Shiro vs Ikky

There is no way to describe the expectation for that fight, without a doubt Shiro was the most talented player, followed perhaps by Karslan. But Ikky's performance had not been bad at all, and the entire audience sensed that this player, as tricky as he was, knew what he was doing and must have many tricks still up for that final show.

Now the question was to see what level Ikky could be at. They already knew of his ability, but really, if it weren't for belittling Zendra, this would be a fight against the number one in the ranking. It was like when a contender with little experience faces the world boxing champion. There was always room for surprises but the bets were clearly tilted towards the favorite.

If we had to judge Ikky at that moment by his appearance and behavior, we would say that he was relaxed. He stretched his arms a little like any athlete would do before starting the competition.