They were facing each other, but their gazes did not reflect anger, only the excitement of the fierce fight. Zendra headbutted him, breaking the Scotsman's nose, but he not only returned it, causing double damage, but also squeezed her body even more with his herculean arms.
"Give up; there is no dishonor in this fight..." Darius told her...
"I'd rather be dead..." The Icelander's response came in the form of a bite on Darius's cheek.
He screamed and loosened his grip a little, enough for the blonde to kick him in the balls.
Darius fell to his knees, doubled over in pain, while Zendra, with her mouth full of blood, spat out a piece of meat.
The group watched the fight worriedly, it was getting out of hand, although the fact that they were not looking at each other with hatred but with admiration confused them. Everyone expected this to end here, but Darius took advantage of the impasse to grab the blonde by the ankle and knock her down.