering. To get rid of life's problems, one needs to work on oneself and one's character.
"First understand that your world is only a reflection of yourself, and
Even when the whole world is opposed, a person can change the surrounding reality. It is important to remember that no effort in this direction is in vain. It's just that the result of efforts does not always appear right away.
How Willpower is Related to Energy
Problems with the will — laziness, insecurity, shyness are signs of a lack of energy. An energetic person will never have problems with willpower. A lazy person can beat himself with his heel in the chest as much as he likes, telling others about what a fine fellow he is. However, if his whole life is spent in comfort, the potential of such a person will not be revealed.
In this sense, the question "How to pump willpower?" can be divided into two points:Where to get energy: How not to "drain" the accumulated potential: How to Store Energy any reasonable unselfish and self-restraints will help strengthen the "muscle" of the will and accumulate energy. Unselfish brings the mind into a state and leads to spiritual evolution.
If you delves into the biographers of great personalities or any significant figures of the past, it turns out that they all experienced periods of hardship and deprivation. It could be in prison, famine, war, or voluntary ascetic practices. In the fire of unstable mind, their obscurations were burned, allowing their consciousness to rise to a higher level. Therefore, these people were able to leave a bright mark in the memory of mankind.
It should be noted that with unselfish, one must know the measure and boundaries.
Arranging excessive executions for oneself can harm one's health. An ascetic lifestyle gives energy. However, in modern realities, energy tends to flown away, like sand running through fingers.
How to Save Energy: The moment one is enjoying, one's energy is expended. The system teach people to regularly and voluntarily release all. The system offers affordable and cheap drugs: alcohol, cigarettes, vapes, etc. Even the cheapest "junk" food, due to the abundance of flavor enhancers and other chemicals, delivers "heavenly pleasure."
Willpower Training Techniques of
Good Habits.
It can be anything that requires some effort on oneself. A prerequisite is that the habit must be healthy. For example, one can start taking contrast a cold showers in the morning. This method strengthens the mind and body very well.Grass walking bare feet.
A healthy habit doesn't have to be radical. One can always start small. The stress from such practices should be commensurate with the capabilities of the body and psyche.
Daily Routine
During the day, one needs to stick to a certain plan. The most important thing is to learn how to get up early. And for this, one needs to go to bed on time. In the plan for the day, one needs to include practices that allow one to accumulate energy. It could be yoga or physical exercise.
The mode is a competent combination of load and rest. The ideal rest can be considered a dream, a walk, or meditation.
In addition to training the physical body, one can also train one's mind. There are only two states in which the mind can be:
Attentiveness. In this state, breathing is even and calm, there are no spasms or tension in the muscles of the body. A person in this state is completely dissolved in the object to which his attention is directed and does not notice anything around him.
Absent-mindedness. In this mode of the mind, breathing is frequent and shallow. In this state, people are not able to properly focus on anything.
At every moment throughout his life, a person is either collected or scattered, there is no middle ground. Regular practice of meditation allows one to increase the time that a person spends during the day.
Switching to a Healthy Diet
The type of food affects the amount of energy of a person and the state of his mind. After taking harmful, heavy food, or overeating, one wants to lie down and relax. Regularly eating in this way, the gourmet becomes lethargic and lazy. The body spends all its energy on digestion and excretion of food. There may not be enough resources for volitional effort.
The transition to a healthy diet also requires habits of meditation. All in our cognitive script's.