Unlike in games where a light surrounds the player, there was nothing here; he didn't feel special, nor did his wounds heal... He opened the status screen to see the changes since he didn't notice them on his body.
Strength: 14 *sub-stats unlockable after stat +16
Dexterity: 14 *sub-stats unlockable after stat +16
Constitution: 14 *sub-stats unlockable after stat +16
Intelligence: 14 *sub-stats unlockable after stat +16
Wisdom: 14 *sub-stats unlockable after stat +16
Charisma: 12 *sub-stats unlockable after stat +16
Perception: 14 *sub-stats unlockable after stat +16
Luck: 12 *sub-stats unlockable after stat +16
Life: 14/24
Mana: Locked
Spirit: Locked
Ki: Locked
Skills: Pinpoint Throw 206/1000*Combat
Level: 2; Exp: 1/2000
Job: locked until level 10
"Title: The Persistent Effect: When the character is fighting for more than 1 hour, he ignores fatigue and enters a special state of lucidity, giving a critical probability of +25%."
The changes were noticeable in practice, although I didn't feel more alive or healthier. It was just that fighting was something a little more natural for him, he had experienced all kinds of attacks in the time he had been fighting, and he even knew which movements with his spear were superfluous or useless to kill rats.
He hadn't transformed into a warrior overnight, but it was a more practical, more intangible matter.
The fact is that now that he had become accustomed to receiving attacks, he began to feel them and intuit them, or at least he knew how to react to the most obvious ones. That made the risks of being injured much lower, and taking advantage of the moments to attack was something based more on experience than pure chance.
The spear, which had been heavy before, now felt lighter in his hand, and he no longer lost his breath with each step; the effect of the title was noticeable, it was like when in a test of endurance you pass a certain threshold of tiredness and pain, the body relaxed, entering a state in which things were no longer felt with the same physical intensity.
Ikky knew that this could last forever, but he had to take advantage of the momentum while it lasted.
However, the next death of a rat no longer made him feel so good, it was as if those warm rays of sun had faded a little; they no longer gave him experience points, or rather, he needed to kill 3 rats to gain a measly 1 per thousand of experience...
The effectiveness increased; even the slaughter from the pulpit began to seem monotonous to me. The rats that had terrified him were now just bugs to exterminate; They weren't that scary after seeing how he could kill dozens of them, and the beasts' chances of harming him were very limited, so he reached the end of round 99...
Getting through all those rounds, keeping up that fight had been a surprise for Ikky, who wouldn't have bet a single cent on him at the start of the fight.
Data's voice echoed in his head...
"Round 100 is the last possible round of the coliseum phase; do you want to continue in the coliseum or advance to the next phase?"
He didn't answer right away; with his previous experiments, he knew it wouldn't start until he said something, he had time to catch his breath and relax... He absorbed the essences of the rats from the group of 30 he had just killed and stepped down from the pulpit. Being next to the entrance had been an advantage; enemies couldn't run and had to turn to reach him, but what would come out now? 50 rats?
100? A giant rat?
His experience as a gamer, even if he was a cheater, was that a final round required a final boss. The problem was that it had been 99 rounds with a linear increase in rats. True, they were the same damn bugs, but he had fought thirty rats in the last round.
He had to think and prepare.
Ikky couldn't see a single spectator in the stands, it was as if a fog hid or distorted them, he could sense that they existed, that they were there, even his mind reconstructed them in his head, however his other senses told him that they had to be completely empty, he hadn't heard a single applause, nor a murmur, not even a boo during his first and clumsy moments of fighting.
However, there were many eyes on that fight and the rest that the rest of the players were starring in.
"What do you think of this one?" For me he is so clumsy that he only got this far by pure luck, he deserved to have died because of the first rat..."
"Well I think he did better than the rest, I don't mean fighting but in his tactics, not even I would have thought of using the hole in the statue as cover..."
"He is a cheater, and a useless, this guy will give us problems, I tell you..."
"Well, but we already know the rules we can't intervene... only Vania when the tests are over, and what do you say, as you saw it?"
The aforementioned was asleep in her seat, fights of this type didn't matter to her in the least, they were boring, clumsy and unrealistic for her, she had always wanted to change that first test, but she never managed to convince the rest of the council.
"Bahhhh this is a real pain..."
A serious man looked at the crowd, it seemed that he was the boss of all those gathered.
"What matters is not what a single individual does, our mission is to evaluate these pioneers, and whether it is worth helping them or encouraging them in the future"
A small chorus of voices rose up debating and placing their bets on what would happen in the last round, most of the bets were not in favor of Ikky.
Ikky himself had his doubts about how he should act in the next round, the unknown, the uncertainty was making him rethink the next strategy.