
It's not hard to guess that the color of the walls of the tunnel for the mana of darkness was black, nor would it be hard to say that there was not a single torch lit or in sight. It was a paradise of total darkness, where seeing in black and white was of little use, he could barely see the outlines of the walls, it was like being deprived of reality.

Ikky projected his air mana to make a second mental image to complement his dim vision; unlike the rest of the corridors, this one was not straight; it soon turned at an angle and then branched off.

Choosing a direction in the darkness was betting on his own life, luckily with all his experience Ikky now had many more resources.

He expanded his earth mana to the maximum, and what appeared in his mind was a labyrinth of nooks, dead-end tunnels, crossroads that would take you back to the beginning of the path.