A really old friend

Ikky came over and gave Elsine a hug, a warm and gentle one that caught her by surprise. She wouldn't have expected it from the Ikky she met in her room a few days ago, the thirty-something had kept enough distance inside the small suite for her to think that either he didn't like women or at least he wasn't good at interacting with them.

However, now he was acting with overwhelming confidence and naturalness. It's not that the boy suddenly started acting like a tough guy, it's just that he didn't avoid physical and eye contact like he had the first time she met him. It's as if in this game he could show himself as he really was confident, strong, and attractive. 

But what Elsine didn't understand was what had caused that release in Ikky.

What had he experienced in the tutorial to change so much? The boy spoke anyway before the situation became awkward.