The duel of looks and cowardice was decided when Ikky managed to advance until he was less than three meters away and, taking the spear by the end, from a distance, managed to hit the beast's body with a spear. It was not a serious wound, but that attack prevented the rat from moving from its position, that long weapon cut off any escape route.
The cornered animal did the only expected thing, throwing itself on top of its attacker. Ikky, not having the shield, could not dodge its large body, and one of its claws reached his left arm. Also due to the boy's crouched posture, luckily the beast's mouth did not reach him. Ikky rolled to his right, surrounding the rat queen and managing to open a long wound with his spear in the side of the monstrous animal...
The rat queen advanced forward. He moved to the right in her blind spot, and she jumped... If this were an epic fight between great warriors, we would now say that Ikky managed to dodge the rat's attack.
But Ikky was not only not a warrior, but he was wounded, tired and half lame.
His leg was crushed by the beast's mouth where it bit him. A horrible, unbearable pain reached him, running through the last corner of his brain.
Luckily, the boy was still able to react by attacking the rat that did not let go of its prey, the spear pierced its mouth, and the beast of hell freed his leg from the deadly bite.
Ikky was not worried about the infection that his yellow teeth would leave; it was just the sensation of a torn leg. The calf muscles of Ikky's leg were hanging, showing the bone. Blood was gushing out.
Life: 8/24
Mana: blocked
Spirit: blocked
Ki: blocked
Skills: Precise Throw 206/1000
Level: 2 Exp: 405/2000
Job: blocked until level 10
One of the damned advantages of anatomy is that if a giant rat is eating your leg from the side, it leaves its neck, its body completely at your mercy, fighting to survive and even with the spear in its hand Ikky struck again. The spear this time pierced its neck. But the rat queen bit him again, determined not to give up a victory that was so close. The dirty monster clamped its jaws on the leg and did not let go.
When the beast began to shake its jaws to continue tearing it apart, Ikky overcoming the pain as best he could and struck it again, this time piercing its mouth from one side to the other, almost impaling himself with the spear in the leg.
She let go of him and stepped back, in pain from her wounds, and Ikky was able to crawl back. The rat queen was bleeding, and he was bleeding even more. That colossal monster decided to crush him, it was bigger, heavier. But that was his mistake, the entire weight of a 300-kilo rat fell on the spear and it was inserted into his body without Ikky actually doing anything.
In an epic story the spear would have pierced the beast's heart and it would have died on top of it. But the reality was worse, reality is always worse than an epic story. The spear only pierced one of the beast's lungs, it was mortally wounded, yes, but death would not come imminently. Ikky crawled to the side without being able to retrieve the spear while the rat queen's claws tore at his shoulder.
With a spear through his lung, the rat was not at its best, it was spitting blood from its mouth, it could barely move with the spear sticking out of its body from behind...
The player came out from under the monster's body on its right side, between its front and back legs. From that position he couldn't scratch it... he couldn't bite it... But the rat wasn't much better either, it was bleeding out by the second... it wasn't fast but it was certain that it wouldn't remain conscious for more than a minute...
He grabbed the rat's hair and stood up making a superhuman effort for the pain and the state he was in. His torn shoulder hurt, and his body was battered after fighting a thousand rats and that damn beast, but he stood up gathering his last strength and courage. With pain and effort, he grabbed onto the rat's hair until he climbed up to its rump. From above, the spear that protruded from the other part of the body.
The heroic thing would be to say that he broke the protruding part of the spear and stabbed the beast to death, but Ikky had neither the strength nor the way to do that. He did what he thought would cause more damage and pain to the monster. He began to move the tip of the spear and consequently the entire spear in circles, expanding and applying force against the edges so that each time the circle became wider and the pain of the rat was greater.
The rat shuddered in agony, spitting blood but with enough force to knock him down with a jolt. Ikky's body fell to the ground... he had no strength to get up again.
The monster lay motionless in a pool of blood, Ikky lay next to it lying face up breathing with great difficulty. The loser of the fight would be the first to stop breathing.
The spectators who had previously bet against the player, had now seen a lesson in courage, strength, and determination.
"Didn't it seem like a great fight?"
"This guy is a loser, a lucky one I admit, but I prefer the guy with the Katana or the one with the two swords, they know how to fight..."
"However, they haven't reached the finals of the arena..."
"This test isn't designed for anyone to reach the finals, it's a test of wear and tear, a test of courage, but that guy there is promising..."
Vania had seen this last fight, and had been very impressed with the performance of that poor boy, although it was true that she couldn't intervene in the tutorial, that didn't mean she couldn't have a favorite among all those fighters.