The arrival was, as always, a feeling of nonexistence and another of falling; it was like returning to the body after having drowned. Ikky was in a large round plaza at least 30 meters in diameter; fourteen streets went out in all directions, and the center of the plaza was presided over by a statue of what seemed to be a goddess.
The walls were high, pearl-colored and ended in a ribbed vault at least ten meters high, but the most striking thing in the entire room was undoubtedly the statue.
It was a colossal statue, more than 5 meters high, but the strangest thing was that no matter how much you moved, the statue always looked at you or that was Ikky's feeling. Willing to understand the trick or see if the pedestal rotated in some way, Ikky began to run around, however he did not detect any movement in the pedestal, somehow the statue was always facing him. It was as if the creator had made a magic effect so that no one could see the statue's back and bottom.