Statue room

Ikky emerged from the frozen valley and was about to return to the main hallway when Data's voice echoed in his head.

"Congratulations to the player for being the first to accomplish the unusual feat of freeing 23 souls inhabiting the shrine."

He didn't know what it would mean to have accomplished such an unusual feat, but the tutorial was getting closer and closer, so he would find out soon enough.

The potion he had taken had long since worn off, making the cold in the hallway difficult to handle.

Thanks to a bit of air and fire mana, the boy managed to stabilize the surrounding temperature a bit. He was already beginning to enter the final part of the shrine, and that still made him somewhat anxious. What would await him next?

Further down the hallway, there was another door to his right. Come on, there's not much left, Ikky told himself to encourage himself. He adjusted his equipment, prepared himself, and opened the door.